Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/25/24 ✨ Mercury Stations Direct

Press the reset button. Mercury stations direct in Aries, giving us an opportunity to reflect on all the wisdom we’ve gained over the past few weeks and begin again with renewed perspective. And we’ll have plenty of motivation to back up our mindset this morning as the Scorpio moon harmonized with Mars. It’s go time! But don’t be surprised if you hit a wall (or completely crash) this afternoon when the moon connects with Neptune. Going too hard this morning could lead to burnout and mental fog this evening. The Waning Gibbous moon enters Sagittarius this evening, renewing our sense of optimism and reminding us to let our hair down and have fun. There’s value in allowing ourselves to feel both the lows and highs of life.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/24/24 ✨ Jupiter Trine Lilith

We’re breaking free! As Jupiter and Uranus move through Taurus together, they come into a harmonious trine with Black Moon Lilith. Our need for freedom and expression are amplified now. We may feel an overwhelming desire to unleash the parts of ourselves that have been stifled or repressed. But be mindful about how you express what’s been hidden in the shadows. Claiming our sovereignty can also be perceived as dominating or being mean. The Scorpio Full Moon only adds to the intense (and bitchy) energy. If you notice yourself trying to control or manipulate others, get honest about where that tendency really stems from. Remember: the best way to take back your power is to control yourself.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/29/24 ✨ Moon Enters Sagittarius

Exhale. Release. Let it all pour out. The Scorpio moon harmonizes with Neptune this morning, giving us a slow and sleepy start to the day. The energy picks up this afternoon when the moon enters Sagittarius, inviting us to let our hair down and let go! As the moon continues her release in the sign of the archer, we can embrace the feeling of freedom. A sextile to Pluto asks us to lean into transformation. Create space for new adventures. Late tonight, a square to Mars could ruffle feathers. Aggression and irritation are possible. Beware of fighting battles that aren’t your own. Stay in your lane. The Sagittarius moon reminds us life isn’t supposed to be so serious.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/28/24 ✨ Venus Sextile Uranus

Open to new expressions of love today. As Venus connects with Uranus, we’re invited to change our perspective on what pleasure and beauty can feel like. Seeking out different experiences and sharing our affection in unconventional ways can lead to breakthroughs in relationships. Getting innovative with our finances can be beneficial too! The Scorpio moon opposes Jupiter and Uranus, cracking us open to share emotions in new ways. But overextending ourselves could lead to a whiplash effect. Mood swings and outburst are possible this evening if we feel like we’ve lost control. We end the day under a harmonious trine between the waning moon and Venus, allowing love to flow freely. Relax your grip and allow beauty to wash over you.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/27/24 ✨ Venus Opposite Lilith

Craving control? All of today’s transits make us want to tighten our grip, but the true magic happens in release. Venus opposes Lilith, showing us where we’ve abandoned our values and given our power away. No need to reclaim it with hostility though- stay sovereign and focus on yourself. The moon dives into Scorpio overnight, bringing us deeper into our well of emotions. Intense feelings can surface in the wake of the full moon. Compulsive tendencies can pop up when the moon squares Pluto. A following trine to Mars, gives us plenty of motivation and energy to work with today, but aggression is a possible side-effect. Become witness to all emotions that are surfacing now. Get curious about where they’re coming from and what valuable message they carry. This is how true transformation happens.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/1/24 ✨ Sun Sextile Jupiter

Our light shines a little brighter under a supportive sextile between the Pisces Sun and Jupiter. Our life force is literally magnified. Meanwhile, Venus connects with Chiron and the North Node, bringing healing through odd interactions and fated encounters. The Scorpio moon takes us on a roller coaster ride from indulging in cravings this morning to experiencing surprises or disruptions this afternoon. This day could feel like multiple days packed into one- and by the end of it all, we’ll be able to drift off to sleep with ease.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/29/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Jupiter

Big plans and potent ideas can come through on this magical LEAP Day! As Mercury in Pisces gets support from Jupiter, we’re prone to making grand plans before thinking through the details. Silver linings could cloud our judgment. Let this be a day for brainstorming- keep a notebook close by or a trusted friend on speed dial- but don’t make anything concrete just yet. The Scorpio moon makes back-to-back connections throughout the evening, giving us plenty of energy to connect with others and share our ideas. But a square to Mars could make us feel irritable tonight. Notice where you feel frustrated- this is an invitation to reclaim your power and focus on what you can control.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/28/24 ✨ Sun and Mercury Conjunct Saturn

What lessons are you learning? What wisdom do you have the authority to share? These are the questions to ask as the Pisces sun meets Mercury and Saturn in a triple conjunction. This transit can bring crystal clarity, illuminating the challenges we’ve overcome and what we’ve learned in the process. We have the mental tenacity to “do hard things” today too. But fears and doubts could pop up in the process. If you find yourself becoming anxious or overwhelmed, slow down to Saturn’s pace- remember, there’s no rush. As the moon dives into Scorpio, it asks us to purge what no longer supports our evolution to make space for our next version to emerge.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/3/24 ✨ Venus Trine Lilith

There’s power knowing our worth. Venus harmonizes with Lilith, allowing us to claim our desires and stand in our sovereignty. The Scorpio moon makes potent connections to Mars, Neptune, and Mercury. We have plenty of energy and creativity to work with today- use it to dream and feel into what’s coming next. Now is the time to make space for our next chapter. When the moon enters Sagittarius, we’ll feel a spontaneous urge to transform. Surrender and have faith. It’s all working out in divine timing- no need to control.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/2/24 ✨ Mercury Sextile Neptune

2/2 is a day for dreamers! Mercury makes a supportive sextile to Neptune, asking us to use our imagination and allow our creativity to inform our mindset. The Last Quarter Moon allows us to believe in the magic of the mystery. Connections to Saturn and Jupiter show us the lessons we’re learning- but be careful not to jump to conclusions just yet! What we water will grow if we invest our energy intentionally, but manifestation takes time. We must cut ties with what no longer serves us to create space for new opportunities. There is power in our ability to let go and trust in the unknown.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

2/1/24 ✨ Moon Enters Scorpio

Don’t let the calm of the morning fool you… We wake under a void moon in Libra, bringing sleepy, meditative energy. This isn’t the time to complete anything of significance. But when the Last Quarter Moon enters Scorpio this afternoon, it’s an entirely different story! The moon immediately squares Pluto, forcing our deepest, darkest emotions to the surface in a rather volatile manner. This transit can feel explosive. Remember- what’s coming up needs to come out. Like a researcher in a lab, be the observer of the emotional reaction happening within you.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

8/23/23 ✨ Virgo Season Begins!

Welcome to Virgo Season! The late-summer sun moves into the sign of the virgin, ushering us into a season of intention and productivity. But just hours later, Mercury begins a three-week retrograde, scrambling our mental state and crossing wires. Tech glitches and communication breakdowns are to be expected. The Scorpio moon makes us crave control- beware of trying to manipulate others to avoid your own discomfort. Remaining rooted in our own bodies can help us navigate any unexpected twists and turns. In this season of high standards and morals, stay devoted to your highest self. But remember- perfection is an illusion.

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