4/5/23 ✨ Libra Full Moon

✨ Happy Mercury Day!


AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: Life is beautiful.

scroll to the bottom of the page for your horoscope for each sign!



We can understand lessons and make sense of things more easily Mercury and Saturn lock into a supportive angle. This aspect allows us to be the teacher or the student, bringing mental focus and asking us to take things seriously and keep it real. But with Saturn in Pisces, our intuition carries weight as well.

♈️ SUN CONJUNCT ♈️ CHIRON (15º) 3:18 PM PT

The sun and Chiron meet in Aries, shining light on our deepest wounds and illuminating the path on our healing journey. As Chiron has been transiting through the first sign of the zodiac, we’ve experienced a greater emphasis on childhood trauma. If triggers are provoked today, ask what your inner-child needs. Chiron in Aries asks how we can heal our self.

🌕 FULL MOON IN LIBRA ♎️ (16º) 9:34 PM PT

Balance is beautiful. The full moon in Libra illuminates our relationships, asking us to process our emotions through relating to others. This doesn’t just apply to romantic love, but friendships and partnerships as well. With the moon in the sign of balance opposing the sun in Aries, we become aware of how much we're catering to others versus how much we're nourishing ourselves. We crave justice and equality. But in the same breath, it's easier to see the beauty in life, love, and the pursuit of happiness under the blossoming Pink Moon too. This full moon reminds us that we're here to experience pleasure. What can you release to cultivate more harmony?

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We wake up under an aggressive and touchy square between the full moon and Mars. Our emotions are heightened today and even small irritations could cause a flood of feelings. Don’t be surprised if you have difficulty sleeping or a sense of restlessness upon waking.


We can clearly see our wounds as the full moon in Libra mirrors them back to us. As we become more aware of our own pain, we can begin to understand how it affects our relationships with others. Although it may feel painful, this is critical moment along our healing journey.




Tonight’s full moon in Libra illuminates our healing journey. With the moon in the sign of relationships and the sun moving through self-centered Aries, we’re aware of the balance between our own needs and others’. The moon squares Mars this morning- triggers are possible throughout the day. Then, the sun meets Wounded Healer Chiron during the full moon’s peak tonight, highlighting our deepest wounds and giving us insight about how to tend to them. Remember- hurting and healing can coexist. Sharing how we feel with the people closest to us can be empowering and cathartic. Mercury and Saturn are connecting today too, allowing us to unlock the lessons the Universe is teaching. Our relationships are our greatest asset today. Notice the beauty around you.

*Ritual tip: Grab a partner and perform your rituals in tandem. Having others around will amplify the energy of gratitude, reflection, and release.


You can scrub through the video at the top of the page for a more detailed breakdown on how the full moon will affect each sign!✨

(refer to your rising or sun sign)

♎️ LIBRA: It’s your time to shine! Remember, you can take the lead while still remaining fair and peaceful. The Universe is calling… all you have to do is step into your next evolution.

♍️ VIRGO: Weigh what (and who) is important to you. This full moon illuminates your values and physical abundance. By prioritizing what you do want to call in, you can release what’s no longer in alignment.

♌️ LEO: Conversation flows under this full moon for you. New information and insights could be illuminated. Stay open to new perspectives and other peoples’ points of view.

♋️ CANCER: Beauty can be found in familiar places. Spending time at home and being with family feels good under this full moon. But generational wounds could become apparent too. Remember- feeling is healing.

♊️ GEMINI: Life is meant to be fun! Let it be playful. Let it be silly. Let it be beautiful! Full permission to let your inner child out to play. Our passions are illuminated under this full moon. Give into them!

♉️ TAURUS: There’s beauty in the breakdown. Take notice of the small moments throughout the day that make your life more balanced and harmonious. Then, pencil more of those moments into your schedule!

♈️ ARIES: You don’t have to do it all alone, Aries. In fact, valuable relationships in your life are the focus of this full moon. Are you giving as much as you’re getting? Restore the balance of power.

♓️ PISCES: You’re used to keeping your head in the clouds, but this full moon is an invitation to go deep. As above, so below. Finding balance deep within will extend to all aspects of your life- your relationships, your finances, and your ambitions. Don’t be afraid to get more intimate with yourself. Depth is beautiful.

♒️ AQUARIUS: The sky’s the limit under this Libra Full Moon. Allow your mind to expand. Share all you’ve learned in the past cycle with friends or lovers. Generosity is a powerful practice for you to tap into. How can you share the beauty you’ve discovered?

♑️ CAPRICORN: Balance is essential in sustainable growth, Capricorn. The Libra Full Moon acts as a reminder to review your values and take stock of your assets. Can partners or friends help you along your path to success? It might be time to offload some of the responsibility and share in the rewards.

♐️ SAGITTARIUS: Connection is abundance. The Libra Full Moon highlights your community. Notice what friendships feel balanced and reciprocal. If friendships feel draining or uneven, it might be time to cut the cord. Celebrate the people who make your life more beautiful.

♏️ SCORPIO: Letting go can be daunting, but there’s beauty and balance on the other side of release. This full moon is an invitation to slow down and allow God/Goddess/Spirit/The Universe to show you the next steps. Surrender the need to know what’s coming next. Trust.

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