Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/20/23 ✨ Sun Trine Neptune & Mars Opposite Saturn

Is it possible to be sensitive and aggressive at the same time? Today’s transits say yes. A harmonious connection between the Cancer sun and Neptune in Pisces amplifies our intuition and illuminates our emotions. But this afternoon, aggravating Mars faces off with serious Saturn, triggering aggression and irritation. Our own insecurities become fuel for power struggles and internal battles. Channeling our stamina into intense physical movement can help regulate difficult emotions.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/14/22 ✨ Sun Trine Neptune & Mercury Sextile Pluto

We benefit from a positive start to the week, with nothing but fortunate aspects playing out among the planets. The sun and Neptune harmonize, wrapping up a five-day Grand Trine in water signs. This balanced connection helps us lean into compassion and empathy, while also heightening our intuition. We’re more aware of our sensitivity, but at the same time, we gain a greater understanding of our own ideals and beliefs. Mercury and Pluto make a supportive connection as well today, giving us the urge to investigate. We’re prone to researching (even obsessively) to get to the bottom of things. Both of these transits combined feel a bit like the saying “as above, so below.”

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

7/17/22 ✨ Venus Enters Cancer

The intuitive insights keep pouring in this Sunday as Mercury and the sun harmonize with Neptune in Pisces. These watery trines heighten our psychic sensitivities. This evening, Venus enters Cancer. But fair warning— Venus spends most of Sunday at the anaretic degree (29º) before she crosses the Cancer threshold. It will be tempting to reach for guilty pleasures or quick flings throughout the day.

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Olivia DeGennaro Olivia DeGennaro

11/12/21 ✨ Scorpio Sun Trine Neptune

This Friday is FULL of Pisces energy. We can boost our 11/11 manifestations by thinking about our dream life- the Sun’s aspect to Neptune helps us fantasize. We’ll be able to express our feelings easily and hold space for others to do the same. This is a great day for rituals or spiritual practices.

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