4/10/24 ✨ Mars Conjunct Saturn
Step up. Mars meets Saturn in Pisces, asking us to take the lead and step into our authority. We feel an almost overwhelming need to succeed, but it’s hard to tell whether we should speed up or slow down now. With both planets in Pisces, we’re can move with compassion and open to the spiritual lessons we’re learning along the way. The Taurus moon comes into back-to-back conjunctions with Jupiter and Uranus, setting the stage for surprises and upgrades. Changes of plan are in the forecast, but they can bring good fortune if we remain flexible and remember challenges are often opportunities in disguise.
4/1/24 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde
Hit the brakes! Mercury stations Retrograde in Aries, forcing us to slow wayyyy down. A tendency to communicate quickly could lead to crossed wires. Tech glitches are possible too. The best way to avoid feeling frazzled is to be especially intentional with our thoughts and words. What’s the hurry anyway? The Capricorn moon helps us embrace a slower pace. Release the need to achieve and appreciate how far you’ve already come. Seeing our situation through the lens of logic can help us gain a more mature perspective and let go of outdated expectations. An emotional turning point is possible late tonight.
3/12/24 ✨ Moon Enters Taurus
Take it easy. After an overnight connection to Mars, the Aries moon is void for most of the day, giving us permission to move slowly and complete unfinished projects. This is not the day to start anything new, but rather, focus on lightening the load of what you’ve already started. When the moon enters Taurus tonight, she invites us to ground into our body and appreciate the resources already within our reach. We have everything we need.
3/3/24 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Expect the unexpected this Sunday. As Venus squares Uranus, surprises and abrupt changes in relationships and finances are in the forecast. We could feel a spontaneous urge to redecorate or change our appearance too. Rash decisions in the moment could lead to regret down the road. The same goes for our speech- Mercury opposes Lilith, giving our words more power. This transit can give us the confidence to speak our mind, but how we share our thoughts could come across as critical or harsh. The Sagittarius moon continues her release. Now is the time to trust that what’s falling away is no longer meant for us- but be especially mindful how you say goodbye! There’s always an opportunity to let go with love.
2/3/24 ✨ Venus Trine Lilith
There’s power knowing our worth. Venus harmonizes with Lilith, allowing us to claim our desires and stand in our sovereignty. The Scorpio moon makes potent connections to Mars, Neptune, and Mercury. We have plenty of energy and creativity to work with today- use it to dream and feel into what’s coming next. Now is the time to make space for our next chapter. When the moon enters Sagittarius, we’ll feel a spontaneous urge to transform. Surrender and have faith. It’s all working out in divine timing- no need to control.
9/11/23 ✨ Leo Moon Conjunct Venus
Today’s energy feels like a slow burn… The dark moon in Leo connects with Mars, giving us a boost of motivation to start our week. When the moon passes over Venus this afternoon, love and passion dominate our experience. Life feels more beautiful- especially if we get still enough to really take it all in. But it’s easy to go overboard this evening. A square to Jupiter makes us prone to being overly generous or saying “yes” out of pride. Stay true to yourself and honor what your body needs. This is the time to slow down before the upcoming new moon.
8/23/23 ✨ Virgo Season Begins!
Welcome to Virgo Season! The late-summer sun moves into the sign of the virgin, ushering us into a season of intention and productivity. But just hours later, Mercury begins a three-week retrograde, scrambling our mental state and crossing wires. Tech glitches and communication breakdowns are to be expected. The Scorpio moon makes us crave control- beware of trying to manipulate others to avoid your own discomfort. Remaining rooted in our own bodies can help us navigate any unexpected twists and turns. In this season of high standards and morals, stay devoted to your highest self. But remember- perfection is an illusion.
7/26/23 ✨ Moon Opposite Jupiter
The Scorpio Moon asks us to dig deep as we move forward. A motivating boost from Mars helps us wake up feeling productive and capable. If we’re aligned with our truth, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish today! But there’s also potential to go overboard when the moon locks into an opposition with Jupiter this afternoon. This aspect can help us feel generous and abundant, but unwanted attention and lack of self control are possible side effects. If you notice yourself doing anything in excess, ask what you might be distracting yourself from- even subconsciously.
7/15/23 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer
The moon enters her darkest phase today as she dips into Cancer. As the moon comes back to her home sign, we are invited to come home to our selves. Our emotions are tangible now, especially if we get still enough to truly feel them. Nourishing our body nourishes our soul over the coming days. As the moon connects with Mars tonight, we can tap into the “why” behind our motivations. When we are clear on our intentions, the next steps are easier to take. A late-night trine between the moon and the Saturn ends our day on a responsible note, allowing us to become the leader of our own stories.
6/27/23 ✨ Mercury Sextile North Node
Our destiny becomes more clear as our deepest desires are realized. A supportive connection between Mercury and the North Node at 0º opens our mind to the possibility of the future. Meanwhile, the First Quarter Moon invites us to take gentle steps forward. The moon connects with an impending conjunction between Venus and Lilith, asking us to pay attention to any suppressed, subconscious needs. An opposition to Chiron asks us to face our pain in order to heal. An afternoon sextile to Mars sparks motivation to keep moving forward. Even small steps can have dramatic results!
6/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Gemini
Tonight’s New Moon in Gemini opens us to new possibilities! With the sun and moon meeting in the sign of communication, sharing our ideas with friends can help them blossom. Writing and speaking our intentions gives them extra power. This new moon squares Neptune, sparking our imagination and forcing us to see the magic all around us. A supportive connection between Mercury and Venus brings sweetness into our interactions throughout the day, making it easier to notice the beauty all around us and share what’s on our heart. Meanwhile, Saturn begins his annual retrograde today. Even amidst the business of Gemini Season, Saturn’s directional switch slows the pace, allowing us to pause and take it all in. Wisdom lies in moments of stillness.
5/30/23 ✨ Moon Opposite Chiron
The Libra moon makes us crave balance and ease. We’re nurtured by connecting with others now and our relationships can act as mirrors for our own emotions. As the energy builds leading up to the full moon, our task is to grow while remaining centered and finding beauty along the journey. Tonight, an opposition between the moon and Chiron could trigger old wounds. We can see our pain clearly now, giving us an opportunity to understand where there’s still room for healing.