4/5/24 ✨ Moon Enters Pisces
The moon dips into Pisces as she becomes darker each night, inviting stillness and introspection. This is an opportunity for a final release before Monday’s eclipse. No need to force or purge- simply surrender and let go. The Pisces moon meets up with Mars late tonight, giving us a boost of energy. If restlessness or anxiety surface, move your body. Somatic practices can help us find emotional peace tonight.
3/7/24 ✨ Sun Opposite Lilith
We are blessed with a POWER PACKED Jupiter Day! The Pisces sun sits directly opposite Lilith in Virgo, illuminating our sovereignty and magnetizing us to our power source. The Aquarius moon makes connections throughout the day that boost our energy in a BIG way! But too much of a good thing isn’t always good at all… It’s easy to burn out or overextend our energy. Surges, mood swings, and surprises are all possible. Stay grounded and connected to your own needs before taking care of others.
2/7/24 ✨ Venus Trine Uranus + Mars Sextile Neptune
Major relationships changes are in the forecast today. Venus harmonizes with Uranus and squares the North and South Nodes, forcing us to let go of past investments in order to align with our destiny. Mars gets support from Neptune, asking us to find motivation by tapping into what we believe in. The Capricorn moon makes tense connections this morning- watch out for triggers. But a shift in the energy this afternoon makes for sweet interaction and exciting opportunities. When the moon meets Mars late tonight, it will be difficult to wind down.
8/18/23 ✨ Moon in Virgo
The Virgo moon makes for a productive Venus Day! We start our morning under a conjunction between the moon and Mercury, merging our emotions and our mental mind. This is a great day to process our feelings- but beware of getting stuck in an analysis paralysis. The energy builds this afternoon as the moon makes connections to Uranus and Mars. There’s an air of excitement and plenty of motivation to back it up! A wild Friday night could unfold! Try not to fall too far down the rabbit hole though- the moon opposes Neptune late tonight, clouding our judgment and making it all too easy to get caught up in a fantasy.
7/20/23 ✨ Sun Trine Neptune & Mars Opposite Saturn
Is it possible to be sensitive and aggressive at the same time? Today’s transits say yes. A harmonious connection between the Cancer sun and Neptune in Pisces amplifies our intuition and illuminates our emotions. But this afternoon, aggravating Mars faces off with serious Saturn, triggering aggression and irritation. Our own insecurities become fuel for power struggles and internal battles. Channeling our stamina into intense physical movement can help regulate difficult emotions.
6/22/23 ✨ Sun Sextile North Node
As the sun settles into Cancer, it illuminates the path ahead through a supportive aspect to the North Node. Our intuition is our compass, guiding us ahead. Along the way, we can tap into the wisdom of past generations to inform our journey. Meanwhile, Mars and Chiron are making a positive connection of their own, reminding us that healing can be fun! Allowing our inner child the safety to come out and play is medicine today.
5/24/23 ✨ Venus Square Chiron & Mars Square North Node
It’s time to step out of our comfort zone. As Mars and the moon in Leo square the North and South Nodes, we are asked to be courageous and move into the unknown. Even one small step of confidence can change the trajectory of our path ahead. Venus clashes with Wounded Healer Chiron today as well. Insecurities often surface in the face of uncertainty. Notice the story you tell yourself around being taken care of and taking care of others. When the moon enters Leo today, our emotions can feel especially powerful and dramatic.
4/25/23 ✨ Sun Sextile Saturn
We are open to wisdom this Tuesday and our relationships are our greatest teachers. The Taurus sun shines its light on Saturn, helping us find determination and maturity. We can understand why certain obstacles have been placed on our path and how to overcome them. But wounding could pop up along the way. Venus makes a supportive connection to Chiron, helping us find healing through relating to others. If you find yourself aggravated by someone else in your life, see them as a mirror to what is unhealed within you. Look to respected elders for advice and support.
3/28/23 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Cancer
We wake up basking in the glow of the overnight conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter. Early morning ideas or fortunate conversations could even contain a few gold nuggets! It’s easy to see positive potential, but how do you really feel about it. That’s the question the moon asks as she moves into Cancer this morning. The moon meets Mars to start our day, giving us a boost of energy and motivation. A follow-up trine to Saturn helps us pump the breaks and pace ourselves. Taking care of others comes naturally, but take time to check in with your own emotions too.
2/27/23 ✨ Moon Conjunct Mars
We’re moving on a Monday! The First Quarter Moon in Gemini connects with Jupiter this morning, giving us plenty of energy and optimism to look to the week ahead with confidence. Tonight, the moon meets up with Mars in Gemini, turning up the volume on our energy levels. An overactive mind could lead to feelings of restlessness or reactivity. Make sure you have a productive outlet for excess energy. Remember- you don’t have to do everything right now, but aligned action is definitely favored today!
1/30/23 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini
New week, new energy! The moon moves into Gemini first thing this morning, inviting us to get curious and socialize. But don’t be surprised if you find yourself reaching for a quick fix to feel good this morning. A square between the moon and Venus makes us needy and indulgent. A subsequent sextile to Jupiter allows us to see the bright side and share with others. Late tonight, we get a burst of energy during a meeting of the moon and Mars. This could cause feelings of restlessness or impulse- make sure you have a healthy outlet! But a trine to the Aquarius sun helps us confidently declare our needs and ask for what we want.
1/3/23 ✨ Gemini Moon Conjunct Mars
This Mars Day, we’re really feeling the red planet’s influence. The Waxing Gibbous moon in Gemini comes into a conjunction with Mars this afternoon, giving us a boost of energy and motivation. But with Mars still retrograde, we could find ourselves thinking about what we really want out of life. Tapping into the potent energy of Venus at 0º Aquarius, we can gaining new perspectives in love and money if we’re willing to keep an open mind.