Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/31/24 ✨ Moon Enters Capricorn

Our sugar cravings could feel almost overwhelming this Easter Sunday! An impulsive desire to experience pleasure can make egg hunts and chocolate bunnies feel extra exciting. By the afternoon, communication hiccups could pop up. The Sagittarius moon harmonizes with Mercury in Aries, making conversations feel like they’re happening in hyper speed. At the same time, a square to Neptune, creates confusion. Sloooowwww down… Speaking too quickly could get us in hot water. When the moon enters Capricorn tonight, the energy dies down. Take time to come into the present moment and appreciate how far you’ve come on your journey so far.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/1/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Jupiter

Our light shines a little brighter under a supportive sextile between the Pisces Sun and Jupiter. Our life force is literally magnified. Meanwhile, Venus connects with Chiron and the North Node, bringing healing through odd interactions and fated encounters. The Scorpio moon takes us on a roller coaster ride from indulging in cravings this morning to experiencing surprises or disruptions this afternoon. This day could feel like multiple days packed into one- and by the end of it all, we’ll be able to drift off to sleep with ease.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/14/24 ✨ Valentine’s Day Astrology

Stop and smell the flowers… The Waxing Crescent moon takes us on a ride today. The moon enters Taurus this morning, allowing us to appreciate all the sensory experiences of Valentine’s Day. Squares to Venus, Pluto, and Mars make us feel needy and impatient, craving control and power in our relationships. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, come back to the comfort of your own body. By tonight, positive connection to Saturn and Jupiter help us slow down, relax, and appreciate all the abundance we’ve experienced throughout the day.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/30/24 ✨ Moon Enters Libra

There’s peace in release. The Waning Gibbous moon enters Libra, asking us to let go of anything weighing us down or throwing us off balance. Under a harmonious trine to Pluto, the transformation process unfolds effortlessly. Late tonight, cravings for pleasure and affection could bring relationships issues to the forefront. But another harmony with the Aquarius sun allows us to show up authentically and find confidence in our values.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

1/15/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Neptune

Our sensitivity is our superpower today. In the midst of cold and serious Capricorn season, a sextile between the sun and Neptune reminds us that rest is productive. Getting quiet and trusting our intuition can actually help us succeed- Imagination helps us reach higher heights too! The moon in Pisces brings subconscious emotions and needs to the surface, allowing us to unpack what we truly want. It might feel like we’re sleep walking through the day. Sink into this soft and dreamy state- when we’re fully relaxed, we can more easily release what we’re ready to let go of.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/4/23 ✨ Jupiter Stations Retrograde

There’s abundance in slowing down. Jupiter begins a four-months retrograde in Taurus this morning, inviting us to reflect on all the abundance we’ve already cultivated in life. With so many planets retrograde, the energy might feel uncomfortably stagnant. But there’s magic to be found in stillness. Mercury Retrograde harmonizes with Jupiter just hours before it switches directions, bringing though insights. It’s easy for our mind to be pulled into the past now- come back to the present through gratitude. This is a season to appreciate the fruits of what we’ve already manifested.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/22/23 ✨ Mars Opposite Neptune

The last day of Leo Season makes us want to drink up every last drop! Venus Retrograde squares Jupiter, making the energy ripe for overindulgence. It’s all too easy to reach for anything that will make us feel good- especially familiar comforts. It might be tempting to text an ex or call up an old friend, but we’re blind to red flags today. Leave the past in the past. Meanwhile, Mars faces off with Neptune, clouding our motivation. Experiencing low energy can make it tempting to fall victim to stimulants. We’re easily deceived now- If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sink into the fog. Giving ourselves space for spiritual pursuits can bring through new inspiration.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/27/23 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Venus Rx

The journey we’re embarking on this Venus Retrograde becomes clearer as messenger Mercury meets up with the planet of love, money, and beauty in Leo. Fond memories (or former lovers) could come to mind, stirring up familiar desires. Negotiations or transactions from the past could come up for review too. The Scorpio moon forms a T-Square to Uranus and Lilith this morning, forcing changes that could disrupt our plans. A trine to Neptune amplifies our sensitivity and connects us with our intuition. When the moon squares Venus and Mercury this afternoon, we could feel tempted to self-sabotage. Our cravings could override our rational mind. The moon enters Sagittarius this evening, giving us permission to indulge and expand!

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/12/23 ✨ North Node Enters Aries

A new 18-month cycle begins as the North Node enters Aries and the South Node slides into Libra. Our primal desires are our compass through the next eclipse cycle- no matter how selfish they may seem. The Cancer sun clashes with Wounded Healer Chiron today, shining an uncomfortable light on our pain points. Triggers can arise for deeper wounding to be witnessed and healed.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/29/23 ✨ Mercury Trine Saturn

Harmony among the planets opens us to healing and learning today. Venus trines Chiron, allowing us to give love to the pain we’ve faced in relationships and finances. Then, Mercury and Saturn come into that same balanced aspect. Making practical sense of the lessons we’re learning feels natural- especially when it comes to emotional regulation and spiritual awareness. Our relationships are our greatest teachers.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/14/23 ✨ Moon Square Venus & Mars

Overwhelming desire dominates our day as the sensual Taurus moon squares lover Venus and fighter Mars. We wake up craving pleasure and affection under a tense 90º angle between the waning moon and Venus. By the afternoon, the moon makes the same aspect to Mars, spurring impulsive or reactive tendencies. We could experience and urge to take action now! If irritation (or aggression) pop up, we can find release through movement. Let your body lead the way.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/31/23 ✨ Mercury Square Lilith

We wake up feeling the pull of our desires as the Libra moon squares Venus. This transit makes us feel needy for affection and pleasure. Then, we spend most of the afternoon under a void moon, giving us an opportunity to find peace and closure. When the moon dives into Scorpio this evening, a wave of intense emotions can come over us. An immediate square to Pluto makes us prone to mood swings and power struggles. But what’s surfacing is asking to be released as the moon meets the South Node, showing us what we’re ready to move away from. Watch your words late tonight! As Mercury squares Lilith, it’s all too easy to be mean or harsh in our communication. With the moon opposing Jupiter at the same time, speaking or moving too quickly could land us in hot water. Be especially mindful about what you’re expressing, how you’re communicating, and to whom.

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