Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/6/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Pluto

Relationships go deeper today as lover Venus connects with alchemist Pluto. We can reach new levels of intimacy and understanding if we are willing to explore each other’s shadows and see another’s truth. The Pisces moon gets support from Jupiter and Uranus, bringing an energy of excitement and anticipation. We can lean into spontaneity and adventure today, trusting the surprises and opportunities the Universe has in store for us. Simply existing can feel thrilling today. Get still and notice the beauty in being alive.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/9/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aries

Change is in the air today. The Sun and Mars connect with Uranus at nearly the same time, illuminating the shifts happening in our lives and shaking up what is no longer meant for us. There’s an energy of agitation and restlessness- Mercury is sitting at the last degree of Pisces for most of the day too. Moving too quickly could result in accidents or regrets. When Mercury moves into Aries tonight, our thoughts and words get a little louder. Meanwhile, our emotions take us on ride today. A meeting of the moon and Saturn makes us feel tired or jaded this morning. But we get a dose of positivity from Jupiter this afternoon. As we approach the New Moon, we are asked to be still, observe our true feelings, and create space for new possibilities.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/10/24 ✨ Mercury Square Jupiter

Big ideas and big feelings define our forecast today! Mercury squares Saturn, forcing us to see the world through rose-colored glasses. We’re inclined to make grand plans, but focus on dreaming rather than doing- we’re likely to overlook details under this transit. The waxing moon dips into Pisces, heightening our sensitivity and attuning us to our intuition. When the moon meets Saturn this evening, it’s easy to spiral into fear or doubt, but a complimentary sextile to Jupiter allows us to remain optimistic and have faith in how everything is unfolding.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/30/23 ✨ Pisces Super Full Moon

The biggest and brightest full moon of the year illuminates Pisces, opening us to magic. Our sensitivity is at an all-time high under this full moon- both emotionally and intuitively. Psychic downloads can come through and visits from spiritual guides are possible. The flood gates fly open for a cathartic release under this lunation. This full moon also marks a culmination point of the wisdom we've gained over the past six months. Using all the spiritual tools we've learned this year, this full moon asks us to heal and release anything no longer serving our ascension.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/3/23 ✨ Pluto Rx Square North Node

We’re in the midst of a pivotal transformation. Pluto squares the Nodes of Fate, marking a turning point in our evolution. Letting go of the past isn’t easy, but it’s necessary to become who we’re meant to be. Fear or doubt will certainly pop up along the way though! That’s totally normal when the Pisces moon meets Saturn this morning. As the moon begins her release, we are asked to take time alone to reflect. Oppositions to Mercury and Mars make us want to analyze our emotions and act on them too. Rather than trying to fix the situation, ask how you can surrender more. A supportive connection from Jupiter helps us lean into faith that something better will take the place of what we’re releasing now.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/06/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Uranus

Keep an open mind today. Mercury connects with Uranus, bringing through intuitive insights, new ideas, and aha moments. Exciting or interesting conversations can happen too! The Aquarius moon starts the day opposing Mars, sparking a fire to get us moving! But irritation is a possible side-effect. When the waning moon enters Pisces, she invites us to let go and let it flow! Emotional flood gates open to help us cleanse the past and create space for the magic to come. If doubts or worries pop up when the moon meets Saturn tonight, lean into trust.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/9/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune

Explore the subconscious today. A sextile between Mercury and Neptune encourages us to embrace our imagination and believe in magic. Spiritual pursuits of every kind are favored today! The last quarter moon in Pisces prompts healing release and heightened intuition. The moon's sextile with Jupiter brings an energy of faith and optimism, helping us find silver linings, even in the midst of endings. A meeting of the moon and Saturn brings up doubts and limiting beliefs to be released too. Time spent in solitude facilitates deep introspection and patience. Trust.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/13/23 ✨ Moon in Pisces

Our Saturn Day is defined by a conjunction between the moon and Saturn, putting a limiter on our ability to trust in what we ca'n’t understand. It’s easy to get spiral into fear or doubt during this transit. Luckily, a trine to Venus makes it feel natural to lean into love and find pleasure in our body. A simultaneous sextile to Mercury Retrograde invites reflection and insight. Meanwhile, Jupiter is sitting at the last degree of Aries, making us feel eager for expansion. How are you holding yourself back from feeling good?

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/15/23 ✨ Moon Enters Pisces

We wake up with a boost of confidence and energy as the wacky Aquarius moon makes a supportive connection to the vibrant Aries sun. But then, the moon goes void for a majority of our day. This is an opportunity to find closure or diffuse any tension before the moon moves into sensitive Pisces this evening. When the moon swims into the sign of the fish, we’re in full surrender mode! Let go and let Goddess! Trust in what’s coming next, even if you can’t see how it’s all going to unfold. Hitting an energetic wall is to be expected when the moon meets up with Saturn late tonight. Make sure you have a comfy place to crash.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/19/23 ✨ Dark Moon Enters Pisces

The moon dives into Pisces on the last day of Pisces Season. But first— the waning moon in Aquarius harmonizes with Mars, starting our Sunday with a boost of energy. This could manifest as active dreams or it could have you hopping out of bed all together. When the dark moon dips into Pisces, we get a final opportunity to soak in the stillness and magic of Winter. When the moon meets up with Saturn, it feels natural to slowly move through our responsibilities. We’re aware of the passage of time, but it might feel like the clock is ticking a little slower than usual. This afternoon, a sextile to Venus allows us to tap into our creativity and sensuality. Sparks of inspiration for the Spring season can come through too. Trust your intuition.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/19/23 ✨ New Moon in Pisces

Tonight’s Pisces New moon feels like a baptism, washing away our worries and cleansing our souls so we can trust fully in the new beginnings to come. But this Sunday leading up to this cosmic reset could take us on an emotional journey. With Venus and Pluto connecting at the 29th degree, intense moments in relationships are possible. Beware of love bombing or trying to control how others feel. We’re highly attuned to power dynamics in love and money this morning.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/23/23 ✨ Moon Enters Pisces

Daydreaming comes naturally this moon day as la luna moves into Pisces. We start the morning under a void moon, giving us full permission to ease into the week. When the moon dips into the sign of the fish, we can expect to feel creative, compassionate and intuitive. It’s easier to feel what others are feeling over the coming days- make sure to protect you energy!

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