4/24/24 ✨ Jupiter Trine Lilith
We’re breaking free! As Jupiter and Uranus move through Taurus together, they come into a harmonious trine with Black Moon Lilith. Our need for freedom and expression are amplified now. We may feel an overwhelming desire to unleash the parts of ourselves that have been stifled or repressed. But be mindful about how you express what’s been hidden in the shadows. Claiming our sovereignty can also be perceived as dominating or being mean. The Scorpio Full Moon only adds to the intense (and bitchy) energy. If you notice yourself trying to control or manipulate others, get honest about where that tendency really stems from. Remember: the best way to take back your power is to control yourself.
3/28/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Uranus
Open to new expressions of love today. As Venus connects with Uranus, we’re invited to change our perspective on what pleasure and beauty can feel like. Seeking out different experiences and sharing our affection in unconventional ways can lead to breakthroughs in relationships. Getting innovative with our finances can be beneficial too! The Scorpio moon opposes Jupiter and Uranus, cracking us open to share emotions in new ways. But overextending ourselves could lead to a whiplash effect. Mood swings and outburst are possible this evening if we feel like we’ve lost control. We end the day under a harmonious trine between the waning moon and Venus, allowing love to flow freely. Relax your grip and allow beauty to wash over you.
3/18/24 ✨ Moon in Cancer
The Cancer moon takes us on an emotional ride this Moon Day! We start the morning feeling responsible and optimistic as the moon connects with Jupiter. But springing out of bed is only half the battle- When the moon makes a mid-morning square to Mercury, it can feel like our body and our mind are on different pages. Where we can find common ground between the two, we can find motivation to forge ahead. Pain points could pop up this afternoon under a tense 90º angle to Chiron, but this discomfort is forcing us to evolve. Notice how you might be abandoning your own needs to take care of others. Remember- self care isn’t selfish. The moon comes into a sextile with Uranus tonight, asking us to lean into change and embrace who we’re becoming in our next version.
2/29/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Big plans and potent ideas can come through on this magical LEAP Day! As Mercury in Pisces gets support from Jupiter, we’re prone to making grand plans before thinking through the details. Silver linings could cloud our judgment. Let this be a day for brainstorming- keep a notebook close by or a trusted friend on speed dial- but don’t make anything concrete just yet. The Scorpio moon makes back-to-back connections throughout the evening, giving us plenty of energy to connect with others and share our ideas. But a square to Mars could make us feel irritable tonight. Notice where you feel frustrated- this is an invitation to reclaim your power and focus on what you can control.
2/19/24 ✨ Moon in Cancer
We’re invited to embrace the energy of the moon this Moon Day and listen to the wisdom of our bodies. As the Cancer Moon makes a harmonious trine to Saturn, we can embody the maturity of a nurturing mother. We’re able to responsible assess the needs of the people around us now. A following sextile to Jupiter asks us to be generous and have faith that what we give to others will come back to us ten fold.
2/2/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune
2/2 is a day for dreamers! Mercury makes a supportive sextile to Neptune, asking us to use our imagination and allow our creativity to inform our mindset. The Last Quarter Moon allows us to believe in the magic of the mystery. Connections to Saturn and Jupiter show us the lessons we’re learning- but be careful not to jump to conclusions just yet! What we water will grow if we invest our energy intentionally, but manifestation takes time. We must cut ties with what no longer serves us to create space for new opportunities. There is power in our ability to let go and trust in the unknown.
1/22/24 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer
We have a slow start to this Moon Day as we wake up under a sleepy square between the moon and Neptune. Hitting snooze is awfully tempting. But by the afternoon, we’ll be feeling frisky and spontaneous as the moon faces off with Venus at the 29th degree. We crave stimulation and pleasure, but our restlessness can make settle for a quick thrill over lasting fulfillment. The Waxing Gibbous Moon comes home to Cancer this afternoon, allowing us to drop from our head to our heart. We can tune back into the wisdom of our body and trust our intuition to lead the way over the coming days.
9/8/23 ✨ Sun Trine Jupiter
Good luck is on our side! The sun makes its bi-annual harmony to abundant Jupiter, opening us to expansion and growth. There’s plenty of possibility and positivity to work with today! With the sun in Virgo, fortune favors those with pure intentions today. The Cancer moon keeps us connected to our gut instincts. A trine to Saturn gives us natural authority and responsibility, but we’re prone to being impulsive this afternoon when the moon clashes with Mars! It’s easy to get caught up in the optimism of the day. Remember, there’s no rush. We can trust that what’s meant for us will find us.
8/27/23 ✨ Mars Enters Libra
The present moment is a perfect balance between our past and our future. Motivating Mars enters lovely Libra, helping us weigh all of our options before taking action. But with the planet of war at zero degrees today, we could feel a sense of restlessness without knowing which steps to take next. Remember- there’s no rush. An opposition between the sun and Saturn shines light on the lessons we’ve learned and the wisdom we’ve gained, asking us to step into our authority and take responsibility for our experience.
8/22/23 ✨ Mars Opposite Neptune
The last day of Leo Season makes us want to drink up every last drop! Venus Retrograde squares Jupiter, making the energy ripe for overindulgence. It’s all too easy to reach for anything that will make us feel good- especially familiar comforts. It might be tempting to text an ex or call up an old friend, but we’re blind to red flags today. Leave the past in the past. Meanwhile, Mars faces off with Neptune, clouding our motivation. Experiencing low energy can make it tempting to fall victim to stimulants. We’re easily deceived now- If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sink into the fog. Giving ourselves space for spiritual pursuits can bring through new inspiration.
7/25/23 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio
The moon makes a bold entrance into Scorpio this morning, meeting the South Node and squaring Pluto as she exits Libra. This could feel like a sudden drop into our own depths, revealing what needs to be released so we can move forward unencumbered by the past. The First Quarter Moon invites us to take action on our deepest desires, but first, we must uncover them. Tonight, harmony between the moon and Saturn reminds us to pace ourselves. Slow and steady. There’s no rush.
7/15/23 ✨ Moon Enters Cancer
The moon enters her darkest phase today as she dips into Cancer. As the moon comes back to her home sign, we are invited to come home to our selves. Our emotions are tangible now, especially if we get still enough to truly feel them. Nourishing our body nourishes our soul over the coming days. As the moon connects with Mars tonight, we can tap into the “why” behind our motivations. When we are clear on our intentions, the next steps are easier to take. A late-night trine between the moon and the Saturn ends our day on a responsible note, allowing us to become the leader of our own stories.