Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/20/23 ✨ Happy Aries Season & Astrological New Year!

It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new astrological year. It’s Aries Season! It’s Spring! Major rebirth energy is loading! But first… the Pisces sun makes one final connection to Pluto at the 29th degree. This is an opportunity for one last release (or purge) of anything that came up this Winter that you don’t wish to carry into the next season. The transformation we’ve experienced over the past year is illuminated as well. Give yourself credit for how much you’ve grown! When the sun moves into Aries, we can take all the inspiration we experienced during Pisces season and put it into action.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/16/22 ✨ Sun Conjunct Mercury

Our intuition is powerful this weekend as the sun and Mercury meet up in Cancer. Profound insights and realizations are possible, but we have to be willing to listen to the wisdom of our body as much as our mind. Gut instincts are strong now. The moon moves into Pisces, setting the stage for an emotional weekend. Our sensitivities are heightened.

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