4/6/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Pluto
Relationships go deeper today as lover Venus connects with alchemist Pluto. We can reach new levels of intimacy and understanding if we are willing to explore each other’s shadows and see another’s truth. The Pisces moon gets support from Jupiter and Uranus, bringing an energy of excitement and anticipation. We can lean into spontaneity and adventure today, trusting the surprises and opportunities the Universe has in store for us. Simply existing can feel thrilling today. Get still and notice the beauty in being alive.
3/18/24 ✨ Moon in Cancer
The Cancer moon takes us on an emotional ride this Moon Day! We start the morning feeling responsible and optimistic as the moon connects with Jupiter. But springing out of bed is only half the battle- When the moon makes a mid-morning square to Mercury, it can feel like our body and our mind are on different pages. Where we can find common ground between the two, we can find motivation to forge ahead. Pain points could pop up this afternoon under a tense 90º angle to Chiron, but this discomfort is forcing us to evolve. Notice how you might be abandoning your own needs to take care of others. Remember- self care isn’t selfish. The moon comes into a sextile with Uranus tonight, asking us to lean into change and embrace who we’re becoming in our next version.
3/9/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aries
Change is in the air today. The Sun and Mars connect with Uranus at nearly the same time, illuminating the shifts happening in our lives and shaking up what is no longer meant for us. There’s an energy of agitation and restlessness- Mercury is sitting at the last degree of Pisces for most of the day too. Moving too quickly could result in accidents or regrets. When Mercury moves into Aries tonight, our thoughts and words get a little louder. Meanwhile, our emotions take us on ride today. A meeting of the moon and Saturn makes us feel tired or jaded this morning. But we get a dose of positivity from Jupiter this afternoon. As we approach the New Moon, we are asked to be still, observe our true feelings, and create space for new possibilities.
2/20/24 ✨ Moon Trine Neptune
The tides of our emotions rise as the Cancer moon grows. We could wake up feeling moody, irritated, or full-blown triggered when the moon squares Chiron early this morning. Whatever is irritating us now is forcing us to acknowledge what we need to release under the full moon in order to become who we’re meant to be. A supportive sextile to Uranus brings a shift in mood as our day progresses. A change of scenery could do wonders for our emotional state. Pay attention to dreams and pings of inspiration late tonight when the moon harmonizes with Neptune!
2/11/24 ✨ Moon in Pisces
It’s a day for dreaming as the Waxing Crescent moon floats through Pisces. Supportive connections to Uranus and Venus ask us to step outside our comfort zone and bring our desires into reality. Energy flows where attention goes- what we focus on can manifest if we trust the Universe is supporting us. And it will feel easy to believe in magic when the moon joins Neptune in Pisces late tonight. Expect vivid dreams too!
1/24/24 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Neptune
We can feel the changes happening within us, even if we can’t fully make sense of them just yet. The moon connects with Uranus, inviting us to lean into change. At the same time, a pivotal T-Square to the North and South Nodes marks a fated moment. Our emotions are our compass, showing us what we need to let go of in order to step into our purpose. A midday harmony between the moon and Neptune opens us to intuitive guidance. Trust in the body’s ability to know how to move emotions.
1/15/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Neptune
Our sensitivity is our superpower today. In the midst of cold and serious Capricorn season, a sextile between the sun and Neptune reminds us that rest is productive. Getting quiet and trusting our intuition can actually help us succeed- Imagination helps us reach higher heights too! The moon in Pisces brings subconscious emotions and needs to the surface, allowing us to unpack what we truly want. It might feel like we’re sleep walking through the day. Sink into this soft and dreamy state- when we’re fully relaxed, we can more easily release what we’re ready to let go of.
9/9/23 ✨ Moon in Cancer
Growth is on the edge of our comfort zone. The moon in Cancer can make us want to pull the covers over our head and hide out at home all day. But there’s huge potential for innovation as the moon connects with Jupiter and Uranus today. Simply setting an intention can help us show up with more confidence under a supportive sextile between the moon and sun. But a square to Chiron mid-day could bring past triggers into the present moment. Remember- change isn’t always a clean process.
8/31/23 ✨ The Wake of the Pisces Full Moon
The wake of the watery Pisces Full Moon asks us to slow down. Stillness can help us more deeply tune into our release. As the full moon opposes Mercury Retrograde, it could feel like our past holds more answers than our future. Nostalgia could make us emotional today. But a sextile to Uranus this evening reminds us to keep our eyes ahead of us, giving us the courage to release old stories and make space for our evolution.
8/4/23 ✨ Moon Conjunct Neptune
Letting go makes space for our next evolution. The waning Pisces moon asks us to trust in the process of release. A sextile to Uranus invites us to stay open to the changes happening now- innovation is incoming! A dreamy fog sets in this evening when the moon meets Neptune. Life might not make a whole lot of sense right now, but we have a natural ability to trust in the unknown. Support from Pluto catalyzes the alchemy happening now. Have faith in what’s falling away. The moon charges into Aries late tonight, allowing us to burn off stagnant energy through movement. When in doubt, sweat it out!
7/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Cancer
Our intuition is our guide under the New Moon in Cancer. With the moon in her home sign, we are invited to come back home to our own bodies and trust the messages we’re receiving from within. Like a mother with a newborn child, we are encouraged to be gentle with our new ideas and creations, slowly tending to them at a comfortable pace. Supportive aspects to Uranus and Neptune help us look to the future with trust and envision the possibilities.
7/07/23 ✨ Moon in Pisces
The Pisces moon invites sweet release this Friday. Allowing ourselves to let go of control and have faith in a higher power can be truly cathartic. A watery trine between the moon and sun brings natural, cool confidence this afternoon. Feeling our emotions reminds us what it means to be alive. This Friday night, the moon connects with Uranus, asking us to step outside of our comfort zone. Exciting and magical moments are possible- trust your intuition.