5/31/23 ✨ Mercury Square Lilith
We wake up feeling the pull of our desires as the Libra moon squares Venus. This transit makes us feel needy for affection and pleasure. Then, we spend most of the afternoon under a void moon, giving us an opportunity to find peace and closure. When the moon dives into Scorpio this evening, a wave of intense emotions can come over us. An immediate square to Pluto makes us prone to mood swings and power struggles. But what’s surfacing is asking to be released as the moon meets the South Node, showing us what we’re ready to move away from. Watch your words late tonight! As Mercury squares Lilith, it’s all too easy to be mean or harsh in our communication. With the moon opposing Jupiter at the same time, speaking or moving too quickly could land us in hot water. Be especially mindful about what you’re expressing, how you’re communicating, and to whom.
4/29/23 ✨ Mars Sextile Uranus
Do it different and make it weird. Mars and Uranus connect in a supportive sextile today, inviting us to take action that spurs innovation. We are encouraged to try new things and follow our intuition. Watch your words tonight, though! Mercury squares Lilith, making our communication extra spicy. But with Mercury Retrograde, crossed wires are certainly possible too. Being sassy or harsh can be easily misconstrued. The moon is void for most of the morning, starting our Saturn Day on a slow note. When the moon moves into Virgo, we can hone in on details, observing what needs to be adjusted to correct course. The waxing gibbous moon opposes Saturn late tonight, making us crave alone-time. But it’s all too easy to be overly critical or negative now. Don’t believe every thought you think or emotion you feel. Instead, view them as part of a much larger data set.
4/10/23 ✨ Venus Enters Gemini
We begin a new week on a high note! Venus spends the day at the anaretic degree before moving into Gemini late tonight. There’s a potent anticipation of connection and conversation in the air. It could be all too easy to lose our patience as Mercury in Taurus squares Lilith in Leo tonight though… watch your words and remember- standing your ground can prevent you from seeing new perspectives. We’re entering a week of learning and growth.
10/24/22 ✨ Mercury Square Lilith
The tension is building as we anticipate the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio overnight… but today, it could be tempting to try to force and control outcomes to avoid our own discomfort. When Mercury squares Black Moon Lilith, words can cut deep. It’s easy to be harsh or reactive, even amidst all of the balanced Libra energy we’re working with. Beware of forcing judgements on others are being passive aggressive. We feel an overwhelming need to speak out against injustices or take a stand. The Libra moon plays into this dynamic, meeting up with Mercury.
3/25/22 ✨ Mercury Square Lilith
As Mercury makes its final swim through watery Pisces, it makes quite a splash, forming a harsh square to Dark Moon Lilith. Watch your words today. Anything you’ve been holding back could come pouring out- and miscommunication is definitely possible. But saying our peace will feel especially cathartic as we mark the last quarter moon in Capricorn, asking us to let go of anything holding us back from our long-term goals.