4/27/24 ✨ Moon Trine Mercury
The moon continues her trip through Sagittarius, taking us on a ride. There’s great potential for healing today if we recognize the power of having fun and feeling pleasure. Release can come naturally when we allow ourselves to simply enjoy the human experience. But moving too quickly could result in accidental hurt when the moon squares Lilith. A seemingly harmless quip or mindless move could land more harshly than anticipated. Slow down and be intentional with how you relate to others. Late tonight, it will feel especially pleasurable to indulge in the body’s desires and relax.
3/30/24 ✨ Sagittarius Moon Trine Sun
It’s a great Saturday for an exciting adventure! The Sagittarius moon harmonizes with the Aries sun, lighting a fire under us! Vitality and confidence come naturally today, but we might hit a wall this afternoon when the moon squares Saturn. Fear and doubt could stifle feelings of freedom. The lesson of the day: Healing can happen when we simply allow ourselves to have fun and experience joy.
3/3/24 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Expect the unexpected this Sunday. As Venus squares Uranus, surprises and abrupt changes in relationships and finances are in the forecast. We could feel a spontaneous urge to redecorate or change our appearance too. Rash decisions in the moment could lead to regret down the road. The same goes for our speech- Mercury opposes Lilith, giving our words more power. This transit can give us the confidence to speak our mind, but how we share our thoughts could come across as critical or harsh. The Sagittarius moon continues her release. Now is the time to trust that what’s falling away is no longer meant for us- but be especially mindful how you say goodbye! There’s always an opportunity to let go with love.
2/17/24 ✨ Venus Conjunct Pluto
What are you obsessing over? Venus meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius, making for an intense and transformative forecast. We are tapped into our deepest desires now, but a need for control could make us feel fixated on the things we want- especially in relationships and finances. How can you give yourself the love you crave? The Gemini Moon allows us to ponder our emotions, but squares to Saturn and Lilith could bring out our negative or bitchy side. Becoming witness to the thoughts in your own mind can be incredibly healing today. Journaling can be a powerful tool.
2/4/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aquarius
Try not to speak or react too quickly this Sunday. Messenger Mercury spends most of the day at the 29th degree of Capricorn, making our mind feel restless. Sharing our ideas before they’re fully formed doesn’t always benefit us- Wait until Mercury enters Aquarius late tonight. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius moon makes tense connections to Saturn and Lilith throughout the day. Remember, not all fears are truth. If you find yourself spiraling or needing to defend yourself, take a step back and consider your goals and the wisdom you’re gaining from the pursuit of them.
1/20/24 ✨ Welcome to the Age of Aquarius!
This isn’t just the beginning of Aquarius Season… this is the start of an entirely new era! This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! The Sun and Pluto enter the sign of the Water Bearer together, ushering in a 20-year transformation of humanity as a whole. We can expect major tech upgrades and out-of-this-world innovation. With the sun conjunct Pluto, there's no doubt this transition feels intense. But have no fear… Amidst this intense initiation, a harmonization of Mars and Lilith invites us to find motivation in our own sovereignty and power. The Gemini moon reminds us to stay curious about what’s coming next.
9/5/23 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini
Transformation is unfolding, even if it’s difficult to see how everything is coming together. The Taurus moon connects with Uranus and Neptune to start the day, bringing a sense of messy innovation. It’s okay if the future feels a little foggy. What’s meant for us is still on its way. Harmony between the moon and Pluto asks us to allow what’s falling away to go and make space for the mystery ahead. Truths or secrets could be revealed in the process. Stay open. When the Last Quarter Moon moves into Gemini, we become aware of the stories we’ve been telling ourselves. What narratives are no longer in alignment? The coming days ask us to close old chapters and let go of old thought patterns. Create mental space.
8/24/23 ✨ Mars Trine Pluto
Today’s the day! Go after your dreams! Mars harmonizes with Pluto, giving us ample drive to take action on our deepest desires. We can easily assert ourselves and take ownership over what we really want out of life. Sexual exploration is favored too… The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius adds fuel to the fire! It’s easy to have faith that the steps we’re taking today will help our intentions manifest. Don’t be surprised if worries pop up this morning- a square between the moon and Saturn can cause doubts. Slow down, give yourself grace, and hold the vision. Even small actions can snowball into impactful outcomes.
7/28/23 ✨ Mercury Enters Virgo
Think fast! Impulsive energy dominates this Venus Day. Mercury spends the morning at the 29th degree of Leo, making our mind restless. A trine to the North Node gives us the urge to make sense of our destiny. When Mercury moves into Virgo this afternoon, we can see the details more clearly- but criticism comes quickly too! Remember- words carry power.
7/13/23 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini
The moon moves into Gemini, helping us mentally process the emotions that we’ve felt over this past moon cycle. As la luna enters her darkest phase, we are invited to find stillness and reflect. But an overnight square to Mars could make it difficult to get rest- active dreams or disturbed sleep are possible. We have an impulse to jump out of bed and get moving! A sexile to Mercury gives us a mental boost, helping us communicate with confidence and clarity. But we could hit an afternoon slump when the moon squares Saturn. Beware of getting caught up in a spiral of doubt or worry. Don’t believe every thought you think!
6/30/23 ✨ Neptune Stations Retrograde
The clarity of our intuition can cut through the fog of our rational mind today. As Neptune pivots back into its annual retrograde, the veil of the illusions we’ve been subscribing to is lifted. Powerful realizations are possible late tonight when Mercury passes through the heart of the Cancer Sun, taking over as ruler of our solar system for a moment. Open to insights.
6/16/23 ✨ Dark Moon in Gemini
On the last day of this moon cycle, it could be easy to get lost in our own thoughts. This morning, the moon squares Saturn, making it all too easy to spiral into fear or doubt. By the afternoon, the moon meets Mercury in Gemini, filling our mind with our emotions. As tempting as it might be to distract ourselves with other stimulations, finding stillness can create the mental spaciousness to fully let go. Breathe. Enjoy the space between this moon cycle and the next. It’s easy to come back to love when the moon makes a supportive connection to Venus to finish our week on a sweet note.