4/27/24 ✨ Moon Trine Mercury
The moon continues her trip through Sagittarius, taking us on a ride. There’s great potential for healing today if we recognize the power of having fun and feeling pleasure. Release can come naturally when we allow ourselves to simply enjoy the human experience. But moving too quickly could result in accidental hurt when the moon squares Lilith. A seemingly harmless quip or mindless move could land more harshly than anticipated. Slow down and be intentional with how you relate to others. Late tonight, it will feel especially pleasurable to indulge in the body’s desires and relax.
3/16/24 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Gemini
The Gemini moon builds momentum this Saturn Day. The day begins with connections to Lilith and Chiron, bringing up pain points. How we address irritation is a direct indication of where we are on our healing journey. As the moon comes into a trine with Mars, our energy increases this evening. We have plenty of motivation and stamina to propel us into social settings. As the moon squares the sun and Neptune tonight, we approach a prime moment to take action. Even if your vision is still foggy, trust your dreams are coming into reality.
3/3/24 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Expect the unexpected this Sunday. As Venus squares Uranus, surprises and abrupt changes in relationships and finances are in the forecast. We could feel a spontaneous urge to redecorate or change our appearance too. Rash decisions in the moment could lead to regret down the road. The same goes for our speech- Mercury opposes Lilith, giving our words more power. This transit can give us the confidence to speak our mind, but how we share our thoughts could come across as critical or harsh. The Sagittarius moon continues her release. Now is the time to trust that what’s falling away is no longer meant for us- but be especially mindful how you say goodbye! There’s always an opportunity to let go with love.
2/17/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Pluto
What are you obsessing over? Venus meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius, making for an intense and transformative forecast. We are tapped into our deepest desires now, but a need for control could make us feel fixated on the things we want- especially in relationships and finances. How can you give yourself the love you crave? The Gemini Moon allows us to ponder our emotions, but squares to Saturn and Lilith could bring out our negative or bitchy side. Becoming witness to the thoughts in your own mind can be incredibly healing today. Journaling can be a powerful tool.
2/4/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aquarius
Try not to speak or react too quickly this Sunday. Messenger Mercury spends most of the day at the 29th degree of Capricorn, making our mind feel restless. Sharing our ideas before they’re fully formed doesn’t always benefit us- Wait until Mercury enters Aquarius late tonight. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius moon makes tense connections to Saturn and Lilith throughout the day. Remember, not all fears are truth. If you find yourself spiraling or needing to defend yourself, take a step back and consider your goals and the wisdom you’re gaining from the pursuit of them.
1/21/24 ✨ Moon in Gemini
Coming off of an intense start to Aquarius season, Sunday brings an opportunity to process. The Waxing Gibbous moon in Gemini asks us to ponder our transformation. Writing or talking about our feelings can help us understand where we’re going and what we need to release to get there. Grab a journal or call a trusted friend today. Notice how it feels to put words to emotions.
8/23/23 ✨ Virgo Season Begins!
Welcome to Virgo Season! The late-summer sun moves into the sign of the virgin, ushering us into a season of intention and productivity. But just hours later, Mercury begins a three-week retrograde, scrambling our mental state and crossing wires. Tech glitches and communication breakdowns are to be expected. The Scorpio moon makes us crave control- beware of trying to manipulate others to avoid your own discomfort. Remaining rooted in our own bodies can help us navigate any unexpected twists and turns. In this season of high standards and morals, stay devoted to your highest self. But remember- perfection is an illusion.
7/27/23 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Venus Rx
The journey we’re embarking on this Venus Retrograde becomes clearer as messenger Mercury meets up with the planet of love, money, and beauty in Leo. Fond memories (or former lovers) could come to mind, stirring up familiar desires. Negotiations or transactions from the past could come up for review too. The Scorpio moon forms a T-Square to Uranus and Lilith this morning, forcing changes that could disrupt our plans. A trine to Neptune amplifies our sensitivity and connects us with our intuition. When the moon squares Venus and Mercury this afternoon, we could feel tempted to self-sabotage. Our cravings could override our rational mind. The moon enters Sagittarius this evening, giving us permission to indulge and expand!
6/29/23 ✨ Mercury Trine Saturn
Harmony among the planets opens us to healing and learning today. Venus trines Chiron, allowing us to give love to the pain we’ve faced in relationships and finances. Then, Mercury and Saturn come into that same balanced aspect. Making practical sense of the lessons we’re learning feels natural- especially when it comes to emotional regulation and spiritual awareness. Our relationships are our greatest teachers.
6/1/23 ✨ Moon in Scorpio
June begins with a dose of intensity under the Scorpio moon. We have a direct line to our deepest feelings and emotions today. Harmony between the moon and Saturn allows us to wake up and meet the moment. Responsibility and maturity come naturally today. But late tonight, harsh words and conflicts of opinion are in the forecast. A T-Square between the moon, Lilith, and Mercury can create friction- especially if we feel out of control. Be especially mindful with the words you speak and the thoughts you think tonight.
5/5/23 ✨ Scorpio Lunar Eclipse
We reach the culmination of Eclipse Season as the full moon in Scorpio aligns with the sun and Earth. Deep shadows and harsh truths are revealed. This lunar eclipse closes out one 18-month chapter, creating space to begin another. What are you still holding onto that must die in order for you to evolve? Change is in the air and we’re eager lean in. But beware of trying to control or manipulate transformation. Surprises and upsets are in the forecast too- the Universe will have no problem reminding us we’re not in the driver’s seat. Find empowerment in sovereignty. Find relief through movement.
4/20/23 ✨ Taurus Season Begins
It’s a dramatic start to Taurus Season! As the sun moves into the sign of the bull, it comes into a tense 90º square with Pluto. Intense and powerful realizations are possible today, but discomfort is par for the course. New beginnings can sometimes be disguised as rough endings. The sun and moon in Taurus invite us to find comfort through our senses. A cozy place to land or a warm meal can go a long way. The moon connects with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate this morning, reminding us whatever challenges or obstacles we’re facing are leading us on the path of our highest good. Shadows could surface in a rather hostile way tonight as the moon connects with Mars and Lilith. With Venus in the mix, our sexual nature could take centers stage too. Emotional realizations and insights are possible by the end of the day as the moon meets Mercury just hours before the planet of communication begins its retrograde.