11/22/21 ✨ A look ahead at Sagittarius Season

✨ Happy Moon Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I confidently declare my desires.



Sagittarius season is here! The sun transits through the sign of the archer for the next 30 days, boosting our optimism and helping us to see the bigger picture. There are no major planetary transits today, but we do have two major planetary connections playing out over the next few weeks.


For the next 10 days, Venus and Mars dance in a sexile with one another. The planets of love and action never form an exact sextile, but instead, stay within one degree of that supportive angle through December 1. During this time, our desires are supporting our actions and vice versa. We experience balance between giving and receiving. We can easily attract people we’ll get along with simply by embodying our truest essence. We can get what we want by simply declaring our desires to the universe. This is a magnetic energy!!


Structured Saturn gets support from the Wounded Healer. This sextile becomes exact later this week, but these planets stay within a degree of this angle until mid-December. This energy can help us look back on our past (specifically our trauma) through a more practical lens. We can reflect on the experiences that wounded us to make a more solid plan for the future — one that will allow us to heal others with what we’ve learned. Saturn and Chiron are actually close to each other in the solar system (relatively), making this energy even more potent.


🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔


The waning gibbous moon in its home sign of Cancer invites us to hunker down in our own shells and reflect on our emotions. We’ll enjoy nourishing our bodies and nurturing the people we love.


By mid-Monday, the Cancer moon forms a tense angle to the Wounded Healer. A core wound could be triggered, activating our rawest emotions. At the same time, the moon plays a balancing act with Saturn. Rationally, we’ll know we’ve already learned these lessons and moved past this pain, but our emotions could tell us otherwise. Remember, healing takes time.


Monday night brings a change of pace as the cozy Cancer moon gets support from rebellious Uranus. We’ll crave something different or exciting - maybe something as simple as trying a new dish for dinner or a tasty treat for dessert. This transit could also bring a feeling of emotional restlessness.


This week marks a shift in energy! Friday’s eclipse could give your life a little shake-up over the next two weeks and Sagittarius Season is sure to crank up the excitement! This is a time when major shifts can happen or manifestations can come to fruition. Expect the unexpected! Lean into spontaneity! Harness your magnetism. Declare your desires to the Universe and let it be your guide. With the moon in Cancer, remember to allow your emotions and take care of your body. Believe in yourself. Have faith that you are being guided on the path of highest good. Trust. 🙏

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11/23/21 ✨ Sun Conjunct South Node


11/21/21 ✨ The Sun Enters Sagittarius