4/2/24 ✨ Moon in Capricorn
Plans? Throw them out the window today. The Capricorn moon makes us crave a step-by-step itinerary, but the key to navigating today’s tension is to remain as flexible as possible. We wake up feeling optimistic under a trine to Jupiter. Starting the day with gratitude can help us set the stage for success. A square to Chiron could trigger old wounds as the day gets going. As the moon connects Uranus, changes and disruptions are likely. Release your grip on expected outcomes and trust that the Universe has a better plan than you do. Late tonight, the moon squares Mercury Retrograde, causing communication breakdowns and tech glitches. A simultaneous sextile to Venus and Neptune asks us to lean into love and reach for compassion in the midst of tension. No force. Just flow.
3/18/24 ✨ Moon in Cancer
The Cancer moon takes us on an emotional ride this Moon Day! We start the morning feeling responsible and optimistic as the moon connects with Jupiter. But springing out of bed is only half the battle- When the moon makes a mid-morning square to Mercury, it can feel like our body and our mind are on different pages. Where we can find common ground between the two, we can find motivation to forge ahead. Pain points could pop up this afternoon under a tense 90º angle to Chiron, but this discomfort is forcing us to evolve. Notice how you might be abandoning your own needs to take care of others. Remember- self care isn’t selfish. The moon comes into a sextile with Uranus tonight, asking us to lean into change and embrace who we’re becoming in our next version.
3/5/24 ✨ Chiron Conjunct North Node
In order to heal, we must face our pain. This is the message of today’s forecast. When Wounded Healer, Chiron joins the North Node in Aries, we are reminded that our healing journey is part of our destiny. We are not only meant to find external success in this life, but also to better understand ourselves along the way. With the moon in Capricorn, we want to make logical sense of our internal landscape. Triggers could pop up throughout the day, but if we can remain in our power and take responsibility for our own healing, we can gain great insight and make substantial progress. Remember- healing the world is an inside job.
2/20/24 ✨ Moon Trine Neptune
The tides of our emotions rise as the Cancer moon grows. We could wake up feeling moody, irritated, or full-blown triggered when the moon squares Chiron early this morning. Whatever is irritating us now is forcing us to acknowledge what we need to release under the full moon in order to become who we’re meant to be. A supportive sextile to Uranus brings a shift in mood as our day progresses. A change of scenery could do wonders for our emotional state. Pay attention to dreams and pings of inspiration late tonight when the moon harmonizes with Neptune!
2/7/24 ✨ Venus Trine Uranus + Mars Sextile Neptune
Major relationships changes are in the forecast today. Venus harmonizes with Uranus and squares the North and South Nodes, forcing us to let go of past investments in order to align with our destiny. Mars gets support from Neptune, asking us to find motivation by tapping into what we believe in. The Capricorn moon makes tense connections this morning- watch out for triggers. But a shift in the energy this afternoon makes for sweet interaction and exciting opportunities. When the moon meets Mars late tonight, it will be difficult to wind down.
1/23/24 ✨ Venus Enters Capricorn
What are you invested in? Venus enters Capricorn, asking is to assess what we really want in the long-term. In the coming weeks, we can ask ourselves if how we’re spending our time and money can really stand the test of time. The energy surrounding this planetary shift could leave us feeling at odds. Mercury connects with Lilith- watch your words! They could pack a punch. Meanwhile, the Cancer moon keeps us tapped into our body and attuned to our emotions. But tense connections to Mercury, Mars, and Chiron make us feel reactive or argumentative. If interactions feel cold, detached, or even hostile, come back to the warmth of your heart.
9/9/23 ✨ Moon in Cancer
Growth is on the edge of our comfort zone. The moon in Cancer can make us want to pull the covers over our head and hide out at home all day. But there’s huge potential for innovation as the moon connects with Jupiter and Uranus today. Simply setting an intention can help us show up with more confidence under a supportive sextile between the moon and sun. But a square to Chiron mid-day could bring past triggers into the present moment. Remember- change isn’t always a clean process.
8/27/23 ✨ Mars Enters Libra
The present moment is a perfect balance between our past and our future. Motivating Mars enters lovely Libra, helping us weigh all of our options before taking action. But with the planet of war at zero degrees today, we could feel a sense of restlessness without knowing which steps to take next. Remember- there’s no rush. An opposition between the sun and Saturn shines light on the lessons we’ve learned and the wisdom we’ve gained, asking us to step into our authority and take responsibility for our experience.
7/31/23 ✨ Moon Conjunct Pluto
Change is in the air as we approach tomorrow’s full moon! The moon finishes her transit through Capricorn with a bang! First, a harmonious trine to Uranus allows us to open to upgrades and look to the future. This evening, the moon meets Pluto, marking a powerful moment of death and rebirth. Intense emotions and intuitive pings are likely. It’s all part of the emotional turning point we’re experiencing as the moon reaches peak illumination. To move forward, we must make peace with our past. When the moon moves into Aquarius tonight, we can embrace what makes us unique and use it as a guiding light for our evolution.
7/16/23 ✨ Dark Moon in Cancer
On the last day of this moon cycle, we are invited to slow down and take time to tune into our body. In allowing ourselves to really feel the sensations we’re experiencing, we can better understand the source of our emotions. A sextile to Jupiter keeps the energy light and upbeat this morning. Generosity and optimism come easily. Late tonight, a square to Chiron could trigger old wounds or painful feelings. A good cry could be cathartic. Lean into somatic practices for a final release before tomorrow’s new moon.
7/3/23 ✨ Capricorn Full Moon
The Capricorn Full Moon illuminates our achievements, allowing us to appreciate how far we’ve come. It’s as if we’re summiting one climb, knowing the descent could be just as challenging. But just for a moment, we can enjoy the view and honor the wisdom we’ve gained along the way. An abundant trine to Jupiter makes this full moon especially fortunate. Opportunities that support our long-term goals could present themselves. The moon opposes Mercury on Moon Day morning, creating distance between our heart and our mind. Clarity is possible, but only if we can separate the intelligence of our mind and our body. Shifts that propel us into the future are possible tonight when the moon and Uranus connect, but a square to Chiron could bring up some pain along the way. Release stagnancy. Stay flexible and resilient.
6/19/23 ✨ Jupiter Sextile Saturn
Student becomes teacher. As Jupiter connects with Saturn, it feels easier to share our wisdom with others. As we step into our natural authority, opportunities for expansion unfold. Good fortune and sustainable growth are in the forecast. The Cancer moon keeps us attuned to our body and tapped into our emotions. A square to Chiron tonight could make us feel moody or triggered. Digging below the surface of the pain can prove healing. Late tonight, a sextile between the moon and Uranus helps us feel into the future. Changes are unfolding now. Allow your intuition to lead the way.