4/29/24 ✨ Venus Enters Taurus
It’s a good day to feel good! Venus enters Taurus this morning, making us eager to indulge in the earthly pleasures life has to offer. Our experience feels a little more delicious today. Meanwhile, the Capricorn brings us to an emotional turning point. We may have to negotiate between our head and our heart; our past and our future; to fully release what no longer serves us. But by tonight, the changes we’re undergoing will feel more like an upgrade than an upset. Embracing the unknown can be empowering!
4/1/24 ✨ Mercury Stations Retrograde
Hit the brakes! Mercury stations Retrograde in Aries, forcing us to slow wayyyy down. A tendency to communicate quickly could lead to crossed wires. Tech glitches are possible too. The best way to avoid feeling frazzled is to be especially intentional with our thoughts and words. What’s the hurry anyway? The Capricorn moon helps us embrace a slower pace. Release the need to achieve and appreciate how far you’ve already come. Seeing our situation through the lens of logic can help us gain a more mature perspective and let go of outdated expectations. An emotional turning point is possible late tonight.
3/18/24 ✨ Moon in Cancer
The Cancer moon takes us on an emotional ride this Moon Day! We start the morning feeling responsible and optimistic as the moon connects with Jupiter. But springing out of bed is only half the battle- When the moon makes a mid-morning square to Mercury, it can feel like our body and our mind are on different pages. Where we can find common ground between the two, we can find motivation to forge ahead. Pain points could pop up this afternoon under a tense 90º angle to Chiron, but this discomfort is forcing us to evolve. Notice how you might be abandoning your own needs to take care of others. Remember- self care isn’t selfish. The moon comes into a sextile with Uranus tonight, asking us to lean into change and embrace who we’re becoming in our next version.
3/5/24 ✨ Chiron Conjunct North Node
In order to heal, we must face our pain. This is the message of today’s forecast. When Wounded Healer, Chiron joins the North Node in Aries, we are reminded that our healing journey is part of our destiny. We are not only meant to find external success in this life, but also to better understand ourselves along the way. With the moon in Capricorn, we want to make logical sense of our internal landscape. Triggers could pop up throughout the day, but if we can remain in our power and take responsibility for our own healing, we can gain great insight and make substantial progress. Remember- healing the world is an inside job.
2/20/24 ✨ Moon Trine Neptune
The tides of our emotions rise as the Cancer moon grows. We could wake up feeling moody, irritated, or full-blown triggered when the moon squares Chiron early this morning. Whatever is irritating us now is forcing us to acknowledge what we need to release under the full moon in order to become who we’re meant to be. A supportive sextile to Uranus brings a shift in mood as our day progresses. A change of scenery could do wonders for our emotional state. Pay attention to dreams and pings of inspiration late tonight when the moon harmonizes with Neptune!
1/24/24 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Neptune
We can feel the changes happening within us, even if we can’t fully make sense of them just yet. The moon connects with Uranus, inviting us to lean into change. At the same time, a pivotal T-Square to the North and South Nodes marks a fated moment. Our emotions are our compass, showing us what we need to let go of in order to step into our purpose. A midday harmony between the moon and Neptune opens us to intuitive guidance. Trust in the body’s ability to know how to move emotions.
1/11/24 ✨ New Moon in Capricorn
The first New Moon of the New Year brings a fated opportunity to dream big. Supercharged by the energy of the 1/11 date on the calendar, this new moon is ripe with possibility. As the moon and sun meet in Capricorn, it feels as if we’re standing at the base of a mountain with the almost delusional confidence needed to reach the summit. Perfectly positioned between the nodes of fate, we must negotiate both our past and our future in this moment. What do you need to let go of in order to step into your next version? Focus on your big vision rather than your next steps and simply commit to moving in the direction of your destination. Trust in your dreams. They’re yours for a reason. And don’t be surprised how quickly the Universe moves when you decide what you truly desire and trust your intuition.
7/31/23 ✨ Moon Conjunct Pluto
Change is in the air as we approach tomorrow’s full moon! The moon finishes her transit through Capricorn with a bang! First, a harmonious trine to Uranus allows us to open to upgrades and look to the future. This evening, the moon meets Pluto, marking a powerful moment of death and rebirth. Intense emotions and intuitive pings are likely. It’s all part of the emotional turning point we’re experiencing as the moon reaches peak illumination. To move forward, we must make peace with our past. When the moon moves into Aquarius tonight, we can embrace what makes us unique and use it as a guiding light for our evolution.
7/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Cancer
Our intuition is our guide under the New Moon in Cancer. With the moon in her home sign, we are invited to come back home to our own bodies and trust the messages we’re receiving from within. Like a mother with a newborn child, we are encouraged to be gentle with our new ideas and creations, slowly tending to them at a comfortable pace. Supportive aspects to Uranus and Neptune help us look to the future with trust and envision the possibilities.
7/04/23 ✨ Lilith Trine Chiron
Let freedom ring! But don’t be surprised if a little rebellion rings out too… Fireworks might not be the only things popping off tonight! Black Moon Lilith harmonizes with Wounded Healer Chiron and our inner bitch is ready to FIGHT if our pride is even the slightest bit threatened. If we can look beneath the pain we feel, we can find the key that unlocks deeper healing- both collectively and personally. Meanwhile, the Waning Gibbous moon moves into Aquarius- the same sign it was in when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776! The moon meets up with Pluto and squares the Nodes of Fate in the process, reminding us that rebirth is possible if we honor the truth of our past while leaning into the discomfort of a brighter future.
6/20/23 ✨ Mars Conjunct Lilith
Spring goes out like a lion! When Mars meets Lilith in Leo, our spicy (read: bitchy) side could come out to play. Drama is in the forecast! Aggression can escalate quickly today as our drive to dominate is stronger than usual. The Waxing Crescent Cancer moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning. Our mental state might feel a little foggy, but we can trust our other senses more easily now. Lead from intuition, but watch out for power struggles this afternoon when the moon opposes Pluto at the 29th degree. An overwhelming need to evolve makes us want to control or force the process. The dramatics come to a head when the moon enters Leo this evening, making our emotions feel bigger. Expressing ourselves authentically can mark a turning point between who we’ve been and who we’re becoming.
6/7/23 ✨ Venus Square North Node
Embracing our authenticity can create shifts in our closest relationships. Venus squares the North and South Nodes today, marking a turning point in our desires. But as the moon moves into Aquarius, she completes a Grand Cross, creating resistance to change, but also generating the friction to make it happen! Expressing ourselves freely and genuinely is key today- especially as the sun connects with Lilith, shining light on anything we’ve repressed or hidden. Allowing our deepest truths to surface is an act of freeing ourselves. Harsh or difficult interactions can show us what we truly value.