9/8/23 ✨ Sun Trine Jupiter
Good luck is on our side! The sun makes its bi-annual harmony to abundant Jupiter, opening us to expansion and growth. There’s plenty of possibility and positivity to work with today! With the sun in Virgo, fortune favors those with pure intentions today. The Cancer moon keeps us connected to our gut instincts. A trine to Saturn gives us natural authority and responsibility, but we’re prone to being impulsive this afternoon when the moon clashes with Mars! It’s easy to get caught up in the optimism of the day. Remember, there’s no rush. We can trust that what’s meant for us will find us.
11/20/22 ✨ Sun Trine Jupiter
We have abundance in the forecast this Sunday as the sun harmonizes with Jupiter! This transit allows us to easily find optimism and faith. Even with Mars and Neptune still creating confusion in the background, there’s a general sense of everything working out for our highest good. The Libra moon comes into a Grand Trine with Mars and Saturn, helping us to find our inner authority and act with diplomacy and responsibility. This is a powerful transit to set an emotional example for others.
7/31/22 ✨ Sun Trine Jupiter
If your weekend hasn’t quite been smooth sailing… just you wait! The Leo sun forms a fiery harmony to Jupiter in Aries this afternoon, bringing an abundance of good vibes and positivity. But you might have to clear away some cobwebs to get there… The day starts with a square between Chiron and Venus. Painful moments in relationships or wounding around money could pop up unexpectedly.