Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/29/24 ✨ Mars Trine Uranus & Square North Node

We move differently today under a harmonious connection between Mars and Uranus. We can take innovative action and break free from limiting beliefs. Stepping outside the box we’ve put ourselves in can spark long-term change, even if we can’t see the ripple effect in the current moment. The Virgo moon completes a Grand Trine, opening us to potent insights and exciting ideas. But an opposition to Neptune can overwhelm our emotions- change can be confusing after all… Take a breather and release the need to be in control this afternoon.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/16/23 ✨ New Moon in Leo

The Leo New Moon sparks new passion! Proudly sharing what’s lighting up our heart can help it manifest more quickly. And don’t be afraid to think outside the box- The moon and sun square Uranus, activating us to innovate. Discomfort is par for the course- lean in! A harmonious trine between Uranus and Mars makes it feel easier to take action on inspiration and move from our intuition. The new moon is conjunct Lilith, connecting us to our deep desires and raw power. But there’s a fine line between expressing ourselves authentically and being overbearing or hostile. Be the change you wish to see in the world- not the drama!

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/8/22 ✨ Mars Trine Uranus

Today’s transits support making bold moves and leaning into transformation as Mars and Uranus connect in a harmonious angle. The Taurus moon meets the North Node and a flows with Pluto, empowering us to embody the lessons we are here to learn and rise into a new version of ourselves.

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