2/5/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Powerful conversations and profound ideas could transform our mindset as Mercury meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Innovation is in the forecast, but beware of being overly eager to put thoughts into action. The sun and Venus connect with Chiron, illuminating our wounding to show us what needs to be healed. Pain points in relationships could come up, forcing us to evolve. The Sagittarius moon squares Neptune tonight- optimism and delusion are two sides of the same coin. No need to say yes to things today- give ideas time to develop.
2/10/23 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Transformation is often a slow process. This is the reminder the cosmos are sending us as messenger Mercury meets up with Pluto. As our closest and farthest planets (also the fastest & slowest) come into alignment, it could feel like time is at a standstill. In this pause, powerful realizations are possible- but fair warning- obsession is a possible side effect. Watch out for dark thoughts and manipulative tendencies.
2/11/22 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Pluto
They say the truth will set you free… but first, it will piss you off. And that’s certainly the energy of this Venus Day as Mercury and Pluto come into an intense conjunction. Truths could be revealed. Secrets could be uncovered. We might feel especially rebellious and maybe even a little obsessive.
1/28/22 ✨ Mercury Rx Conjunct Pluto
This Friday could bring an a-ha moment! When Mercury retrograde meets Pluto in Capricorn, profound discoveries are possible if we’re willing to revisit the past. A supportive angle between the Aquarius sun and Chiron could help us heal old wounds. The void moon asks for a low-key Friday night.