1/28/24 ✨ Venus Trine Jupiter & Mercury Trine Uranus
This Sunday feels especially sunny under a harmonious trine between Venus and Jupiter. Luck and love are on our side and abundance flows to us with ease. Meanwhile, we can open to innovative ideas and new perspectives under a simultaneous harmony between Mercury and Uranus. Thinking outside the box comes naturally. Our mindset today can shift the tides of destiny.
2/2/23 ✨ Venus Sextile North Node
Love lights the path ahead. Venus connects with the North Node, reminding us that our sensitivity can be a compass, pointing us in the direction of our highest good. If we lean into empathy and imagination, new possibilities and fated opportunities in love and money could present themselves. The Cancer moon asks us to attune to our emotions and find safety in our body. Fully feeling your feelings can allow new insights.
1/29/23 ✨ Sun Trine Mars & Mercury Trine Uranus
Thinking about the future and forward motion come naturally this Sunday as two trines play out in unison. A connection between Mercury and Uranus brings through intuitive insights, helping us think outside the box or change our mind all together. The Aquarius sun and Mars harmonize at the same time, allowing us to turn thoughts into action with ease. Transformative moments are possible today if we’re willing to step outside our comfort zone!
1/8/23 ✨ Lilith Enters Leo
Strong displays of feminine power are in the forecast this Sunday as Lilith moves into Leo. Over the coming months, expect bold expressions of womanhood- but remember… standing up for ourselves doesn’t always need to be forceful or bitchy. Reflecting on the past can provide insights about the future this afternoon as Mercury Retrograde and Uranus Retrograde harmonize. Changes of plan are possible today- stay open to the insights and opportunities that arise amidst disruption. The waning Leo moon asks us to let our hair down and release through play.
12/17/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Uranus
Ch ch ch ch changes! Mercury and Uranus harmonize this Saturday, opening us to changes of plan and changes of mind. We can experience flashes of insight and new ideas during this transit. Surprising information and stimulating conversations are also on the agenda. The waning moon in Libra puts the focus on our relationships with others.
8/16/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Uranus
Exciting ideas and flashes of insight can flow through today as Messenger Mercury trines Uranus. We’re open to new information and surprising turns-of-events. The moon spends the morning in Aries, connecting with Saturn overnight. We wake up this Tuesday aware of our responsibilities and ready to tackle them. By the afternoon, the fiery moon clashes with Pluto. Explosive situations are possible if we become fixated or angry. Avoid compulsive or obsessive tendencies.