Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/28/24 ✨ Sun and Mercury Conjunct Saturn

What lessons are you learning? What wisdom do you have the authority to share? These are the questions to ask as the Pisces sun meets Mercury and Saturn in a triple conjunction. This transit can bring crystal clarity, illuminating the challenges we’ve overcome and what we’ve learned in the process. We have the mental tenacity to “do hard things” today too. But fears and doubts could pop up in the process. If you find yourself becoming anxious or overwhelmed, slow down to Saturn’s pace- remember, there’s no rush. As the moon dives into Scorpio, it asks us to purge what no longer supports our evolution to make space for our next version to emerge.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/2/23 ✨ Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury steals the show today! We start the day with a meeting of Mercury and Saturn at the 29th degree. Practical or even critical thoughts could dominate our mindset. But in the same breath, we’ll be able to communicate with maturity and authority. But Mercury is only here for a few hours before diving into the watery sign of Pisces for the next couple weeks. We can tune into abstract thinking, imagination, and creativity with the planet of communication in the sign of the fish.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/2/22 ✨ New Moon in Pisces, Mercury Conjunct Saturn

The new moon in Pisces is supercharged by a conjunction to abundant Jupiter, making this moment extra magical. Mercury and Saturn are meeting up at the same time, asking us to think critically and use our rational mind. The moon gets support from Uranus as it becomes new, putting us in an energy of excitement and opening us to possibilities.

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