Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/20/22 ✨ Jupiter Enters Aries

Let’s goooo! Jupiter enters Aries and it’s full speed ahead! With the planet of abundance in the first sign of the zodiac, it feels exciting to embark on new endeavors. We’re motivated to go after our desires and optimistic about the outcome. But it’s also possible to be a little too eager while Jupiter is at 0º. The waning Scorpio moon connects with Saturn and Neptune to start the day, making us feel like checking out or isolating.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/19/22 ✨ Venus and Mars connect with Chiron

Love and money triggers could pop up as Venus squares Chiron this Monday. Considering the long-term potential of relationships and finances could bring up insecurities or past wounds. But Mars makes its own connection to the Wounded Healer this afternoon, helping us move forward and take action on our healing journey. The Scorpio moon brings deep emotions to the surface.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/18/22 ✨ Venus Trine North Node

Fated moments in love and money are possible this Sunday as Venus harmonizes with the North Node. We can easily align with who we’re becoming and the lessons we’re learning, but at the same time, we must acknowledge the parts of ourselves we’re leaving behind in the process. How we spend our money today could also open opportunities for our future. The moon makes its final connections in Libra this morning, highlighting our emotional investments in relationships.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/17/22 ✨ Mercury Trine Uranus

Ch ch ch ch changes! Mercury and Uranus harmonize this Saturday, opening us to changes of plan and changes of mind. We can experience flashes of insight and new ideas during this transit. Surprising information and stimulating conversations are also on the agenda. The waning moon in Libra puts the focus on our relationships with others.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/16/22 ✨ Last Quarter Moon

What are you still grasping tightly? The last quarter moon moves from Virgo to Libra today, asking us to release control in order to find balance. But the moon makes the most of its last hours in Virgo! A square between the moon and sun creates resistance, showing us where to let go and trust. Connections to Pluto and Lilith highlight transformation, helping us reclaim our power as emotions and connections fall away. And a potent opposition between the Virgo moon and Jupiter at the 29th degree makes us feel restless, inviting a major purge of emotion.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/15/22 ✨ Moon in Virgo

What would happen if you let go of control and leaned into trust? The waning Virgo moon takes us on a tender emotional ride throughout the day. An overnight trine to Mercury allows insights to flow through. But a square to Mars makes for a night of tossing and turning. Feeling restless is in the forecast. We wake up feeling anticipation and excitement under a harmonious connection between the moon and Uranus. Following our instincts and doing things differently is favored today.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/14/22 ✨ Sun Square Neptune

Feeling a little lost or confused? The Sagittarius sun squares Neptune, stirring up doubt. This transit can cause anxiety and sensitivity, but at the same time, it can make us feel sleepy or lethargic. Rather than searching for clarity, take stock of blurry boundaries and unanswered questions. Meanwhile, messenger Mercury connects with Chiron and the nodes of fate today. We can understand the direction we’re meant to head as our path unfolds, but letting go of the past can bring up triggering thoughts. Watch your words- our expression can come across as harsh (or even hostile) tonight.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/13/22 ✨ Pluto Opposite Lilith

This Mars Day invites us to tap into our power! We’ve been experiencing a potent opposition between Pluto and Lilith for several weeks now, but the polarity comes to a head today. This transit can help us find confidence in the midst of transformation, but it could also bring out our inner-bitch. Remember- there’s a difference between owning your power and being overpowering… Stand in your worth without tearing others down.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/12/22 ✨ Sun Sextile Saturn

What lessons are you learning? As the sun and Saturn lock into a supportive angle, we can make practical sense of the expansion we’re undergoing. This sextile can help us find concentration and get work done. Getting advice from elders or sharing what we’ve learned with others is favored now. The waning Leo moon invites us to release through playful expression.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/11/22 ✨ Moon Enters Leo

Sunday starts with a burst of intensity as the Cancer moon meets up with Lilith at the most distant point on its orbit. At this dark and shadowy station, emotions buried in our own depths can rise to the surface. A simultaneous opposition to Pluto amplifies the intensity. We feel a need for control today- but watch out for power struggles and manipulation tactics. By the middle of the day, harmony between the moon and Jupiter brings our emotions to a head.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/10/22 ✨ Cancer Moon

The moon in Cancer makes for a cozy Saturday. We crave being at home and around family. The moon connects with Uranus first thing this morning, creating a sense of anticipation. We can experience an energetic shift if we lean into excitement. Late tonight, a harmonious angle between the moon and Neptune makes it easy to get lost in a fantasy. Our creativity and intuition are heightened tonight. Pay special attention to any vivid dreams!

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

12/9/22 ✨ Venus Enters Capricorn

This is the ULTIMATE Venus Day. The planet of love, money, and beauty spends most of the day squaring Jupiter, amplifying our need for pleasure. Overeating, overspending, and overindulging in general are all too easy today! We benefit from feeling outgoing and friendly, but being too friendly could lead to sticky situations. Boundaries! Venus enters Capricorn as the week ends, bringing us back down to Earth. Over the coming weeks, we’ll see our relationships and finances through a more practical lens. As we review our values, we’ll be focused on fostering connections that can stand the test of time.

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