4/29/23 ✨ Mars Sextile Uranus
Do it different and make it weird. Mars and Uranus connect in a supportive sextile today, inviting us to take action that spurs innovation. We are encouraged to try new things and follow our intuition. Watch your words tonight, though! Mercury squares Lilith, making our communication extra spicy. But with Mercury Retrograde, crossed wires are certainly possible too. Being sassy or harsh can be easily misconstrued. The moon is void for most of the morning, starting our Saturn Day on a slow note. When the moon moves into Virgo, we can hone in on details, observing what needs to be adjusted to correct course. The waxing gibbous moon opposes Saturn late tonight, making us crave alone-time. But it’s all too easy to be overly critical or negative now. Don’t believe every thought you think or emotion you feel. Instead, view them as part of a much larger data set.
5/4/22 ✨ Mars Sextile Uranus
At this point in eclipse season, we could begin to experience a shift in motivations and true desires. We might even notice ourselves starting to act different as Mars in Pisces forms a sextile to Uranus in Taurus. Meanwhile, Lilith and Venus lock into a harsh square, creating tension between our need for pleasure and our desire for bodily autonomy. Outbursts are possible today…