6/20/23 ✨ Mars Conjunct Lilith
Spring goes out like a lion! When Mars meets Lilith in Leo, our spicy (read: bitchy) side could come out to play. Drama is in the forecast! Aggression can escalate quickly today as our drive to dominate is stronger than usual. The Waxing Crescent Cancer moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning. Our mental state might feel a little foggy, but we can trust our other senses more easily now. Lead from intuition, but watch out for power struggles this afternoon when the moon opposes Pluto at the 29th degree. An overwhelming need to evolve makes us want to control or force the process. The dramatics come to a head when the moon enters Leo this evening, making our emotions feel bigger. Expressing ourselves authentically can mark a turning point between who we’ve been and who we’re becoming.