2/14/22 ✨ Mars Conjunct Venus + Mercury >> Aquarius

✨ Happy Moon Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I attract what I am and I am love.


♑️MARS CONJUNCT ♑️VENUS (February 12 - March 12)

Over the next month, masculine Mars and feminine Venus transits side-by-side through Capricorn. This transit creates an air of attraction and sexual passion. You can think of the energy like two magnets coming close enough to one another to snap together. This is an excellent time to start a new relationship or deepen a current one. Attractions will be strong over the next month, and with these planets in the stable sign of Capricorn, new flames can burn for the long haul. In other areas of life, we can assert ourselves in a way that still feels cooperative and gentle. We’ll be motivated to work towards goals that truly align with our values and provide financial security. We might also be more creative, especially in ways that involve using our body like dancing or creating physical art.


We can revisit innovative ideas or resolutions we set in January, the last time Mercury moved into the sign of the water bearer before its backspin pushed the planet of communication back into Capricorn. When Messenger Mercury is in the innovative sign of Aquarius, we are open to new perspectives. We think and speak a little differently and we enjoy learning about new information and technology.

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The moon opposes Mercury just before both bodies move into new signs. This can scatter our thoughts as we ping-pong back and forth between our practical, rational mind and our emotional awareness.

🌔MOON ➡️ LEO ♌️ (3:30 AM PT)

The moon enters Leo early Monday morning, igniting our passions just in time for Valentine’s Day! When the moon in the sign of the Lion, we feel more loyal to the people we hold close to our heart and we’re more inclined to express ourselves. Expect the drama to be turned up a notch leading up to the full moon.


As the moon harmonizes with Chiron, we are aware of our insecurities and wounds and able to actually use them to fully express and understand ourselves. Under this fortunate angle, sharing our healing can bring positive affects.


The moon makes an awkward connection to Jupiter in Pisces as we end our day, asking us what needs to be released before Wednesday’s full moon in order for us to fully align with the abundance we’re calling in. Have we gone overboard in any areas? What parts of ourselves do we still need to embrace before letting our hair down under the light of the Leo moon?


The temperature is heating up just in time for the most romantic day of the year! Mars and Venus come into a conjunction, traveling through Capricorn hand-in-hand over the next month. As our masculine and feminine energies merge, we could find ourselves in a magnetic attraction. Whether your Valentine is someone new, someone you’ve known for years, (or someone you haven’t even met yet,) you can expect passions to rise in romance. The moon moves into Leo, setting the stage for dramatic flare. Expressing love and affection comes more easily when the moon is in the sign of the lion. The grander the gesture, the better. Lean into the love today.

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2/15/22 ✨ Sun Square North Node


2/13/22 ✨ Moon Opposite Pluto