Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

5/3/23 ✨ Sun Square Lilith

Our primal urges could take over today. The Taurus sun squares Lilith in Leo, provoking the wild one within. Expression that’s been repressed could find its way out in a rather dramatic way! The moon in Libra brings the focus to our relationships, making it natural to try to keep the peace. Passive-aggressive tendencies could turn into full-blown arguments. If you’re feeling moody or anxious, move your body to release tension.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

10/13/22 ✨ Venus Trine Saturn + Sun Square Lilith

How are you relating to others? Relationships are always powerful teachers, but especially so today. We start the morning under a square between the sun and Lilith, forcing us to listen to our bodily urges. There’s power in sharing what’s on your heart- especially as Venus and Saturn harmonize to end this Thursday. We can see relationships, finances, and beauty through a more sensible lens. Ask yourself: Can this stand the test of time?

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

3/17/22 ✨ Mercury Sextile Uranus

The energy builds as the moon becomes full late tonight. Meanwhile, Mercury and Uranus come into a supportive angle, allowing inspired ideas or psychic downloads to come through… but only if we slow down enough and open our senses. Spiritual practices could help you gain some clarity on what you need to release to enter Spring with fresh energy.

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