3/31/22 ✨ New Moon in Aries

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I trust my deepest desires are pointing me in the direction of my destiny.



We could experience a shift in values under this new moon as Venus forms a fated T-square to the North and South Nodes. This transits asks us to use love to reflect on lessons of the past and unlock our future purpose. In this tense “T,” Venus is our focal point. With Venus in eccentric Aquarius, the planet of love asks us to reconsider what we value or find beautiful. Forcing ourselves to see from a new perspective could propel us forward in the direction of our destiny. This is what we are here to learn.

🌑 NEW MOON IN ARIES (11º) 11:30 PM PT

The new moon greets us late Thursday night, bringing with it a rush of fresh energy in. We’ll have the raw motivation and drive to set intentions and hit the ground running! Starting a new project or endeavor is highly favored under this transit. Aries energy is all about the self, putting the focus on our own desires and asking us how we want to show up in the world.

This new moon packs a healing punch, though, as Chiron and Mercury both transit within a few degrees. Chiron is the Wounded Healer, representing our deepest wounds and our ability to unlock them. Don’t be surprised if old triggers reappear in the next few days. There’s also a strong emphasis on healing communication as messenger Mercury follows closely behind. Profound realizations or conversations could light a fire under us to propel us forward or launch us in an entirely new direction over the next few days.

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🌘 MOON ➡️ ARIES ♈️ (2:30 AM PT)

The moon enters Aries overnight, bringing with it a fresh energy to work with as the moon becomes new. We can start new projects under this transit and tap into our true motivations and desires. We have the drive and stamina to achieve our goals under this lunation.


When the Aries moon meets up with the planet of communication on Thursday night, our emotions and thoughts become one. Mercury moves very quickly, allowing our moods to shift quickly under this aspect. This is a beautiful moment for a healing conversation as both of these bodies move toward a conjunction to Wounded Healer Chiron. The key though, is slowing down enough to really process emotions, rather than making snap judgements or acting on impulse.


We may be nearly two weeks into the astrological new year, but tonight’s New Moon in Aries really ushers in the fresh energy and motivation to get movin’! This new moon marks a new beginning in more ways than one- With Chiron and Mercury transiting very close by, a healing conversation or realization could launch us on an entirely new path. Old triggers could pop up to propel us forward. Venus is also forming a fated T-square to the North and South Nodes, forcing a change in our values or desires. Leaning into love and beauty can unlock this tense transit, allowing us to move in the direction of our highest purpose.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the new moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♈️ ARIES: New moon, new you. If you’re an Aries rising, this new moon will transit through your first house, reviving your purpose. It could feel like you’re stepping into an entirely new version of yourself. You could even feel a spontaneous urge to refresh your appearance.

♓️ PISCES: The Aries New moon lands in your second house of values and possessions, giving you a renewed drive to get that dough! You might find more motivation to work towards a goal or attain something you’ve been desiring under this new moon. Setting intentions around a new financial endeavor or business pursuit could lead to success in cycle ahead!

♒️ AQUARIUS: It’s time to speak up, Aquarius! This new moon lands in your third house of communication. You might find a newfound desire to learn something new or explore a new concept. If you’ve already done your fair share of research, this new moon brings prime energy to share what you’ve learned- especially with Mercury transiting nearby.

♑️ CAPRICORN: This new moon asks you to bring new energy into your home and family, Capricorn. Simply smudging your space with sage or inviting in new energy through crystals or cleaning could bring an entirely new outlook. If you’ve been thinking about a change of scenery, this new moon brings an opportunity to call in your next home or set intentions around your living situation.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: You’ll love the assignment from this Aries New Moon, Sag… Express yourself and have some F-U-N. With the new moon landing in your fifth house, this is the perfect opportunity to set intentions with your inner-child in mind. We know you have grand plans, Sagittarius, but make sure you’re enjoying the process of executing them along the way.

♏️ SCORPIO: The Aries New Moon asks you to create a new pattern, Scorpio. There’s an emphasis on your health with the moon landing in your sixth house, asking you to use the ample energy of this lunation to set intentions around your wellness routine. The energy of the sixth house asks us to pay attention to the small, daily tasks that make up the whole movement.

♎️ LIBRA: This new moon lands in your seventh house, highlighting your partnerships and relationships. During Aries season, we are focused on the self- something that can be uncomfortable for people-pleasing Libra energy. How much are you giving to others? Set intentions around filling up your own cup can help you attract people into your life who can support you as much as you support them.

♍️ VIRGO: It’s time to get in touch with your deepest desires and motivations, Virgo. This new moon lands in your shadowy eighth house, asking you to check your energetic bonds or limiting beliefs. You can’t launch forward on a new endeavor if you’re still energetically tied to things in your past. We have ample energy to create something new once we’ve fully released.

♌️ LEO: The Aries New Moon can expand your horizons- physically and metaphorically. Set intentions around exploration, adventure, and knowledge. Enrolling in a new course, booking a trip, or even simply following a new mentor or guide could send a strong energetic signal to the Universe that you’re ready for the next level of your human experience.

♋️ CANCER: This new moon lands in your 10th house of career, bringing a new job opportunity or fresh acknowledgment for your achievements. This is the perfect new moon to draft long-term goals or revisit your 5-year plan. You’ll have the motivation to set intentions and then actually start working toward them under this new moon. The moves you make over the next few days could snowball into something bigger than you can imagine over the coming months.

♊️ GEMINI: You could find yourself introduced to a new community under the Aries New Moon, Gemini. Fresh friendships and perspectives are possible as this lunation lands in your 11th house of the collective. This is a beautiful time for networking. Aries energy gives us the confidence to express our unique personalities, helping us create authentic connections.

♉️ TAURUS: While everyone else is honoring new beginnings, you may be experiencing some sort of ending, Taurus. The new moon lands in your 12th house of closure and healing, asking you to surrender to the divine and let go of any rigid plans that may not actually be meant for you. Releasing could actually allow the fresh energy of the Aries moon to bring something unexpected and exciting into your life.

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4/1/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Chiron


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