6/6/24 ✨ Gemini New Moon
Our mind is our most powerful tool for manifestation under this New Moon. Venus joins the sun and moon as they meet in Gemini, bringing our attention to our desires. If we can perceive it, we can receive it. Using our words intentionally can be a powerful ritual. Write or speak what you want to create in this next cycle. Or better yet, find a trusted witness to share your vision. Remember- our words carry great energy. Be clear and detailed about what you’re calling in. When you ask, the Universe listens.
5/23/24 ✨ Sagittarius Full Moon + Venus Enters Gemini
The Sagittarius Full Moon feels like the most joyous lunation of the year! As the moon enters Sagittarius, Venus meets Jupiter, amplifying our ability to experience love and pleasure. In fact, we may experience an almost overwhelming need to feel good today! Indulge in your senses and allow yourself to experience the freedom of having fun. Spontaneous adventure? Yes please! Moving our body is a powerful way to move through any restlessness or overexcitement. As the moon becomes full, she connects with alchemist Pluto, making transformation feel exciting. We can give gratitude for what has already fallen away and get excited about the space we’ve created for a new journey. Now is the time to rise and jump into the next chapter! As Venus enters Gemini this afternoon, we’re eager to connect with others and share our experienced. What a joy to be alive!
6/20/23 ✨ Mars Conjunct Lilith
Spring goes out like a lion! When Mars meets Lilith in Leo, our spicy (read: bitchy) side could come out to play. Drama is in the forecast! Aggression can escalate quickly today as our drive to dominate is stronger than usual. The Waxing Crescent Cancer moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning. Our mental state might feel a little foggy, but we can trust our other senses more easily now. Lead from intuition, but watch out for power struggles this afternoon when the moon opposes Pluto at the 29th degree. An overwhelming need to evolve makes us want to control or force the process. The dramatics come to a head when the moon enters Leo this evening, making our emotions feel bigger. Expressing ourselves authentically can mark a turning point between who we’ve been and who we’re becoming.
6/19/23 ✨ Jupiter Sextile Saturn
Student becomes teacher. As Jupiter connects with Saturn, it feels easier to share our wisdom with others. As we step into our natural authority, opportunities for expansion unfold. Good fortune and sustainable growth are in the forecast. The Cancer moon keeps us attuned to our body and tapped into our emotions. A square to Chiron tonight could make us feel moody or triggered. Digging below the surface of the pain can prove healing. Late tonight, a sextile between the moon and Uranus helps us feel into the future. Changes are unfolding now. Allow your intuition to lead the way.
6/18/23 ✨ Sun Square Neptune
This SUN Day, the Gemini sun squares dreamy Neptune, causing our mind to wander. Confusion is a possible side-effect and it’s easy to overlook the facts. But our imagination is activated under this influence too. The waxing moon moves into Cancer, asking us to come back home to our body. Our intuition can help us fill in the blanks that our rational mind can’t quite comprehend yet. A fortunate triangle with Jupiter and Saturn allows us to trust in the wisdom we’re gaining and have hope for the cycle ahead.
6/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Gemini
Tonight’s New Moon in Gemini opens us to new possibilities! With the sun and moon meeting in the sign of communication, sharing our ideas with friends can help them blossom. Writing and speaking our intentions gives them extra power. This new moon squares Neptune, sparking our imagination and forcing us to see the magic all around us. A supportive connection between Mercury and Venus brings sweetness into our interactions throughout the day, making it easier to notice the beauty all around us and share what’s on our heart. Meanwhile, Saturn begins his annual retrograde today. Even amidst the business of Gemini Season, Saturn’s directional switch slows the pace, allowing us to pause and take it all in. Wisdom lies in moments of stillness.
6/16/23 ✨ Dark Moon in Gemini
On the last day of this moon cycle, it could be easy to get lost in our own thoughts. This morning, the moon squares Saturn, making it all too easy to spiral into fear or doubt. By the afternoon, the moon meets Mercury in Gemini, filling our mind with our emotions. As tempting as it might be to distract ourselves with other stimulations, finding stillness can create the mental spaciousness to fully let go. Breathe. Enjoy the space between this moon cycle and the next. It’s easy to come back to love when the moon makes a supportive connection to Venus to finish our week on a sweet note.
6/15/23 ✨ Mercury Square Saturn
Impactful lessons are learned and harsh truths are revealed today. Mental Mercury squares Saturn, creating obstacles that slow us down or bringing up fears and doubts. But at its best, this transit pushes us to do hard things. The moon and Uranus meet in Taurus overnight, causing disruptions and surprises to start the day. By the afternoon, it’s easier to slow down and trust in the transformation unfolding, even if we feel sensitive or overwhelmed. When the dark moon enters Gemini tonight, we are asked to find a moment of stillness to process everything we’ve attained and everything we’ve released in this past cycle. Finding stillness in our body can give our mind more energy to put the pieces together.
6/14/23 ✨ Moon Square Venus & Mars
Overwhelming desire dominates our day as the sensual Taurus moon squares lover Venus and fighter Mars. We wake up craving pleasure and affection under a tense 90º angle between the waning moon and Venus. By the afternoon, the moon makes the same aspect to Mars, spurring impulsive or reactive tendencies. We could experience and urge to take action now! If irritation (or aggression) pop up, we can find release through movement. Let your body lead the way.
6/13/23 ✨ Moon Enters Taurus
Watch yourself! We have an explosive morning in the forecast! The feisty Aries moon makes a tense 90º square to Pluto at the 29th degree, sparking eruptions. Expect intense emotions and ruthless behavior. We can find respite as the moon enters Taurus, inviting us to slow down and ground. As the moon comes into her full surrender, she invites us to trust in what feels safe in the wake of difficult moments. Conjunctions to the North Node and Jupiter tonight show us the path of least resistance ahead. We end the day feeling optimistic and maybe even a little lucky…
6/12/23 ✨ Moon in Aries
We’re moving on a Monday! As the waning moon moves through Aries, there’s no shortage of passion and energy! Harmonies to Mars and Lilith allow us to tap into the confidence needed to take bold action. Physical movement is both potent and cathartic. When the moon meets Wounded Healer Chiron tonight, irritations and triggers could flare. Looking to the source of the pain can show us what we’re ready to release. Remember- shedding old identities invites truer authenticity in the present moment.
6/11/23 ✨ Mercury in Gemini and Pluto in Capricorn
Mental stimulation, overwhelming desire, and intense emotions are in the forecast today. As Mercury enters Gemini and Pluto moves back into Capricorn, the two planets harmonize with one another at critical degrees, allowing profound insights and deep realizations to surface. Meanwhile, Venus squares Jupiter, making it all too easy to reach for anything that will bring pleasure! The Pisces moon connects with Neptune and Pluto early this morning, amplifying our intuition heightening our extrasensory abilities. When the waning moon enters Aries, movement is our greatest asset for release. Aspects to Mercury and Venus encourage connection and passion. We’re eager to learn and share our findings with others.