don’t fear the retrogrades


a quick road map to navigate the current astrological energy

Welcome to retrograde season! It’s that time of the year when a majority of our inner + outer planets appear to be moving backwards from here on Earth.

We too can slow down and retrace our steps. But of course, the Universe works in chaotic ways!

Return to this survival guide through the beginning of 2023 if you’re looking for guidance amid the wild ride of retrograde season!


Buckle up! Retrograde season is in FULL swing when Mercury begins its backspin. All of our outer planets are already retrograde, but when our inner-most planet follows suit, we'll really be feeling the slow down. Mercury Retrograde is notorious for causing tech glitches and communication breakdowns. Double check travel plans, text messages, and tech devices. Wires are easily crossed over the next month. Watch your words too- it's easier to let information slip to the wrong person with Mercury in relationship-focused Libra. Loose lips sink ships... Use this transit to your advantage by reviewing plans and revisiting any unfinished discussions.


Watch yourself! Aggressive reactions could catch us by surprise as Mars moves back through Gemini. What games have you been playing? This is a time to review though processes and the reactions that follow. What information have you been overlooking before taking action? What activities are you participating in and who are you being influenced by? With Mars in intellectual Gemini, this transit could be a bit of a head trip… Step-by-step revisions might help.


The planet of abundance and optimism stands still on July 28th as it switches direction, beginning a 4-month backspin. From now until November 23, we have an opportunity to review how much we've grown so far this year. What have you learned? How have you expanded? By appreciating our progress so far, we become magnetic for more of what's going well. This can also be a moment to slow down and correct course if we've overextended ourselves in certain areas. How can you set yourself up to keep growing and learning?


The Father of the Zodiac stations retrograde from June 4 to October 22, asking us to inspect our foundation and make sure we're standing on solid ground. Saturn is also associated with big lessons, making this 4-month period a time of karmic reflection. We'll be reviewing structures, systems, and the ways we are (or aren't) disciplined. We could revisit old rules and review current laws or policies. Any blurry boundaries or faulty foundations will be revealed. Some structures could break down in order for new ones to be built. With Saturn in Aquarius, we will likely come out of this retrograde with new collective perspectives. Saturn asks us what will stand the test of time.


When the planet of rebellion begins its backspin, we can review the progress we've made. Technological advancements could come under the microscope. Current revolutions could gain renewed attention. Between now and January 22, 2023, expect heightened awareness about the physical changes happening on the planet. This is a time to revise our trajectory for innovation. On a personal level, we might find ourselves reviewing what it means to be authentic and what causes are truly important to us.


Neptune's annual retrograde pulls back the curtain on the illusions we've been buying into. Deception could be revealed over the next five months. This feels like a behind-the-scenes look at the mechanisms that create the projections of our reality. We're invited to go back and review any points of confusion, Blurry boundaries could become more defined. We might also be forced to review our own sense of faith and belief. Concepts of universal love and higher consciousness could come up individually and collectively between now and December 3.


Retrograde season began with Pluto starting its backspin through Capricorn. Just when you thought the planet of death and rebirth was making its way out of the sign of the goat, Pluto buys a little more time here. While Pluto has been making its slow, yet powerful trek through Capricorn, we've seen structures crumble and collective lessons learned. We could be forced to review the transformation that has taken place so far in order to complete our metamorphosis. Secrets or true intentions could be revealed over the next five months. Pluto will be retrograde until October 8, 2022.


With the Wounded Healer in its five-month backspin, we could be forced to review the healing journey we've been on. Chiron in Aries has put the focus on childhood trauma and many of us have been doing inner-work to address old wounds. Anything we've been avoiding could come out of the shadows during this retrograde. This is not a transit to be feared, but rather an opportunity to address the wounds we've been carrying inside of us and gain new perspectives about how to take care of them. With Chiron in Aries, the focus is on self-healing.

we can all breathe a sigh of relief when retrograde season comes to a close on January 22, 2023!