Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

6/7/23 ✨ Venus Square North Node

Embracing our authenticity can create shifts in our closest relationships. Venus squares the North and South Nodes today, marking a turning point in our desires. But as the moon moves into Aquarius, she completes a Grand Cross, creating resistance to change, but also generating the friction to make it happen! Expressing ourselves freely and genuinely is key today- especially as the sun connects with Lilith, shining light on anything we’ve repressed or hidden. Allowing our deepest truths to surface is an act of freeing ourselves. Harsh or difficult interactions can show us what we truly value.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

9/8/22 ✨ Sun Trine North Node + Sextile Lilith

Sassy or confident? There’s a fine line between the two today. The sun harmonies with the North Node, illuminating our direction and helping us to embody the next version of ourself. But a simultaneous sextile to Lilith could ruffle some feathers as we take a break from the modesty of Virgo season and let our inner wild woman out to play. Watch out for being overly harsh or critical. The Aquarius moon makes some tense connections…

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

4/20/22 ✨ Sun Sextile Lilith

The Taurus sun’s 60º angle to Lilith in Cancer can feel like a return to our body. As the sun shines supportive rays on our rebellious shadows, we can become aware of any distress signals our body might be sending us. When the moon moves into Capricorn tonight, we could find ourselves trying to rationalize our emotions rather than allowing ourselves to feel them.

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