Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/7/24 ✨ Gemini New Moon

Our mind is our most powerful tool for manifestation under this New Moon. Venus joins the sun and moon as they meet in Gemini, bringing our attention to our desires. If we can perceive it, we can receive it. Using our words intentionally can be a powerful ritual. Write or speak what you want to create in this next cycle. Or better yet, find a trusted witness to share your vision. Remember- our words carry great energy. Be clear and detailed about what you’re calling in. When you ask, the Universe listens.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/8/24 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini

We wake up feeling a sense of anticipation and excitement under the Taurus New Moon. Good luck is on our side when the moon meets Jupiter this morning. Allow yourself to dream big and assume the best. The pace slows this afternoon when the moon connects with Neptune at the 29th degree, giving us an opportunity to create a fertile space for relaxation. Delusional fantasies could come to mind- give yourself permission to play with imagination. When the Waxing Crescent Moon enters Gemini this evening, we can use our mind to process our emotions. Writing or speaking about our new moon intentions can help them take root. Our words have the power to fuel the transformation process that is unfolding.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/16/24 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Gemini

The Gemini moon builds momentum this Saturn Day. The day begins with connections to Lilith and Chiron, bringing up pain points. How we address irritation is a direct indication of where we are on our healing journey. As the moon comes into a trine with Mars, our energy increases this evening. We have plenty of motivation and stamina to propel us into social settings. As the moon squares the sun and Neptune tonight, we approach a prime moment to take action. Even if your vision is still foggy, trust your dreams are coming into reality.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/15/24 ✨ Moon in Gemini

The Gemini moon keeps us engaged and stimulated today. We wake up under a square to Venus, making us crave affection and pleasure. We might feel especially needy and we’re quick to reach for anything that will make us feel good this morning. Become a witness to your mental dialogue this afternoon. The moon connects with Mercury, helping us become consciously aware of how we feel. But a square to Saturn follows, forcing us to be realistic (or even negative.) If you find yourself spiraling into fear or doubt, remember: Not every thought you think or emotion you feel is true. Treat yourself as a respected elder might approach you.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/14/24 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini

When in doubt, shake it out. No really… moving your body can help dissolve any agitation or restlessness today. We wake up under a conjunction of the Taurus moon and Uranus, causing disruptions or surprises. A square to Mars adds friction and irritation. When the aggravating energy dies down this afternoon, our energy could crash too. An afternoon nap could be in order thanks to a supportive sextile from Neptune. Tonight, the waxing crescent moon moves into Gemini, helping us make sense of our emotions and gather more information to plot our next steps. A trine to Pluto reminds us that evolution is happening in every moment, even if we can’t see the big picture yet.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/18/24 ✨ Floating into Pisces Season

Get ready to get emotional… The moon and sun enter water signs within an hour of each other, amplifying our sensitivity. With the sun drifting into Pisces, we can allow our imagination to flourish and our creativity to flow. But in the hours leading up to Pisces Season, we could feel overly stimulated or frazzled. The moon comes home to Cancer tonight, asking us to sink into our bodies and let our emotions be our guide. Our capacity to create is only as big as our ability to feel.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/17/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Pluto

What are you obsessing over? Venus meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius, making for an intense and transformative forecast. We are tapped into our deepest desires now, but a need for control could make us feel fixated on the things we want- especially in relationships and finances. How can you give yourself the love you crave? The Gemini Moon allows us to ponder our emotions, but squares to Saturn and Lilith could bring out our negative or bitchy side. Becoming witness to the thoughts in your own mind can be incredibly healing today. Journaling can be a powerful tool.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/16/24 ✨ Venus Enters Aquarius

Change your mind, change your life! As Venus moves into Aquarius, we desire new experiences and offbeat interactions. A square between Mercury and Uranus disrupts our normal mindset, forcing us to change the way we think and communicate. Innovative ideas can come through today, but they could feel intrusive or disruptive in the moment. The First Quarter Moon moves into Gemini, making us crave stimulation. Harmonious connections to Venus, Mars, and Pluto make it feel natural to go after our desires, put ideas into motion, and embrace transformation.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/22/24 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer

We have a slow start to this Moon Day as we wake up under a sleepy square between the moon and Neptune. Hitting snooze is awfully tempting. But by the afternoon, we’ll be feeling frisky and spontaneous as the moon faces off with Venus at the 29th degree. We crave stimulation and pleasure, but our restlessness can make settle for a quick thrill over lasting fulfillment. The Waxing Gibbous Moon comes home to Cancer this afternoon, allowing us to drop from our head to our heart. We can tune back into the wisdom of our body and trust our intuition to lead the way over the coming days.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/21/24 ✨ Moon in Gemini

Coming off of an intense start to Aquarius season, Sunday brings an opportunity to process. The Waxing Gibbous moon in Gemini asks us to ponder our transformation. Writing or talking about our feelings can help us understand where we’re going and what we need to release to get there. Grab a journal or call a trusted friend today. Notice how it feels to put words to emotions.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/20/24 ✨ Welcome to the Age of Aquarius!

This isn’t just the beginning of Aquarius Season… this is the start of an entirely new era! This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! The Sun and Pluto enter the sign of the Water Bearer together, ushering in a 20-year transformation of humanity as a whole. We can expect major tech upgrades and out-of-this-world innovation. With the sun conjunct Pluto, there's no doubt this transition feels intense. But have no fear… Amidst this intense initiation, a harmonization of Mars and Lilith invites us to find motivation in our own sovereignty and power. The Gemini moon reminds us to stay curious about what’s coming next.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/7/23 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer

It’s a foggy doggy day in the Milky Way! The stimulating Gemini moon clashes with Neptune, fogging our perception. This afternoon brings confusion or just downright sleepiness. If your brain feels like it’s moving in slow-mo, taking a break or a mid-afternoon nap could be just what the doctor ordered. Late tonight, the moon comes home to Cancer, asking us to rest and release into our comfort zone. People, places, and foods that feel familiar are especially nurturing over the coming days.

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