4/4/24 ✨ Venus Enters Aries
Today’s energy feels a bit much… The sun meets the North Node in Aries, illuminating our mission in this lifetime. This is a powerful day to ponder our purpose… and leave it at that. Give yourself the space to get clear about what you want, but wait to act until after next week’s solar eclipse. The Aquarius moon squares Jupiter and Uranus, bringing an excess of energy and potential changes to plans or emotional upsets. Staying flexible is key. Late tonight, the moon squares Mercury Retrograde at the same time Venus moves into Aries. We’ll crave connection and affection, but crossed wires could make it feel like we’re unable to get on the same page. How can you give love to yourself rather than expecting it from others?
3/15/24 ✨ Moon in Gemini
The Gemini moon keeps us engaged and stimulated today. We wake up under a square to Venus, making us crave affection and pleasure. We might feel especially needy and we’re quick to reach for anything that will make us feel good this morning. Become a witness to your mental dialogue this afternoon. The moon connects with Mercury, helping us become consciously aware of how we feel. But a square to Saturn follows, forcing us to be realistic (or even negative.) If you find yourself spiraling into fear or doubt, remember: Not every thought you think or emotion you feel is true. Treat yourself as a respected elder might approach you.
3/14/24 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini
When in doubt, shake it out. No really… moving your body can help dissolve any agitation or restlessness today. We wake up under a conjunction of the Taurus moon and Uranus, causing disruptions or surprises. A square to Mars adds friction and irritation. When the aggravating energy dies down this afternoon, our energy could crash too. An afternoon nap could be in order thanks to a supportive sextile from Neptune. Tonight, the waxing crescent moon moves into Gemini, helping us make sense of our emotions and gather more information to plot our next steps. A trine to Pluto reminds us that evolution is happening in every moment, even if we can’t see the big picture yet.
3/5/24 ✨ Chiron Conjunct North Node
In order to heal, we must face our pain. This is the message of today’s forecast. When Wounded Healer, Chiron joins the North Node in Aries, we are reminded that our healing journey is part of our destiny. We are not only meant to find external success in this life, but also to better understand ourselves along the way. With the moon in Capricorn, we want to make logical sense of our internal landscape. Triggers could pop up throughout the day, but if we can remain in our power and take responsibility for our own healing, we can gain great insight and make substantial progress. Remember- healing the world is an inside job.
2/13/24 ✨ Mars Conjunct Pluto
Love and war are two sides of the same coin. Affection and compassion come easily today under a supportive sextile between Venus and Neptune. But intensity and control dominate the forecast as Mars meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Although it’s tempting to make power plays, our true power lies in our ability to show up authentically and let love flow through us. The Aries moon adds fuel to the fire, making conjunctions to Chiron and the South Node. Our irritations and triggers show us what we are ready to release so we can move forward as the truest version of ourselves.
2/5/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Powerful conversations and profound ideas could transform our mindset as Mercury meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Innovation is in the forecast, but beware of being overly eager to put thoughts into action. The sun and Venus connect with Chiron, illuminating our wounding to show us what needs to be healed. Pain points in relationships could come up, forcing us to evolve. The Sagittarius moon squares Neptune tonight- optimism and delusion are two sides of the same coin. No need to say yes to things today- give ideas time to develop.
1/15/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Neptune
Our sensitivity is our superpower today. In the midst of cold and serious Capricorn season, a sextile between the sun and Neptune reminds us that rest is productive. Getting quiet and trusting our intuition can actually help us succeed- Imagination helps us reach higher heights too! The moon in Pisces brings subconscious emotions and needs to the surface, allowing us to unpack what we truly want. It might feel like we’re sleep walking through the day. Sink into this soft and dreamy state- when we’re fully relaxed, we can more easily release what we’re ready to let go of.
9/9/23 ✨ Moon in Cancer
Growth is on the edge of our comfort zone. The moon in Cancer can make us want to pull the covers over our head and hide out at home all day. But there’s huge potential for innovation as the moon connects with Jupiter and Uranus today. Simply setting an intention can help us show up with more confidence under a supportive sextile between the moon and sun. But a square to Chiron mid-day could bring past triggers into the present moment. Remember- change isn’t always a clean process.
8/21/23 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio
It’s time to dig a little deeper. The moon makes a powerful exit from Libra, squaring Pluto and connecting with the Leo sun. Uncomfortable or powerful emotions could surface. Whatever’s coming up is here to push us to evolve, but there’s a tendency to want to control the process. When the moon dives into Scorpio this evening, we can go even deeper, uncovering our inner power and unlocking our true motivations. It feels natural to try to coerce or manipulate today. Remember- nothing worth having has to be forced.
7/22/23 ✨ Leo Season Begins & Venus Stations Retrograde
The transition from Cancer Season to Leo Season marks a powerful moment. As the sun exits the sign of the crab, it makes a tense T-square to the North and South Nodes, creating a fated turning point in our consciousness. We must release what we think we new in order to open to new awareness. At nearly the same time as the sun makes his homecoming into Leo, Venus starts her 40-day retrograde. We can expect a review of our passion, sensuality, feminine energy, and relationships over the coming weeks.
6/23/23 ✨ Moon Enters Virgo
The moon enters Virgo on this Venus Day, preparing us for productivity! The waxing moon in the sign of the virgin makes us more detail-oriented as we plot our next steps. But remember- there’s a fine line between perfectionism and criticism.
6/12/23 ✨ Moon in Aries
We’re moving on a Monday! As the waning moon moves through Aries, there’s no shortage of passion and energy! Harmonies to Mars and Lilith allow us to tap into the confidence needed to take bold action. Physical movement is both potent and cathartic. When the moon meets Wounded Healer Chiron tonight, irritations and triggers could flare. Looking to the source of the pain can show us what we’re ready to release. Remember- shedding old identities invites truer authenticity in the present moment.