6/18/23 ✨ Sun Square Neptune
This SUN Day, the Gemini sun squares dreamy Neptune, causing our mind to wander. Confusion is a possible side-effect and it’s easy to overlook the facts. But our imagination is activated under this influence too. The waxing moon moves into Cancer, asking us to come back home to our body. Our intuition can help us fill in the blanks that our rational mind can’t quite comprehend yet. A fortunate triangle with Jupiter and Saturn allows us to trust in the wisdom we’re gaining and have hope for the cycle ahead.
12/14/22 ✨ Sun Square Neptune
Feeling a little lost or confused? The Sagittarius sun squares Neptune, stirring up doubt. This transit can cause anxiety and sensitivity, but at the same time, it can make us feel sleepy or lethargic. Rather than searching for clarity, take stock of blurry boundaries and unanswered questions. Meanwhile, messenger Mercury connects with Chiron and the nodes of fate today. We can understand the direction we’re meant to head as our path unfolds, but letting go of the past can bring up triggering thoughts. Watch your words- our expression can come across as harsh (or even hostile) tonight.
6/16/22 ✨ Sun Trine Saturn and Square Neptune
Slow down, kiddo! The busy Gemini sun gets a speed check as it connects with slow Saturn in Aquarius. We could receive praise or recognition for an accomplishment today. Sharing our wisdom with others feels natural. But a simultaneous square between the sun and Neptune creates confusion, sensitivity, and doubt. There’s conflict between fantasy and reality.