2/6/22 ✨ Mars Square Chiron

✨ Happy SUN Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I observe intense emotions as powerful teachers.



Mars squares off to Chiron to begin our Sunday, which could trigger any unhealed childhood wounds. If we haven’t realized or expressed how much we were hurt by a certain situation, we could be forced to face reality today. This aspect could also make us feel the need to act out. Be careful not to let your inner-toddler run the show. Temper tantrums are possible. Instead, use this energy to push forward in your healing journey and help others along theirs.

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The moon hangs out in Aries for most of the day, energetically carrying us through the weekend. We can make progress on projects or start new ones. Physical movement will nurture us emotionally.


The passionate Aries moon squares off to Mercury in Capricorn, starting our Sunday on a tense note. Watch your words- especially if you’re feeling irritable. Arguments can start easily. Our emotions and rational mind are clashing with each other under this aspect. It could be easy to let something not-so-nice slip if you’re not intentional about how you’re communicating.


The moon forms that same 90º angle to Pluto, intensifying our already fiery emotions. This makes us prone to power struggles as we tend to be more obsessive, competitive, and compulsive. Taking time away from a situation could actually be the best way to navigate this energy. If powerful emotions are coming up, ask what they’re trying to show you. This transit could actually lead to a breakthrough if you allow it to.

MOON IS VOID FROM NOON - 3:00 PM - This is not the time to start a new project. If tempers flared earlier in the weekend, this is a lovely time to patch things up as the void moon puts a damper on the energy.

🌓MOON ➡️ TAURUS ♉️ (3:00 PM PT)

The waning moon moves into Taurus on Sunday evening as we inch closer to the first quarter phase. Gather resources and get grounded in your physical environment as you end the weekend. Finding emotional stability in your home and surroundings can help you feel more prepared for the week ahead.


Power struggles are definitely possible today. The passionate Aries moon forms back-to-back squares with Mercury and Pluto, making us more reactive, obsessive, and competitive. This is not the time to prove a point. Instead, try to slow down and align with you long-term goals before taking any action. In the background, Mars squares off to Chiron, allowing our inner-child to take the wheel if our wounds are triggered. Can you say temper tantrums? The silver lining of this highly reactive day is the potential for healing and transformation if we can take a step back and ask what intense emotions are showing us. By the end of the weekend, the waning moon slips into Taurus, helping us get more grounded and comfortable in our physical environment.

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2/7/22 ✨ Moon Conjunct Uranus


2/5/22 ✨ Moon Sextile Sun