3/24/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Jupiter
It’s a beautiful SUN Day! Venus and Jupiter connect in a supportive sextile, reminding us that love and abundance are always present. Generosity and affection come naturally today. The Virgo moon gives us a sleepy start as it opposes Neptune before going void for most of the morning. But when the moon enters Libra this afternoon, an eclipse portal opens. Transformation begins to unfold as the moon harmonizes with Pluto. This is an invitation to take our hands off the wheel and let tonight’s Libra Lunar Eclipse show us the way. Love can be our guiding light now.
2/26/24 ✨ Moon Enters Libra
It’s a gentle start to the week as the Waning Gibbous moon glides into Libra. As we begin the great release of this lunar cycle, we can take stock of what is pulling us off our center. From here, it becomes easier to discern what we’re ready to set free to find internal balance. Harmony between the moon and Pluto allows letting go to feel natural. We can see the beauty of release by acknowledging the potential of rebirth.
2/25/24 ✨ Moon in Virgo
In the wake of the Virgo Full Moon, we can step further into our sovereignty. As the moon meets up with Lilith, we remember our power. A harmonious trine to Uranus sets the stage for changes and upgrades. If we stay flexible and trust the Universe, we can innovate and adapt with ease under this aspect. Expect a sleepy Sunday night when the moon opposes Neptune- drifting off to dreamland will feel especially enticing. Allow your mental mind to relax and imagination to take over.
1/29/24 ✨ Mars Trine Uranus & Square North Node
We move differently today under a harmonious connection between Mars and Uranus. We can take innovative action and break free from limiting beliefs. Stepping outside the box we’ve put ourselves in can spark long-term change, even if we can’t see the ripple effect in the current moment. The Virgo moon completes a Grand Trine, opening us to potent insights and exciting ideas. But an opposition to Neptune can overwhelm our emotions- change can be confusing after all… Take a breather and release the need to be in control this afternoon.
9/15/23 ✨ Mercury Retrograde Ends!
Change is in the air this Venus Day! Mercury stations direct, ending its 2-week retrograde. This is an opportunity to gather the insights from our review and use them to inform our next steps. The sun and Uranus come into a harmonious trine as well, opening us to innovation and excitement! The New Moon in Virgo makes her final connections this morning to Neptune and Pluto. If uncomfortable emotions surface, allow them to fuel your transformation. When the waxing moon glides into lovely Libra, we can come back to center and move forward from a place of balance.
8/18/23 ✨ Moon in Virgo
The Virgo moon makes for a productive Venus Day! We start our morning under a conjunction between the moon and Mercury, merging our emotions and our mental mind. This is a great day to process our feelings- but beware of getting stuck in an analysis paralysis. The energy builds this afternoon as the moon makes connections to Uranus and Mars. There’s an air of excitement and plenty of motivation to back it up! A wild Friday night could unfold! Try not to fall too far down the rabbit hole though- the moon opposes Neptune late tonight, clouding our judgment and making it all too easy to get caught up in a fantasy.
7/22/23 ✨ Leo Season Begins & Venus Stations Retrograde
The transition from Cancer Season to Leo Season marks a powerful moment. As the sun exits the sign of the crab, it makes a tense T-square to the North and South Nodes, creating a fated turning point in our consciousness. We must release what we think we new in order to open to new awareness. At nearly the same time as the sun makes his homecoming into Leo, Venus starts her 40-day retrograde. We can expect a review of our passion, sensuality, feminine energy, and relationships over the coming weeks.
6/25/23 ✨ Mercury Square Neptune
Confusion is possible when Mercury squares Neptune. With Neptune slowing down and preparing to station retrograde next week, it could feel like a fog is just starting to creep in. This cloudy clash between the planet of communication and the planet of dreams makes for blurry boundaries and misunderstandings. Introspection is favored now. We can also be deceived under this transit- avoid negotiations or important decision making.
5/30/23 ✨ Moon Opposite Chiron
The Libra moon makes us crave balance and ease. We’re nurtured by connecting with others now and our relationships can act as mirrors for our own emotions. As the energy builds leading up to the full moon, our task is to grow while remaining centered and finding beauty along the journey. Tonight, an opposition between the moon and Chiron could trigger old wounds. We can see our pain clearly now, giving us an opportunity to understand where there’s still room for healing.
5/29/23 ✨ Moon Enters Libra
The moon glides into Libra this Moon Day, asking us to find balance and beauty as we search for the path of least resistance. In her Waxing Gibbous phase, the moon invites us to make adjustments and gather more perspectives. Relationships are illuminated under the Libra moon as well. Who helps you remain centered and who knocks you off balance? A trine between the moon and Pluto opens us to transformation. Whatever is falling away now is meant to go to make room for your next evolution. This evening, a supportive connection to Mars helps us make bold moves to continue advancing. We’ll likely have plenty of energy to work with tonight as the moon and sun harmonize, giving us confidence and vitality!
5/1/23 ✨ Pluto Retrograde & Mercury Cazimi
Powerful moments are possible today. Pluto stations retrograde at 0º Aquarius, asking us to review the changes we’re already experiencing around technology and humanity. But as we prepare for Pluto to move back into Capricorn, we could get one final look at the structures that have been breaking down over the past 15 years. Remember- transformation is a long game. This afternoon, Mercury passes through the heart of the sun, causing a phenomenon known as Mercury Cazimi. For just a moment around 4:30 pm pdt, we have crystal clear insight. We could even get answers to what we’ve been questioning.
4/4/23 ✨ Mars Sextile North Node
Our intuition is our guide this Mars Day. Mars in Cancer makes a supportive connection to the Nodes of Fate, tapping us into our gut instinct. The moves we’re making now are supporting our journey to become our highest selves. The Virgo moon opposes Neptune in Pisces, making us highly sensitive this morning.