3/26/24 ✨ Libra Moon Opposite Mercury
Still making sense of what came up during the Libra Lunar Eclipse? Tuesday’s energy brings a reminder: You can’t rush your healing. As the full moon opposes Chiron this morning, we can see our wounding clearly. We have a choice. We can face our pain head-on or we can run in the other direction. But we must feel in order to heal. Tonight, the moon opposes Mercury in Aries. This transit brings a need to understand our emotions, but revelations take time. Be receptive to realizations and insights, but try not to force them. Some feelings aren’t meant to be rationalized.
2/23/24 ✨ Moon Enters Virgo
It’s a quiet Venus Day. We spend a majority of the day under a void moon in Leo, inviting us to tie up loose ends. This is not a day to start anything new, but rather to finish incomplete projects. When the nearly full moon enters Virgo this evening, we could feel an urge to begin analyzing our growing emotions. An opposition to Mercury makes it tempting to try to make sense of our feelings, but the key to fully understanding what is surfacing is to let ourselves fully feel.
1/23/24 ✨ Venus Enters Capricorn
What are you invested in? Venus enters Capricorn, asking is to assess what we really want in the long-term. In the coming weeks, we can ask ourselves if how we’re spending our time and money can really stand the test of time. The energy surrounding this planetary shift could leave us feeling at odds. Mercury connects with Lilith- watch your words! They could pack a punch. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon keeps us tapped into our body and attuned to our emotions. But tense connections to Mercury, Mars, and Chiron make us feel reactive or argumentative. If interactions feel cold, detached, or even hostile, come back to the warmth of your heart.
8/31/23 ✨ The Wake of the Pisces Full Moon
The wake of the watery Pisces Full Moon asks us to slow down. Stillness can help us more deeply tune into our release. As the full moon opposes Mercury Retrograde, it could feel like our past holds more answers than our future. Nostalgia could make us emotional today. But a sextile to Uranus this evening reminds us to keep our eyes ahead of us, giving us the courage to release old stories and make space for our evolution.
8/3/23 ✨ Pluto Rx Square North Node
We’re in the midst of a pivotal transformation. Pluto squares the Nodes of Fate, marking a turning point in our evolution. Letting go of the past isn’t easy, but it’s necessary to become who we’re meant to be. Fear or doubt will certainly pop up along the way though! That’s totally normal when the Pisces moon meets Saturn this morning. As the moon begins her release, we are asked to take time alone to reflect. Oppositions to Mercury and Mars make us want to analyze our emotions and act on them too. Rather than trying to fix the situation, ask how you can surrender more. A supportive connection from Jupiter helps us lean into faith that something better will take the place of what we’re releasing now.
7/3/23 ✨ Capricorn Full Moon
The Capricorn Full Moon illuminates our achievements, allowing us to appreciate how far we’ve come. It’s as if we’re summiting one climb, knowing the descent could be just as challenging. But just for a moment, we can enjoy the view and honor the wisdom we’ve gained along the way. An abundant trine to Jupiter makes this full moon especially fortunate. Opportunities that support our long-term goals could present themselves. The moon opposes Mercury on Moon Day morning, creating distance between our heart and our mind. Clarity is possible, but only if we can separate the intelligence of our mind and our body. Shifts that propel us into the future are possible tonight when the moon and Uranus connect, but a square to Chiron could bring up some pain along the way. Release stagnancy. Stay flexible and resilient.
6/1/23 ✨ Moon in Scorpio
June begins with a dose of intensity under the Scorpio moon. We have a direct line to our deepest feelings and emotions today. Harmony between the moon and Saturn allows us to wake up and meet the moment. Responsibility and maturity come naturally today. But late tonight, harsh words and conflicts of opinion are in the forecast. A T-Square between the moon, Lilith, and Mercury can create friction- especially if we feel out of control. Be especially mindful with the words you speak and the thoughts you think tonight.
5/4/23 ✨ Venus Square Neptune and Sextile Jupiter
We settle into a rosy fog this Thursday as lover Venus connects with Neptune and Jupiter. Love is amplified, making it easy to feel optimistic. But confusion and illusion are in the forecast as well. This is not the day to make big decisions about relationships or finances. Instead, use these energies to dream about what is possible. The moon dives into Scorpio this morning, clashing with Pluto at 0º. Intense emotions and past patterning are likely to surface today. Beware of trying to control or manipulate. Instead, explore shadows and excavate what’s been hidden. Total clarity isn’t likely, but we could begin to understand what lessons the Universe has been trying to teach us.
4/7/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile Mars and Venus Sextile Neptune
We have a power packed forecast today! Venus and Neptune connect in a supportive sextile, allowing us to ground higher love and spiritual wisdom into this physical reality. The waning Scorpio moon takes us deep, connecting with the Nodes of Fate, setting the stage for deep realizations about what we’re ready to release. A cosmic connection between Mercury and Mars illuminates the next steps. As you free yourself from your own chains, be careful not to lash out on others. The Scorpio moon clashes with Liltih tonight… and that might sting a little… 🌶
3/6/23 ✨ Sun Sextile Uranus
Intuitive insights and big shifts are possible this Monday as the Pisces sun makes a complimentary angle to Uranus in Taurus. This transit can create changes that feel almost hard to believe or conceptualize. Meanwhile, another sextile between Mercury and the North Node brings through inspiration or information to help us align with the path ahead. The moon grows full in Virgo tonight, but first, she opposes Mercury and connects with the nodes of fate. Remember- the truth lies somewhere between your head and your heart.
2/3/23 ✨ Sun Square Uranus
Change is in the forecast! The Aquarius sun squares disruptive Uranus today, illuminating the shifts happening around us. But there’s potential to start a revolution too- especially ahead of this weekend’s bold full moon! Look for opportunity in obstacles. The waxing Cancer moon is amplifying our intuition and opening our senses. An overnight opposition to Mercury might have brought through clear messages in dreams or woke us up with a flood of insights. It’s okay if your mind is moving faster than your heart- keep a journal handy!
1/6/23 ✨ Full Moon in Cancer
The first full moon of the year brings heightened emotions and amplified sensitivity. With la luna reaching her culminating point in her home sign of Cancer, we’re exploring themes of protection, motherhood, and divine feminine energy. As we experience our own tenderness today, this full moon asks us to find safety in our own bodies.