5/23/24 ✨ Sagittarius Full Moon + Venus Enters Gemini
The Sagittarius Full Moon feels like the most joyous lunation of the year! As the moon enters Sagittarius, Venus meets Jupiter, amplifying our ability to experience love and pleasure. In fact, we may experience an almost overwhelming need to feel good today! Indulge in your senses and allow yourself to experience the freedom of having fun. Spontaneous adventure? Yes please! Moving our body is a powerful way to move through any restlessness or overexcitement. As the moon becomes full, she connects with alchemist Pluto, making transformation feel exciting. We can give gratitude for what has already fallen away and get excited about the space we’ve created for a new journey. Now is the time to rise and jump into the next chapter! As Venus enters Gemini this afternoon, we’re eager to connect with others and share our experienced. What a joy to be alive!
4/27/24 ✨ Moon Trine Mercury
The moon continues her trip through Sagittarius, taking us on a ride. There’s great potential for healing today if we recognize the power of having fun and feeling pleasure. Release can come naturally when we allow ourselves to simply enjoy the human experience. But moving too quickly could result in accidental hurt when the moon squares Lilith. A seemingly harmless quip or mindless move could land more harshly than anticipated. Slow down and be intentional with how you relate to others. Late tonight, it will feel especially pleasurable to indulge in the body’s desires and relax.
4/26/24 ✨ Moon in Sagittarius
Let your hair down and release. The Sagittarius moon reminds us that life is meant to be enjoyed. Embrace the optimistic, abundant vibes of this Waning Gibbous moon- it’s easy to see possibilities now. With the moon in a fire sign, physical movement will feel especially cathartic today. Stay open to spontaneous urges for adventure and ideas about expansion.
4/25/24 ✨ Mercury Stations Direct
Press the reset button. Mercury stations direct in Aries, giving us an opportunity to reflect on all the wisdom we’ve gained over the past few weeks and begin again with renewed perspective. And we’ll have plenty of motivation to back up our mindset this morning as the Scorpio moon harmonized with Mars. It’s go time! But don’t be surprised if you hit a wall (or completely crash) this afternoon when the moon connects with Neptune. Going too hard this morning could lead to burnout and mental fog this evening. The Waning Gibbous moon enters Sagittarius this evening, renewing our sense of optimism and reminding us to let our hair down and have fun. There’s value in allowing ourselves to feel both the lows and highs of life.
3/31/24 ✨ Moon Enters Capricorn
Our sugar cravings could feel almost overwhelming this Easter Sunday! An impulsive desire to experience pleasure can make egg hunts and chocolate bunnies feel extra exciting. By the afternoon, communication hiccups could pop up. The Sagittarius moon harmonizes with Mercury in Aries, making conversations feel like they’re happening in hyper speed. At the same time, a square to Neptune, creates confusion. Sloooowwww down… Speaking too quickly could get us in hot water. When the moon enters Capricorn tonight, the energy dies down. Take time to come into the present moment and appreciate how far you’ve come on your journey so far.
3/30/24 ✨ Sagittarius Moon Trine Sun
It’s a great Saturday for an exciting adventure! The Sagittarius moon harmonizes with the Aries sun, lighting a fire under us! Vitality and confidence come naturally today, but we might hit a wall this afternoon when the moon squares Saturn. Fear and doubt could stifle feelings of freedom. The lesson of the day: Healing can happen when we simply allow ourselves to have fun and experience joy.
3/29/24 ✨ Moon Enters Sagittarius
Exhale. Release. Let it all pour out. The Scorpio moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning, giving us a slow and sleepy start to the day. The energy picks up this afternoon when the moon enters Sagittarius, inviting us to let our hair down and let go! As the moon continues her release in the sign of the archer, we can embrace the feeling of freedom. A sextile to Pluto asks us to lean into transformation. Create space for new adventures. Late tonight, a square to Mars could ruffle feathers. Aggression and irritation are possible. Beware of fighting battles that aren’t your own. Stay in your lane. The Sagittarius moon reminds us life isn’t supposed to be so serious.
3/4/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Uranus
This Moon Day brings an opportunity to process. What are you releasing and how is it making space for more opportunity in your life? As Mercury connects with Uranus, we’re open to innovative ideas and exciting information. From this place of possibility, it becomes easier to let go of anything holding us back from the freedom we need to evolve. The moon enters Capricorn this afternoon, asking us to view our feelings through a logical lens. As we disconnect from our raw emotions, we can be more practical and responsible. The coming days can help us realize why we’re letting go and what will truly support our long-term goals moving forward. This is a powerful time to seek guidance from elders or people we respect too.
3/3/24 ✨ Venus Square Uranus
Expect the unexpected this Sunday. As Venus squares Uranus, surprises and abrupt changes in relationships and finances are in the forecast. We could feel a spontaneous urge to redecorate or change our appearance too. Rash decisions in the moment could lead to regret down the road. The same goes for our speech- Mercury opposes Lilith, giving our words more power. This transit can give us the confidence to speak our mind, but how we share our thoughts could come across as critical or harsh. The Sagittarius moon continues her release. Now is the time to trust that what’s falling away is no longer meant for us- but be especially mindful how you say goodbye! There’s always an opportunity to let go with love.
3/2/24 ✨ Last Quarter Moon Enters Sagittarius
Let it go! As the Last Quarter Moon enters Sagittarius, we can release with a sense of faith. Trust that whatever is falling away is creating space for more expansion. As the moon connects with Pluto, we are asked to lean into the discomfort of evolution. It’s time to loosen our grip and jump into the unknown. With the moon in the fiery sign of Sagittarius, physical movement can feel especially freeing over the coming days.
2/5/24 ✨ Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Powerful conversations and profound ideas could transform our mindset as Mercury meets Pluto at 0º Aquarius. Innovation is in the forecast, but beware of being overly eager to put thoughts into action. The sun and Venus connect with Chiron, illuminating our wounding to show us what needs to be healed. Pain points in relationships could come up, forcing us to evolve. The Sagittarius moon squares Neptune tonight- optimism and delusion are two sides of the same coin. No need to say yes to things today- give ideas time to develop.
2/4/24 ✨ Mercury Enters Aquarius
Try not to speak or react too quickly this Sunday. Messenger Mercury spends most of the day at the 29th degree of Capricorn, making our mind feel restless. Sharing our ideas before they’re fully formed doesn’t always benefit us- Wait until Mercury enters Aquarius late tonight. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius moon makes tense connections to Saturn and Lilith throughout the day. Remember, not all fears are truth. If you find yourself spiraling or needing to defend yourself, take a step back and consider your goals and the wisdom you’re gaining from the pursuit of them.