Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/17/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Uranus

Ch ch ch ch changes! Mercury and Uranus harmonize this Saturday, opening us to changes of plan and changes of mind. We can experience flashes of insight and new ideas during this transit. Surprising information and stimulating conversations are also on the agenda. The waning moon in Libra puts the focus on our relationships with others.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/9/22 ✨ Moon Trine Sun

The day could start on a bit of a rocky note as the moon opposes Mars and Chiron. Watch out for impulsive tendencies or sensitive triggers. We end this Jupiter Day on a high note as the moon and sun come into a harmonious trine, giving us a natural ability to express ourselves and relate to others.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/17/22 ✨ Mars Conjunct Neptune

Mars and Neptune meet up in watery Pisces, merging our actions with our imagination. This makes it easier to be deceived or confused. It will be difficult to distinguish intuitive actions from impulsive ones. Boundaries are your friend today. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius moon makes us more philosophical and outgoing. We want to share all the things we’ve been learning!

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/13/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct North Node

The Taurus sun meets up with the North Node today, making us consciously aware of the direction we are heading. But in order to fully step into our soul’s mission, we must acknowledge the energy we need to release. The Libra moon makes awkward aspects all day, making it difficult to stay balanced. This is the time for small adjustments. The universe will handle big shifts for you.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/19/22 ✨ Taurus Season Begins!

Taurus Season has arrived! The sun moves into the sign of the bull tonight, bringing a more grounded, comfortable energy with it. During Aries Season, we’ve had ample energy, motivation, and inspiration. Over the coming month, we can take the ideas born out of this time and root them into reality. Taurus rules our sensuality, so get comfortable. Get physical. Get in touch with your body.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/15/22 ✨ Moon Opposite Chiron

The Libra moon plays a balancing act as it becomes full. The moon makes uncomfortable connections to Mercury and Venus throughout the morning. It may be a little more difficult to articulate our feelings or show affection today. The headline transit this Friday is an opposition between the moon and Wounded Healer, Chiron, forcing us to face the traumas that were triggered under the new moon two weeks ago.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/23/22 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Neptune

When Mercury and Neptune meet up in Pisces, no dream is too big… but it’s easier to get lost in a fantasy or fall victim to deception. It’s best to wait on making major decisions as our rational mind is clouded. The Sagittarius moon asks us to let our hair down and release through FUN!

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/24/22 ✨ Venus Sextile Neptune + Mercury Square Uranus

It’ll be easy to feel the love this Thursday as Venus and Neptune lock into a supportive angle. The Sagittarius moon makes us feel more generous and optimistic, but confusion or mishaps are definitely possible today. Messenger Mercury squares off to rebellious Uranus, giving us the urge to make waves or force change.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/19/22 ✨ Moon Trine Mercury

We’ll be in the energy of balance and harmony under the Libra moon. A fortunate angle between the moon and Mercury can bring through important realizations. But an opposition to Chiron and imbalanced angles to Jupiter and Uranus show us how we’re holding ourselves back from growth and transformation.

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