2/16/22 ✨ Full Moon in Leo

✨ Happy Mercury Day!

✨ scroll to the bottom of the page for your full moon horoscope! ✨

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: My passions show me what makes me feel alive.


🌕FULL MOON AT 27º LEO ♌️ (9:00 AM PT)

This might just be the most dramatic full moon of the year! The Leo moon ignites our passions and expression. We tend to be more bold or brazen under this lunation. Leo rules the inner-child, asking us to tap into our child-like joy and choose activities that allow us to be fully seen. Leo is also most commonly associated with the ego - beware of focusing too much on yourself or your image as emotions are heightened under this full moon.


As the moon becomes full, it forms a T-square to the North and South Nodes. This marks a moment of destiny. A crossroads. We could be forced to make a decision that will bring us closer to our destiny or bring out our shadows. We can use the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio to reflect on our values and where we’re placing our energy. What direction will bring you closer to a place of joy and authenticity?


The moon forms an imbalanced angle to Pluto as it becomes full, making us aware of our shadows and the transformation we’re experiencing. This aspect can show us what’s holding us back from fully shining our light. This is an opportunity to release fear and lean into courage.

♑️VENUS CONJUNCT ♑️MARS (exact at 6:30 AM PT)

The planets of love, passion, and desire transit side-by-side through Capricorn over the next month. Learn more about this transit here.

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🌕MOON ➡️VIRGO ♍️ (1:00 PM PT)

The moon enters the modest sign of Virgo on Wednesday afternoon, making us want to button-up and analyze what occurred under the drama of the full moon. We’re more critical when the moon is in the sign of the virgin as we’re more aware of details. But the Virgo moon also encourages us to express our emotions through practical acts of service.


The moon makes an imbalanced connection to Mercury, which could leave us pondering (or over-analyzing) many possibilities. The uncertainty of life could feel uncomfortable. The moon is now in its waning phase, asking us what we need to release in order to see the intentions we set under the new moon fully come to fruition.


Hello drama! The full moon in Leo might just be the most serendipitous lunation of 2022! Life has felt a little bit like a telenovela over the past few days with the moon in the most theatrical and bold sign of the zodiac. As the moon becomes full, it squares off to the North and South Nodes and connects with Pluto, marking a moment of destiny and transformation. This is a time to release fears and muster the courage to express your most authentic, amazing self! To top it off, Mars and Venus come into an exact conjunction this morning, enhancing the energy of attraction. Passions could run high today! When the moon enters Virgo this afternoon and makes an uncomfortable connection to Mercury, we could find ourselves over-analyzing what played out under the full moon. Instead of getting stuck in your head, ask how you can use or share what you’ve learned to help others.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the new moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♌️LEO: How are you showing up in the world, Leo? This full moon brings a powerful opportunity to assess your self-expression as it lights up your first house. Does your appearance match how you feel internally? Ask what the child version of yourself would think about how you’re presenting today.

♋️CANCER: This full moon could bring new income or job opportunities. With this moon in Leo, the sign of self, this is a time to reflect on your self-worth. Do you feel worthy of the things you’re trying to manifest? Tapping into your confidence and scan help you manifest physical wealth and abundance.

♊️GEMINI: You’ll be feeling especially chatty and curious under today’s full moon! Conversations could come up around matters of the heart under the Leo moon. Pay attention to how you’re communicating- are you showing up with love and compassion or is your ego taking the wheel? Is your most authentic self coming through in the dialogue?

♉️TAURUS: The Leo full moon could bring up some family drama or illuminate your home life. There’s an opposition playing out between what goes on behind closed doors and how you express yourself to the outside world. Embracing the whole story and leaning into the lessons of your ancestors can help you find deeper authenticity.

♈️ARIES: Have some FUN under the full moon, Aries! You might be feeling more creative and expressive today. You can share what’s on your heart more easily, especially if you’re enjoying time with loved ones. What activities light you up? What makes your inner-child happy? Find ways to enjoy life a little more today.

♓️PISCES: Boundaries? What are those?? This full moon gives you an opportunity to ask how you can fill up your own cup before helping others. As much as you love to hold a compassionate space for your people, this is a time to focus on yourself and release any habits that are keeping you from feeling your best. Pay close attention to your routine and what small, daily tasks are supporting your well being.

♒️AQUARIUS: The Leo Full Moon lights up your 7th house, putting the focus on your partnerships. There’s a juxtaposition between your independent self versus your desire to be in a relationship. Are you allowing yourself to be fully expressed in the company of others? Release anything holding you back from forming deeper relationships with other people (romantic or platonic.)

♑️CAPRICORN: You’ve been through the ringer over the past two months and this full moon could feel like an emotional culmination of the transformation you’ve been experiencing. Reflect on what has already fallen away and what still needs to be released in order for you to show up as your best self. Are there any fears or energetic ties that are holding you back? Getting intimate with yourself and your own shadows can bring powerful realizations under the Leo Full Moon.

♐️SAGITTARIUS: How do you want to grow and expand this year, Sag? This full moon could illuminate your desire to learn something new or different. Whether you’re booking a trip or enrolling in a new spiritual course, the Leo Full Moon is supporting a major up-level for you. Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone can bring fortunate opportunities.

♏️SCORPIO: Although you tend to enjoy your privacy, this full moon puts you in the spotlight! Career promotions or recognition are possible. This lunation could bring you one step closer to your long-term goals. Tap into your confidence under today’s Leo energy and ask what’s holding you back from being fully seen and appreciated for your talents. The world needs your expression.

♎️LIBRA: This Leo Full Moon is asking you to step up as a leader. Tap into your courageous heart and recognize the influence you have not only in your close circle of friends, but in your broader community as well. What issues are important to you? Sharing about you passions can have a ripple effect. Step into your power today.

♍️VIRGO: What do you need to let go of, Virgo? As the Leo Full moon transits through your 12th house, you’re more aware of what cycles are ending. You might be feeling more emotional as chapters are closing and more aware of your own mortality. Reflect on what beliefs are no longer serving you and don’t be afraid to dive deep into your subconscious in the process. This full moon brings a powerful opportunity for healing, closure, and rest.

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