3/30/23 ✨ Venus Conjunct Uranus
This Jupiter day might start a little slow or sleepy, but we have major transformation and change in the forecast this evening! Mars and Saturn harmonize this morning, helping us align with our responsibilities. We can lead with our intuition today, feeling our way forward. We experience a major energetic shift when the moon enters Leo and immediately opposes Pluto. The emotions we’re feeling about our current transformation take center stage. This shift is compounded by the power of the Venus/Uranus conjunction this evening, marking a change of appearance, a shift in values, a change of cash flow, or an upset (or upgrade) in relationships. Expect the unexpected!
11/28/22 ✨ Mars Trine Saturn
Leadership comes naturally to start the week as Mars and Saturn lock into a harmonious trine. We have an innate determination to succeed today, helping us cross even the most mundane tasks off of our to-do list. The Aquarius moon opens us to new perspectives. As the moon comes into a T-square with the North and South Nodes, we can see that we must release the past in order to embrace the future.
9/28/22 ✨ Scorpio Moon
The Scorpio moon stays quiet for most of the day, making only one connection. As the moon meets up with the South Node, it can be easy to fall back into past patterns or old habits. But the waxing crescent moon opposes the North Node at the same time, making it easy to see the path ahead and the direction we’re meant to go. Even if our purpose seems far away, our tendencies to fall into the past can show us how important it is to embrace our future.
9/27/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Pluto + Mars Trine Saturn
Deeper motivations can be realized this Tuesday. Mercury and Pluto harmonize in a 120º angle, allowing for profound insights and powerful ideas to come through. You might even find yourself in deep conversations. By Tuesday night, Mars and Saturn come into a fortunate connection, giving us the courage and determination to make long-lasting commitments. Projects started now can stand the test of time, as long as we are willing to pace ourselves.