4/29/24 ✨ Venus Enters Taurus
It’s a good day to feel good! Venus enters Taurus this morning, making us eager to indulge in the earthly pleasures life has to offer. Our experience feels a little more delicious today. Meanwhile, the Capricorn brings us to an emotional turning point. We may have to negotiate between our head and our heart; our past and our future; to fully release what no longer serves us. But by tonight, the changes we’re undergoing will feel more like an upgrade than an upset. Embracing the unknown can be empowering!
4/2/24 ✨ Moon in Capricorn
Plans? Throw them out the window today. The Capricorn moon makes us crave a step-by-step itinerary, but the key to navigating today’s tension is to remain as flexible as possible. We wake up feeling optimistic under a trine to Jupiter. Starting the day with gratitude can help us set the stage for success. A square to Chiron could trigger old wounds as the day gets going. As the moon connects Uranus, changes and disruptions are likely. Release your grip on expected outcomes and trust that the Universe has a better plan than you do. Late tonight, the moon squares Mercury Retrograde, causing communication breakdowns and tech glitches. A simultaneous sextile to Venus and Neptune asks us to lean into love and reach for compassion in the midst of tension. No force. Just flow.
3/23/24 ✨ Moon in Virgo
The waxing Virgo moon gains momentum this Saturn Day! We wake up under an opposition to Venus, giving us a craving for pleasure. We can notice the small, beautiful details of life more easily this morning. The energy picks up as the moon connects with Jupiter, opening us to abundance and opportunity. We’re nurtured by sharing our generosity with others today. As the moon meets Lilith in Virgo this afternoon, we might have a critical or even bitchy moment. Notice where you’re giving power away if this arises. How can you reclaim your sovereignty? A trine to Uranus makes for an exciting and unexpected Saturday night! Flow through changes and stay open to opportunities. Release control and let life surprise you!
3/5/24 ✨ Chiron Conjunct North Node
In order to heal, we must face our pain. This is the message of today’s forecast. When Wounded Healer, Chiron joins the North Node in Aries, we are reminded that our healing journey is part of our destiny. We are not only meant to find external success in this life, but also to better understand ourselves along the way. With the moon in Capricorn, we want to make logical sense of our internal landscape. Triggers could pop up throughout the day, but if we can remain in our power and take responsibility for our own healing, we can gain great insight and make substantial progress. Remember- healing the world is an inside job.
2/26/24 ✨ Moon Enters Libra
It’s a gentle start to the week as the Waning Gibbous moon glides into Libra. As we begin the great release of this lunar cycle, we can take stock of what is pulling us off our center. From here, it becomes easier to discern what we’re ready to set free to find internal balance. Harmony between the moon and Pluto allows letting go to feel natural. We can see the beauty of release by acknowledging the potential of rebirth.
2/25/24 ✨ Moon in Virgo
In the wake of the Virgo Full Moon, we can step further into our sovereignty. As the moon meets up with Lilith, we remember our power. A harmonious trine to Uranus sets the stage for changes and upgrades. If we stay flexible and trust the Universe, we can innovate and adapt with ease under this aspect. Expect a sleepy Sunday night when the moon opposes Neptune- drifting off to dreamland will feel especially enticing. Allow your mental mind to relax and imagination to take over.
2/7/24 ✨ Venus Trine Uranus + Mars Sextile Neptune
Major relationships changes are in the forecast today. Venus harmonizes with Uranus and squares the North and South Nodes, forcing us to let go of past investments in order to align with our destiny. Mars gets support from Neptune, asking us to find motivation by tapping into what we believe in. The Capricorn moon makes tense connections this morning- watch out for triggers. But a shift in the energy this afternoon makes for sweet interaction and exciting opportunities. When the moon meets Mars late tonight, it will be difficult to wind down.
1/29/24 ✨ Mars Trine Uranus & Square North Node
We move differently today under a harmonious connection between Mars and Uranus. We can take innovative action and break free from limiting beliefs. Stepping outside the box we’ve put ourselves in can spark long-term change, even if we can’t see the ripple effect in the current moment. The Virgo moon completes a Grand Trine, opening us to potent insights and exciting ideas. But an opposition to Neptune can overwhelm our emotions- change can be confusing after all… Take a breather and release the need to be in control this afternoon.
1/11/24 ✨ New Moon in Capricorn
The first New Moon of the New Year brings a fated opportunity to dream big. Supercharged by the energy of the 1/11 date on the calendar, this new moon is ripe with possibility. As the moon and sun meet in Capricorn, it feels as if we’re standing at the base of a mountain with the almost delusional confidence needed to reach the summit. Perfectly positioned between the nodes of fate, we must negotiate both our past and our future in this moment. What do you need to let go of in order to step into your next version? Focus on your big vision rather than your next steps and simply commit to moving in the direction of your destination. Trust in your dreams. They’re yours for a reason. And don’t be surprised how quickly the Universe moves when you decide what you truly desire and trust your intuition.
9/14/23 ✨ New Moon in Virgo
The Virgo New Moon marks a powerful moment for manifestation. This is a clean slate. An opportunity to enter the next chapter with pure intentions. Harmonious trines to Jupiter and Uranus open us to possibility and innovation. The last new moon before eclipse season acts as fertile soil for the next two months of rapid change! As Mercury slows to end its retrograde tomorrow, we are invited to slow down and get crystal clear about how we want to evolve.
8/18/23 ✨ Moon in Virgo
The Virgo moon makes for a productive Venus Day! We start our morning under a conjunction between the moon and Mercury, merging our emotions and our mental mind. This is a great day to process our feelings- but beware of getting stuck in an analysis paralysis. The energy builds this afternoon as the moon makes connections to Uranus and Mars. There’s an air of excitement and plenty of motivation to back it up! A wild Friday night could unfold! Try not to fall too far down the rabbit hole though- the moon opposes Neptune late tonight, clouding our judgment and making it all too easy to get caught up in a fantasy.
7/31/23 ✨ Moon Conjunct Pluto
Change is in the air as we approach tomorrow’s full moon! The moon finishes her transit through Capricorn with a bang! First, a harmonious trine to Uranus allows us to open to upgrades and look to the future. This evening, the moon meets Pluto, marking a powerful moment of death and rebirth. Intense emotions and intuitive pings are likely. It’s all part of the emotional turning point we’re experiencing as the moon reaches peak illumination. To move forward, we must make peace with our past. When the moon moves into Aquarius tonight, we can embrace what makes us unique and use it as a guiding light for our evolution.