12/23/21 ✨ Saturn Square Uranus

✨ Happy Jupiter Day!

watch the beginning of the video below to learn more about today’s exact square between Saturn and Uranus:

AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: I can unconditionally love others who do not have the same beliefs as me.



This transit has defined 2021, with a series of three squares between restricting Saturn and liberating Uranus. The final exact square between these two planets happens on Christmas Eve (Dec 24), but the two planets are now within 1º of each other.

Think back to February 17th and June 14th of this year. What changes happened around those dates as Saturn and Uranus were forming this same aspect? Did you have any breakthroughs? Have boundaries been a theme throughout this year for you? Were any of your limiting beliefs transformed? These themes will be revisited one more time to close out 2021.

This 90º angle between Saturn and Uranus brings a clash between the old and the new. This could manifest literally with conflict between generations. Resisting change or refusing to see another’s point of view will only make matters worse. Try to approach all situations (especially involving family) over the next few weeks with an open mind and open heart. How can you liberate yourself from past patterns?

On a global scale, we’re seeing another wave of new COVID cases bringing back restrictions in some places. Christmas Eve could mark another pivotal moment- potentially a final shift in course of this pandemic. It might feel like your need for freedom is being restricted.

The last time we experienced an exact square between Saturn and Uranus was during the new millennium in 1999-2000. We won’t see this aspect again until 2043.

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑



The moon spends another day in passionate Leo, making our emotions feel grand. Lean into the joy of the holiday season. The Leo moon can help us tap into our inner-child… just be careful not to let your inner-toddler take over…


It might feel difficult to emerge from dreamland as the Leo moon is in a balancing act with dreamy Neptune. Finding common ground between our conscious and subconscious mind could take more effort than usual. Don’t be surprised if you have a hard time waking up or gaining momentum on Thursday morning.


The moon’s awkward aspects continue when it connects with Pluto on Thursday afternoon. As many of us prepare to take time off over the holidays, we might feel pulled between our work responsibilities and our desire to get into the Christmas spirit.


As Pluto in Capricorn forms a conjunction to Venus, the moon makes a subsequent awkward connection to the planet of love and money as well. This Christmas, we’re more aware of the patriarchal (capitalist) structures that are undergoing a transformation. If you’re having a hard time getting into the festivities, take time to reassess what this holiday means for you and how it aligns with your values.


The moon opposes Jupiter late Thursday night, which could bring excess energy or unwanted attention. Our emotions could feel more dramatic and overwhelming under this transit and it can be easy to go overboard or overreact.


A final square between Saturn and Uranus brings the conflict we’ve been feeling all year into our immediate awareness. When Saturn, the planet of restriction, forms a 90º angle to Uranus, the planet of rebellion, we feel conflict between our need for safety and our need for freedom. This transit can also bring about disagreements between generations, especially when it comes to technology, science, stability, and responsibility. Expect tense conversations about the pandemic and your vaccination status as you prepare to gather with family. The Leo moon turns up the dramatics. Awkward angles to Neptune, Pluto, and Venus might make it feel difficult to tap into the joy of the holiday season. An opposition between the moon and Jupiter could cause outbursts or overreactions. Remember, leading by example is often more persuasive than bossing people around.

🌈support forecasts like these by buying the astrologer a coffee!


12/24/21 ✨ Moon Enters Virgo


12/22/21 ✨ North Node Enters Taurus