3/19/24 ✨ Welcome to Aries Season
It’s GO time! Welcome to Aries Season. This is a moment of collective rebirth as the sun transitions from the last sign of the zodiac to the first, beginning a new lap around the astrological wheel. The Aries sun ushers in Spring, bringing fresh perspective and new opportunity for growth. As Mercury meets the North Node in Aries today, our mind is focused on the path ahead. New ideas can act as a springboard into our destiny. The moon moves from Cancer to Leo this afternoon, amplifying the transition from water to fire. Give yourself full permission to feel big emotions as they arise, but beware of trying to force change or control transformation. Flowers take their time to bloom and so can you.
3/18/24 ✨ Moon in Cancer
The Cancer moon takes us on an emotional ride this Moon Day! We start the morning feeling responsible and optimistic as the moon connects with Jupiter. But springing out of bed is only half the battle- When the moon makes a mid-morning square to Mercury, it can feel like our body and our mind are on different pages. Where we can find common ground between the two, we can find motivation to forge ahead. Pain points could pop up this afternoon under a tense 90º angle to Chiron, but this discomfort is forcing us to evolve. Notice how you might be abandoning your own needs to take care of others. Remember- self care isn’t selfish. The moon comes into a sextile with Uranus tonight, asking us to lean into change and embrace who we’re becoming in our next version.
3/17/24 ✨ Sun Conjunct Neptune
This SUN Day is a day for dreaming. As the Pisces sun meets Neptune, the boundaries of consciousness dissolve. Creativity and spirituality come naturally, but it’s easy to get lost in the sauce today too. Allow yourself to check out of reality without falling too far down a rabbit hole. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer attunes us to our intuition. Trust gut feelings today. As the moon harmonizes with Venus, allow yourself to be a vessel of love.
3/16/24 ✨ First Quarter Moon in Gemini
The Gemini moon builds momentum this Saturn Day. The day begins with connections to Lilith and Chiron, bringing up pain points. How we address irritation is a direct indication of where we are on our healing journey. As the moon comes into a trine with Mars, our energy increases this evening. We have plenty of motivation and stamina to propel us into social settings. As the moon squares the sun and Neptune tonight, we approach a prime moment to take action. Even if your vision is still foggy, trust your dreams are coming into reality.
3/15/24 ✨ Moon in Gemini
The Gemini moon keeps us engaged and stimulated today. We wake up under a square to Venus, making us crave affection and pleasure. We might feel especially needy and we’re quick to reach for anything that will make us feel good this morning. Become a witness to your mental dialogue this afternoon. The moon connects with Mercury, helping us become consciously aware of how we feel. But a square to Saturn follows, forcing us to be realistic (or even negative.) If you find yourself spiraling into fear or doubt, remember: Not every thought you think or emotion you feel is true. Treat yourself as a respected elder might approach you.
3/14/24 ✨ Moon Enters Gemini
When in doubt, shake it out. No really… moving your body can help dissolve any agitation or restlessness today. We wake up under a conjunction of the Taurus moon and Uranus, causing disruptions or surprises. A square to Mars adds friction and irritation. When the aggravating energy dies down this afternoon, our energy could crash too. An afternoon nap could be in order thanks to a supportive sextile from Neptune. Tonight, the waxing crescent moon moves into Gemini, helping us make sense of our emotions and gather more information to plot our next steps. A trine to Pluto reminds us that evolution is happening in every moment, even if we can’t see the big picture yet.
3/13/24 ✨ Moon Conjunct Jupiter
Responsibility and generosity are two sides of the same coin. When the moon in Taurus connects with Saturn, we can lean into grounded leadership. How can you take full responsibility for your emotions and be an example for others. By the evening, the moon meets Jupiter, magnifying our emotions. Jupiter’s positive influence tends to make us feel optimistic and generous, but all emotions seem larger during this conjunction. Find a healthy outlet for big feelings to be fully expressed!
3/12/24 ✨ Moon Enters Taurus
Take it easy. After an overnight connection to Mars, the Aries moon is void for most of the day, giving us permission to move slowly and complete unfinished projects. This is not the day to start anything new, but rather, focus on lightening the load of what you’ve already started. When the moon enters Taurus tonight, she invites us to ground into our body and appreciate the resources already within our reach. We have everything we need.
3/11/24 ✨ Venus Enters Pisces
Love is the focus of this Moon Day. Venus transitions from Aquarius to Pisces, allowing us to tap into a higher love. Over the coming weeks, creativity can flow through us effortlessly. The relationships we’re attracted to now are likely to bring us closer to our spirituality… just be careful not to get too lost in the sauce. It’s easy to be caught up in a fantasy with Venus in the sign of illusion. Meanwhile, the moon in Aries gives us plenty of energy to get our week going. Tonight, the waxing moon joins Chiron and the North Node, making us painfully aware of our wounds and reminding us that healing them is part of our destiny.
3/10/24 ✨ New Moon in Pisces
Embrace the magic of transformation under the Pisces New Moon. This is a powerful day to imagine what’s possible. But first, Mercury connects with Pluto, inviting us to do a deep dive into what we’ve released as we close a chapter. From here, we can appreciate the space has been created for something new to begin. Think of today like the liminal space between what was and what will be. Allow yourself to fully soak in the feeling of trusting the unknown. By the end of the weekend, the moon enters Aries, setting the stage for us to move in the direction of our dreams.
3/9/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aries
Change is in the air today. The Sun and Mars connect with Uranus at nearly the same time, illuminating the shifts happening in our lives and shaking up what is no longer meant for us. There’s an energy of agitation and restlessness- Mercury is sitting at the last degree of Pisces for most of the day too. Moving too quickly could result in accidents or regrets. When Mercury moves into Aries tonight, our thoughts and words get a little louder. Meanwhile, our emotions take us on ride today. A meeting of the moon and Saturn makes us feel tired or jaded this morning. But we get a dose of positivity from Jupiter this afternoon. As we approach the New Moon, we are asked to be still, observe our true feelings, and create space for new possibilities.
3/8/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Neptune
It’s a beautiful day to get lost in a fantasy. As Mercury in Pisces crosses over Neptune, we can check out of the this earthly realm and let our imagination take us to magical places. Creativity and magic rule today. With so much Pisces energy in the forecast, we’re sensitive to deception. This isn’t the day to make agreements or rely on mental sharpness. Instead, allow yourself to simply dream and feel. Love and pleasure dominate our emotional experience as when the moon and Venus meet in Aquarius. When the dark moon enters Pisces tonight, the pace slows even more. Find solace in stillness.