Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/3/23 ✨ Capricorn Full Moon

The Capricorn Full Moon illuminates our achievements, allowing us to appreciate how far we’ve come. It’s as if we’re summiting one climb, knowing the descent could be just as challenging. But just for a moment, we can enjoy the view and honor the wisdom we’ve gained along the way. An abundant trine to Jupiter makes this full moon especially fortunate. Opportunities that support our long-term goals could present themselves. The moon opposes Mercury on Moon Day morning, creating distance between our heart and our mind. Clarity is possible, but only if we can separate the intelligence of our mind and our body. Shifts that propel us into the future are possible tonight when the moon and Uranus connect, but a square to Chiron could bring up some pain along the way. Release stagnancy. Stay flexible and resilient.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/13/22 ✨ Super Moon in Capricorn

The Super Moon in Capricorn marks a powerful moment… and not just because this full moon appears so large in the night sky. We start the day with an opposition between the full moon and Mercury and a simultaneous trine to Uranus. If we’re willing to lean outside of our comfort zone, breakthroughs are possible. The pinnacle moment of this powerful lunation is a conjunction to Pluto late tonight, marking a moment of transformation. Celebrate your achievements as one chapter closes for another to begin.

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