4/7/24 ✨ Moon Enters Aries
The moon enters Aries as we approach tomorrow’s solar eclipse. In the darkness leading up to this anticipated astrological event, we’re invited to come back to ourselves; to reflect on what we truly want. This is a moment to be a little selfish… How do you want to show up in the world regardless of what others think. Focus on loving your SELF today.
4/6/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Pluto
Relationships go deeper today as lover Venus connects with alchemist Pluto. We can reach new levels of intimacy and understanding if we are willing to explore each other’s shadows and see another’s truth. The Pisces moon gets support from Jupiter and Uranus, bringing an energy of excitement and anticipation. We can lean into spontaneity and adventure today, trusting the surprises and opportunities the Universe has in store for us. Simply existing can feel thrilling today. Get still and notice the beauty in being alive.
4/5/24 ✨ Moon Enters Pisces
The moon dips into Pisces as she becomes darker each night, inviting stillness and introspection. This is an opportunity for a final release before Monday’s eclipse. No need to force or purge- simply surrender and let go. The Pisces moon meets up with Mars late tonight, giving us a boost of energy. If restlessness or anxiety surface, move your body. Somatic practices can help us find emotional peace tonight.
3/10/24 ✨ New Moon in Pisces
Embrace the magic of transformation under the Pisces New Moon. This is a powerful day to imagine what’s possible. But first, Mercury connects with Pluto, inviting us to do a deep dive into what we’ve released as we close a chapter. From here, we can appreciate the space has been created for something new to begin. Think of today like the liminal space between what was and what will be. Allow yourself to fully soak in the feeling of trusting the unknown. By the end of the weekend, the moon enters Aries, setting the stage for us to move in the direction of our dreams.
3/9/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aries
Change is in the air today. The Sun and Mars connect with Uranus at nearly the same time, illuminating the shifts happening in our lives and shaking up what is no longer meant for us. There’s an energy of agitation and restlessness- Mercury is sitting at the last degree of Pisces for most of the day too. Moving too quickly could result in accidents or regrets. When Mercury moves into Aries tonight, our thoughts and words get a little louder. Meanwhile, our emotions take us on ride today. A meeting of the moon and Saturn makes us feel tired or jaded this morning. But we get a dose of positivity from Jupiter this afternoon. As we approach the New Moon, we are asked to be still, observe our true feelings, and create space for new possibilities.
3/8/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Neptune
It’s a beautiful day to get lost in a fantasy. As Mercury in Pisces crosses over Neptune, we can check out of the this earthly realm and let our imagination take us to magical places. Creativity and magic rule today. With so much Pisces energy in the forecast, we’re sensitive to deception. This isn’t the day to make agreements or rely on mental sharpness. Instead, allow yourself to simply dream and feel. Love and pleasure dominate our emotional experience as when the moon and Venus meet in Aquarius. When the dark moon enters Pisces tonight, the pace slows even more. Find solace in stillness.
2/12/24 ✨ Mars Enters Aquarius
We’re gaining momentum. Just before Mars shifts into Aquarius, it makes a final connection to the Pisces moon, jolting us from a deep sleep. This restless energy could stay with us for most of the day with Mars at the last degree of Capricorn. As the moon enters Aries, we feel the need to physically move through discomfort. Even without a fully planned course of action, we’ll want to get the ball rolling. Taking the first steps in the direction of our goals can have a big impact. When Mars enters Aquarius tonight, we enter a period of innovation. Now is the time to try new things and go through familiar motions in a new way.
2/11/24 ✨ Moon in Pisces
It’s a day for dreaming as the Waxing Crescent moon floats through Pisces. Supportive connections to Uranus and Venus ask us to step outside our comfort zone and bring our desires into reality. Energy flows where attention goes- what we focus on can manifest if we trust the Universe is supporting us. And it will feel easy to believe in magic when the moon joins Neptune in Pisces late tonight. Expect vivid dreams too!
2/10/24 ✨ Mercury Square Jupiter
Big ideas and big feelings define our forecast today! Mercury squares Saturn, forcing us to see the world through rose-colored glasses. We’re inclined to make grand plans, but focus on dreaming rather than doing- we’re likely to overlook details under this transit. The waxing moon dips into Pisces, heightening our sensitivity and attuning us to our intuition. When the moon meets Saturn this evening, it’s easy to spiral into fear or doubt, but a complimentary sextile to Jupiter allows us to remain optimistic and have faith in how everything is unfolding.
1/15/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Neptune
Our sensitivity is our superpower today. In the midst of cold and serious Capricorn season, a sextile between the sun and Neptune reminds us that rest is productive. Getting quiet and trusting our intuition can actually help us succeed- Imagination helps us reach higher heights too! The moon in Pisces brings subconscious emotions and needs to the surface, allowing us to unpack what we truly want. It might feel like we’re sleep walking through the day. Sink into this soft and dreamy state- when we’re fully relaxed, we can more easily release what we’re ready to let go of.
1/14/24 ✨ Venus Trine North Node
The future looks bright! Venus harmonizes with the North Node, aligning our desires with our destiny. Optimism about our future can help us move forward in relationships or make big travel plans. Spontaneous wishes could be instantly fulfilled! The Pisces moon meets Saturn, bringing up fear and doubt, but our worries are quickly assuaged by supportive connections to Jupiter and Mars this morning. It’s easy to jump into action and trust in the moves we’re making. This afternoon, the moon opposes Lilith, helping us to clearly see the ways our emotions have been repressed. This is an opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty and be intentional about how we process our feelings.
1/13/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Capricorn
A restless mind is par for the course! Mental Mercury spends the day at the last degree of Sagittarius, bringing through big dreams and spontaneous ideas. A supportive connection to the Aquarius moon makes us feel innovative and open to new perspectives too. Together in a supportive sextile, the moon and Mercury enter new signs this evening. Even if you feel like you have a million dollar idea, sleep on it. When Mercury enters Capricorn, we’ll be able to think more practically. But don’t worry… the waxing crescent moon in Pisces will keep us tapped into the magic over the coming days.