4/25/24 ✨ Mercury Stations Direct
Press the reset button. Mercury stations direct in Aries, giving us an opportunity to reflect on all the wisdom we’ve gained over the past few weeks and begin again with renewed perspective. And we’ll have plenty of motivation to back up our mindset this morning as the Scorpio moon harmonized with Mars. It’s go time! But don’t be surprised if you hit a wall (or completely crash) this afternoon when the moon connects with Neptune. Going too hard this morning could lead to burnout and mental fog this evening. The Waning Gibbous moon enters Sagittarius this evening, renewing our sense of optimism and reminding us to let our hair down and have fun. There’s value in allowing ourselves to feel both the lows and highs of life.
3/29/24 ✨ Moon Enters Sagittarius
Exhale. Release. Let it all pour out. The Scorpio moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning, giving us a slow and sleepy start to the day. The energy picks up this afternoon when the moon enters Sagittarius, inviting us to let our hair down and let go! As the moon continues her release in the sign of the archer, we can embrace the feeling of freedom. A sextile to Pluto asks us to lean into transformation. Create space for new adventures. Late tonight, a square to Mars could ruffle feathers. Aggression and irritation are possible. Beware of fighting battles that aren’t your own. Stay in your lane. The Sagittarius moon reminds us life isn’t supposed to be so serious.
3/19/24 ✨ Welcome to Aries Season
It’s GO time! Welcome to Aries Season. This is a moment of collective rebirth as the sun transitions from the last sign of the zodiac to the first, beginning a new lap around the astrological wheel. The Aries sun ushers in Spring, bringing fresh perspective and new opportunity for growth. As Mercury meets the North Node in Aries today, our mind is focused on the path ahead. New ideas can act as a springboard into our destiny. The moon moves from Cancer to Leo this afternoon, amplifying the transition from water to fire. Give yourself full permission to feel big emotions as they arise, but beware of trying to force change or control transformation. Flowers take their time to bloom and so can you.
3/1/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Jupiter
Our light shines a little brighter under a supportive sextile between the Pisces Sun and Jupiter. Our life force is literally magnified. Meanwhile, Venus connects with Chiron and the North Node, bringing healing through odd interactions and fated encounters. The Scorpio moon takes us on a roller coaster ride from indulging in cravings this morning to experiencing surprises or disruptions this afternoon. This day could feel like multiple days packed into one- and by the end of it all, we’ll be able to drift off to sleep with ease.
2/20/24 ✨ Moon Trine Neptune
The tides of our emotions rise as the Cancer moon grows. We could wake up feeling moody, irritated, or full-blown triggered when the moon squares Chiron early this morning. Whatever is irritating us now is forcing us to acknowledge what we need to release under the full moon in order to become who we’re meant to be. A supportive sextile to Uranus brings a shift in mood as our day progresses. A change of scenery could do wonders for our emotional state. Pay attention to dreams and pings of inspiration late tonight when the moon harmonizes with Neptune!
2/3/24 ✨ Venus Trine Lilith
There’s power knowing our worth. Venus harmonizes with Lilith, allowing us to claim our desires and stand in our sovereignty. The Scorpio moon makes potent connections to Mars, Neptune, and Mercury. We have plenty of energy and creativity to work with today- use it to dream and feel into what’s coming next. Now is the time to make space for our next chapter. When the moon enters Sagittarius, we’ll feel a spontaneous urge to transform. Surrender and have faith. It’s all working out in divine timing- no need to control.
1/24/24 ✨ Cancer Moon Trine Neptune
We can feel the changes happening within us, even if we can’t fully make sense of them just yet. The moon connects with Uranus, inviting us to lean into change. At the same time, a pivotal T-Square to the North and South Nodes marks a fated moment. Our emotions are our compass, showing us what we need to let go of in order to step into our purpose. A midday harmony between the moon and Neptune opens us to intuitive guidance. Trust in the body’s ability to know how to move emotions.
9/10/23 ✨ Moon Enters Leo
We must embrace all parts of ourselves in order to truly evolve. We start the morning under an opposition between the moon and Pluto, pulling us between our comfort zone and our desire to transform. When the dark moon enters Leo, we are invited to slow down and tune into our internal experience. In a place of stillness, we can hold space for our inner child and hear their needs more clearly. Giving ourselves what we needed from caregivers early in life is not only incredibly healing, but it can give us the confidence to step into a new chapter with intention and confidence!
8/23/23 ✨ Virgo Season Begins!
Welcome to Virgo Season! The late-summer sun moves into the sign of the virgin, ushering us into a season of intention and productivity. But just hours later, Mercury begins a three-week retrograde, scrambling our mental state and crossing wires. Tech glitches and communication breakdowns are to be expected. The Scorpio moon makes us crave control- beware of trying to manipulate others to avoid your own discomfort. Remaining rooted in our own bodies can help us navigate any unexpected twists and turns. In this season of high standards and morals, stay devoted to your highest self. But remember- perfection is an illusion.
7/27/23 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Venus Rx
The journey we’re embarking on this Venus Retrograde becomes clearer as messenger Mercury meets up with the planet of love, money, and beauty in Leo. Fond memories (or former lovers) could come to mind, stirring up familiar desires. Negotiations or transactions from the past could come up for review too. The Scorpio moon forms a T-Square to Uranus and Lilith this morning, forcing changes that could disrupt our plans. A trine to Neptune amplifies our sensitivity and connects us with our intuition. When the moon squares Venus and Mercury this afternoon, we could feel tempted to self-sabotage. Our cravings could override our rational mind. The moon enters Sagittarius this evening, giving us permission to indulge and expand!
7/17/23 ✨ New Moon in Cancer
Our intuition is our guide under the New Moon in Cancer. With the moon in her home sign, we are invited to come back home to our own bodies and trust the messages we’re receiving from within. Like a mother with a newborn child, we are encouraged to be gentle with our new ideas and creations, slowly tending to them at a comfortable pace. Supportive aspects to Uranus and Neptune help us look to the future with trust and envision the possibilities.
6/30/23 ✨ Neptune Stations Retrograde
The clarity of our intuition can cut through the fog of our rational mind today. As Neptune pivots back into its annual retrograde, the veil of the illusions we’ve been subscribing to is lifted. Powerful realizations are possible late tonight when Mercury passes through the heart of the Cancer Sun, taking over as ruler of our solar system for a moment. Open to insights.