11/25/21 ✨ Thanksgiving Astrology Forecast

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: Gratitude brings me more of what I desire.

2021 marks the 400th Anniversary of Thanksgiving. At a time we express gratitude and come together with loved ones, this year could have us reflecting on the history of the Thanksgiving tradition and the true meaning of the holiday.

Rather than give my traditional morning forecast, (you can find that in the second half of this video) I decided to compare today’s transits to the planetary pattern four centuries ago.



As Mercury starts its trek through Sagittarius, it meets up with the South Node early Thursday morning. This drum up thoughts of the past or we might even start communicating like a former version of ourselves. This can be especially true around family, when it’s easier to sleep back into old patterns. Reflecting on who we used to be can be fun, but make sure to remember who you’re becoming as well.


🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔


The moon in Leo brings out our inner-child. This can help us lean into playfulness and joy, but it can also evoke a childlike tantrum if things don’t go our way. This is the moon’s weakest position, making it easier to become emotionally unraveled. Reflect on your own capacity for love.


We start our day off craving excitement. This tense angle between the Leo moon and Uranus can make us feel a need to take action. Avoid the temptation to create your own thrill by getting a rise out of the people around you. Try not to jump to conclusions or make sudden moves.


The moon is quiet for much of the afternoon (allowing us to enjoy Turkey time) before forming an imbalanced angle to Venus. This can make us feel like there’s a disconnect between the love we’re trying to give and how it’s being received. This awkward angle might also make it harder to be open to affection from family members. How can you be more open to love?


After a day full of festivities, people could start to get cranky as the food coma sets in. Don’t ruin a family gathering by letting your irritability get the best of you. We’ll feel more defensive and reactive under this transit. It might feel harder to tolerate family members after the end of a long holiday. If you feel your blood starting to boil, take a lap and release tension through movement.


If we don’t heed the warnings of the activating angle between the moon and Mars (see above), we could end up spiraling into our own oblivion on Thanksgiving night. Whether that looks like a few too many drinks or allowing yourself to be consumed with doubt, the key to this transit is trying to achieve balance. Don’t get carried away with an illusion. It will be harder to decipher which emotions are actually real under these skies.


This Thanksgiving could be a wild emotional ride… Being around family can trigger our deepest emotions and make us fall back into old patterning. Watch how you’re communicating with your loved ones - observing your self could lead to a learning moment. Don’t let family members get under your skin. Remember who you are before you walk into your Thanksgiving gathering. Standing in your light can be an incredibly powerful example to even your eldest relatives. Hold your highest vibration. Set the temperature of the room. You might be surprised to see how quickly others raise their energy too.

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11/27 + 11/28 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury


11/24/21 ✨ Mercury enters Sagittarius