3/25/24 ✨ Libra Lunar Eclipse
Release. Let go of the need to people please. Let go of what others think. Notice who reflects back love when you allow yourself to be fully authentic- no masks, no flowers. Reflect on how the people in your life mirror your own emotions. This is the invitation from the Libra Lunar Eclipse. Relationships could fall away now so new partnerships can enter. No need to control. Let the eclipse work its magic.
2/27/24 ✨ Mars Square Jupiter
Aaaand ACTION! There’s no shortage of motivation and energy to work with early this morning under a square between Mars and Jupiter. Just try not to move too fast or give into impulses that you may later regret. The Libra Moon harmonizes with Mars and Venus, allowing us to align with our desires and easily find pleasure today. It feels natural to relate to others and share the love. When the moon meets the South Node this evening, we must acknowledge what we need ready to release in order to heal.
2/13/24 ✨ Mars Conjunct Pluto
Love and war are two sides of the same coin. Affection and compassion come easily today under a supportive sextile between Venus and Neptune. But intensity and control dominate the forecast as Mars meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Although it’s tempting to make power plays, our true power lies in our ability to show up authentically and let love flow through us. The Aries moon adds fuel to the fire, making conjunctions to Chiron and the South Node. Our irritations and triggers show us what we are ready to release so we can move forward as the truest version of ourselves.
1/31/24 ✨ Libra Moon Square Mars
The peaceful energy of the Libra moon is challenged by uncomfortable transits today. We start the morning under an opposition to Wounded Healer, Chiron; forcing us to face painful emotions. Old stories and relationship dynamics can surface. This evening, a square to Mars can make us irritated and reactive. Avoid the impulse to act on triggers. Instead, take a breath, find center, and become the observer of your emotions. This is how we heal. Whatever is coming up today is asking to be released so we can move in the direction of our highest self.
7/25/23 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio
The moon makes a bold entrance into Scorpio this morning, meeting the South Node and squaring Pluto as she exits Libra. This could feel like a sudden drop into our own depths, revealing what needs to be released so we can move forward unencumbered by the past. The First Quarter Moon invites us to take action on our deepest desires, but first, we must uncover them. Tonight, harmony between the moon and Saturn reminds us to pace ourselves. Slow and steady. There’s no rush.
6/28/23 ✨ Grand Trine: Sun, Moon, and Saturn
Deep desires can be realized today as Venus meets Lilith in Leo. Our confidence could be perceived as being domineering or controlling though! Be mindful of how you’re expressing your wants and needs. The moon enters Scorpio overnight, taking us down into the shadows of our own psyche. We crave intimate connection and exploration over the coming days. Anything that’s been repressed is likely to surface.
5/31/23 ✨ Mercury Square Lilith
We wake up feeling the pull of our desires as the Libra moon squares Venus. This transit makes us feel needy for affection and pleasure. Then, we spend most of the afternoon under a void moon, giving us an opportunity to find peace and closure. When the moon dives into Scorpio this evening, a wave of intense emotions can come over us. An immediate square to Pluto makes us prone to mood swings and power struggles. But what’s surfacing is asking to be released as the moon meets the South Node, showing us what we’re ready to move away from. Watch your words late tonight! As Mercury squares Lilith, it’s all too easy to be mean or harsh in our communication. With the moon opposing Jupiter at the same time, speaking or moving too quickly could land us in hot water. Be especially mindful about what you’re expressing, how you’re communicating, and to whom.
5/4/23 ✨ Venus Square Neptune and Sextile Jupiter
We settle into a rosy fog this Thursday as lover Venus connects with Neptune and Jupiter. Love is amplified, making it easy to feel optimistic. But confusion and illusion are in the forecast as well. This is not the day to make big decisions about relationships or finances. Instead, use these energies to dream about what is possible. The moon dives into Scorpio this morning, clashing with Pluto at 0º. Intense emotions and past patterning are likely to surface today. Beware of trying to control or manipulate. Instead, explore shadows and excavate what’s been hidden. Total clarity isn’t likely, but we could begin to understand what lessons the Universe has been trying to teach us.
4/7/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Mars and Venus Sextile Neptune
We have a power packed forecast today! Venus and Neptune connect in a supportive sextile, allowing us to ground higher love and spiritual wisdom into this physical reality. The waning Scorpio moon takes us deep, connecting with the Nodes of Fate, setting the stage for deep realizations about what we’re ready to release. A cosmic connection between Mercury and Mars illuminates the next steps. As you free yourself from your own chains, be careful not to lash out on others. The Scorpio moon clashes with Liltih tonight… and that might sting a little… 🌶
3/11/23 ✨ Venus Sextile Mars
Where there is deep wounding, there is also great potential for healing. Today’s energy brings both. As Jupiter passes over Chiron, it magnifies our most painful wounds. When triggers arise, they are asking to be released under the waning Scorpio moon. The process of purging could feel a bit intense though… Meanwhile, we have several planets supporting our evolution. Lover Venus and fighter Mars come into a sextile, allowing masculine and feminine energy to work hand in hand. Mercury and Uranus form that same uplifting angle, opening us to intuitive downloads and flashes of insight. We could experience a major shift or surprising breakthrough late tonight as we process whatever deep emotions have surfaced throughout the day.
2/11/23 ✨ Mercury Enters Aquarius
New perspectives can be found deep within. Mercury moves into Aquarius this weekend, inviting us to open our minds and see things in a new light. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be drawn to new information and technology and more willing to communicate in group settings. Mars and Chiron connect today as well, generating forward movement in our healing journey. Allow curiosity to guide you.
1/15/23 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio
A deep purge is possible overnight as the last quarter moon squares Pluto. This tense aspect to the planet of death and rebirth is a moment of transformation, reminding us that keeping the peace might also be keeping us from evolving. The moon dives into Scorpio early this morning, continuing our excavation of deep emotions. When the moon connects with Mercury retrograde tonight, we can investigate our own patterns to uncover deeper understanding. What stories are you still clinging to?