12/2/21 ✨ Scorpio Moon Conjunct Mars

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I allow the Universe to show me the next version of myself.


THERE ARE NO EXACT PLANETARY CONNECTIONS TODAY, but… Venus is still getting support from Neptune, which just stationed direct yesterday, allowing us to lean into romance and clearing up any confusion surrounding relationships. Chiron and Saturn are still pulling away from a sextile to one another as well, allowing us focus on climbing higher in our healing journey.

THE FOCUS SHIFTS TO TOMORROW NIGHT’S SOLAR ECLIPSE IN SAGITTARIUS. As the moon crosses over the sun, we can reflect on the past two years and all the shifts that have come during this eclipse cycle on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. At the same time, the new moon marks the beginning of a new chapter as we look ahead to 2022.

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As the moon wanes, we are asked to let go too. This is a time to dig deep and evaluate what is no longer supporting your highest self. Release expectation. Release doubt. Release fear and anger. Surrender to the divine and greet whatever the Universe throws at you during eclipse season as an opportunity.


Vivid dreams? We might be feeling like we need a nap by mid-day. When the moon flows with forward-moving Neptune, our subconscious harmonizes with our deepest emotions. Pay attention to any clues your dreams might contain or any dimensions you traveled to in your sleep. Daydreams or thoughts your subconscious drifts to could provide great insight.


Thursday afternoon brings support to our relationships. We’ll enjoy being around friends and loved ones - just don’t be afraid to extend the invite. This angle requires action to fully take advantage of its benefits. Deep connections are possible today.


The moon meets with Mars, bringing brief irritability. With both of these planets in Scorpio, it could be very easy to lash out or react with anger. This will be especially true if something we’re deeply passionate about is questioned or threatened. Try not to let your emotions get the best of you. This transit won’t last long…. so don’t do any lasting damage in a moment of frustration.


Thursday night brings a mash-up between the moon, Pluto, and Jupiter. This marks a pivotal moment of introspection before Friday’s solar eclipse. When the Scorpio moon is supported by Pluto, we can experience profound change or major breakthroughs. Meanwhile, a square to Jupiter brings feelings of optimism and abundance.

☝️ There is a shadow side to this transit though— If the depths of our emotions become too overwhelming and we reject the idea of change, we might be tempted to reach for a quick fix (food, alcohol, drugs) to feel good. Make sure whatever actions you take today align with your highest self.


The Scorpio moon steals center stage today with no other exact planetary connections. The moon’s transit through Scorpio brings a final opportunity for release before Friday’s solar eclipse. The moon meets up with Mars today, bringing any unresolved anger or frustration to the surface. By Thursday night, a mashup between the moon, Pluto, and Jupiter could make deep emotions feel larger than life. Lean into transformation. Resisting change will probably lead to painful or difficult experiences today. Allow the Universe to mold you into the next version of yourself.

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12/3/21 ✨ Sagittarius Solar Eclipse


12/1/21 ✨ Neptune Stations Direct