3/18/22 ✨ Full Moon in Virgo

✨ Happy Venus Day!

✨ scroll to the bottom of the page for your full moon horoscope! ✨

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I release anything that is not on the path of my highest good.


🌕 FULL MOON AT 27º VIRGO ♍️ (12:00 AM PT)

The full moon in Virgo asks us to cleanse and purify so we can start fresh under this weekend’s Spring Equinox. Virgo energy is very analytical, but with Mercury opposing this full moon in Pisces, we’re asked to rely on our intuition and psychic sensitivities rather than our rational mind. The final hours of the astrological year ask us to Marie Kondo our lives and get rid of anything that no longer brings magic into your life.

Many people have been experiencing intense dreams during Pisces season, bringing unfinished business into our subconscious awareness. Pay attention to any patterns that have come up. They can provide insight on what needs to be released under this full moon. This is also a time to break bad habits or align with a routine that’s going to keep you on the path towards your healthiest self in the Spring.

Virgo is the sign of service. If you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed under this full moon, focus on how you can help others through the work you’re doing on yourself.


When Venus in Aquarius gets support from Chiron in Aries on Friday morning, we could find a moment of healing. As we close out the astrological year, this transit helps us reflect on how much healing we’ve done and apply effort where there is still healing potential- especially when it comes to love and money.


The Pisces sun and Pluto lock into a supportive angle mid-day, asking us to lean into our own transformation. This aspect carries the energy of closure, endings, and release. Loosening your grip or letting go completely can be a potent way to show the universe you’re ready for a level-up. We can also expect increased power, determination, and sexual energy.

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The full moon harmonizes with Pluto, amplifying the intensity of the lunation. We can flow through transformation with ease at this moment. Our psychic senses may be heightened and we’re able to work with the energy available to us. This transit can also nudge us to do a deep dive into our own subconscious as we release anything holding us back from our highest good.

🌕 MOON ➡️ LIBRA ♎️ (4:30 AM PT)

The full moon enters Libra before Sunrise, bringing balance and harmony to our Venus Day. We tend to be more affectionate and peaceful when the moon is in the sign of the scales. Our relationships nurture us. Life will seem a little more beautiful this weekend.

♎️ MOON TRINE ♒️ MARS (9:00 PM PT)

The moon goes quiet for most of the day until it forms a flowing angle to Mars on Friday night. This aspect gives us a burst of energy and invites us to take the lead or put ourselves out there. And with the moon in diplomatic Libra, we can be assertive but kind in the same breath.


The moon opposes Chiron at midnight, which could force us to face any unfinished healing. This is the universe giving us another chance for release before Aries season begins and we start a new lap around the zodiac wheel. Pay attention to what’s coming up for you and give yourself credit for how far you’ve already come.


♒️ VENUS SQUARE ♉️ URANUS (exact tomorrow), ♓️ SUN SQUARE ♊️ LILITH


The final full moon of the astrological year asks for release, closure and healing. The Virgo moon harmonizes with Pluto as it becomes full, bringing a powerful moment to let go and alchemize so we can begin Aries season with a clean slate. The healing Pisces sun gets support from Pluto as well, helping us bring our shadows into the light. The moon enters balanced Libra before the sunrise on Friday morning, ushering in more harmony, beauty, and affection for the weekend. By the end of the day, the moon harmonizes with Mars, giving us confidence and energy. Angles between the moon, Venus, and Chiron allow for healing potential throughout the day. Trust you’re ready for your transformation.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising sign!)

♍️ VIRGO: It’s your time to shine, Virgo! This full moon in your first house illuminates your sense of self. Celebrate YOU. This is an opportunity to further love and accept yourself. Fill up your own cup. Remember who you are.

♌️ LEO: This full moon brings awareness to your values and resources. With the focus on your second house, this full moon also puts the focus on your relationship with money. What do you really want? This is a time to free yourself from labels that no longer feel supportive or aligned and change the narrative.

♋️ CANCER: Speak your truth under this full moon, Cancer. Conversations can be helpful in processing emotions. This is also a time to bring new information into your awareness- listen to a new song, try writing down a new affirmation, or lean into a new journaling prompt. Inviting in new inspiration can help you purge and wipe the slate clean before the new year.

♊️ GEMINI: The full moon lands in your 4th house of home and family. Cleaning your home can be a powerful signal to the universe that you’re ready to invite in new energy and get grounded for the new year. This is also a time to release expectations of the people closest to you. Spending time with loved ones will feel especially nurturing.

♉️ TAURUS: This is a time to let your guard down and let loose under the light of the full moon! Show the world the most fun, playful version of yourself. And share your magic! Invite people to celebrate with you! This can act as an energetic reset and the planetary transits are supporting you!

♈️ ARIES: The Virgo Full Moon invites you to take a closer look at your routines and formulate a plan as the sun prepares to enter your first house. Slow down and pay attention to the small practices that make up the big picture you’re trying to paint. Even something as simple as implementing a morning routine can set the stage for success in the astrological new year.

♓️ PISCES: The full moon opposes your rising sign, Pisces, highlighting the duality between self and others. How much are you giving to others? How much are you nurturing yourself? And how can you find more balance between the two? Release expectations in relationships and, instead, ask for what you need.

♒️ AQUARIUS: This full moon could feel especially intense as it moves through your 8th house of shadows and energetic contracts. This is a time to release any blockages holding you back from being reborn in the Spring. Alternatively, draw in more of the energy you want to attract. Doing so can leave you with a renewed sense of power in the new astrological year. This is a pivotal moment for you.

♑️ CAPRICORN: Celebrate your growth, Capricorn! This year has been far from easy for you so far. Take a moment under this full moon to acknowledge how much expansion you’ve undergone in the past few months. This full moon brings more clarity and appreciation to your journey. This is the time to share your growth and tell your story.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: This full moon could bring recognition for your hard work and the strides you’ve made towards your long-term goals. The energy of the Virgo Full Moon brings a more grounded, mature approach and invites you to step into a leadership role. You’re ready to level up. This full moon feels like a graduation. Show up as the boss you are!

♏️ SCORPIO: The full moon lands in your 11th house of community and technology. Pay attention to how many connections you’ve made in the past year and how you’ve impacted the people in your circle. As Pluto activates this full moon, it could feel especially transformative for Scorpio risings. But you don’t have to do it alone. Allow your protective guard to drop and lean into support from your community. People want to support you!

♎️ LIBRA: The Virgo Full Moon lit up your 12th house, bringing awareness to endings and closure. This is a time of self-reflection. Release any beliefs or habits that won’t serve you in the new year. Give yourself rest and space for healing. Let it go and let it flow!

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


3/19/22 ✨ Venus Square Uranus


3/17/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Uranus